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  1. Mittomen

    WiiM Pro Plus - Review & Measurements (Streamer)

    Thank you for this excellent review! 4:21 AM? Hats off to your dedication!
  2. Mittomen

    PlayClassics TRT v2.1j master file giveaway for ASR members

    Hello Mario! It is really kind of you, thank you. I'd like to listen to "Modern Times" and "From Russia with Love".
  3. Mittomen

    Magnepan LRS Speaker Review

    Thank you Amir for the hard work, and thank you all who have contributed to the wealth of information in this thread! Is there any special setting in REW (in preferences or elsewhere) one should change when measuring Maggies for room EQ? Any differences in the procedure (compared to Amir's "Room...
  4. Mittomen


    I must admit, my choice was somewhat emotionally biased
  5. Mittomen

    How to Measure Magnepan LRS

    I did. But I'm no expert - so I thought it's better to post even it is irrelevant than to not post something what might be relevant.
  6. Mittomen

    How to Measure Magnepan LRS

    There is a letter to Stereophile from Siegfried Linkwitz on the topic, here:
  7. Mittomen

    Magnepan Fan Makes a Video for the LRS

    It was about 15 years ago when I first saw and heard Maggies (3.x) at a HiFi Show in a small Hotel room. I fell in love with the appearance, the vanishing trick, and the huge soundstage they've presented. I had to wait another 10+ years to find and be able to purchase a pair of 2.6Rs (here in...
  8. Mittomen

    Denon AVR-X4700H 2020 AVR Review

    You could have done your research before your first post, couldn't you? Now, look at that horrible multitone test - that's a test tone that's said to best resemble real music. I am not sure that it can't be heard, or that is an appropriate performance of a 1700$ AVR in 2020. edit- unlike many...
  9. Mittomen

    Singxer UIP-1 USB Isolator Review

    There is a newer product from the same company which goes into a PCI or PCI-E slot, claiming even better filtration: for just 10€ more. Hope somebody will measure...
  10. Mittomen

    Singxer UIP-1 USB Isolator Review

    When I was searching for cheaper solutions, I found some products from Elfidelity ( . I am curious if someone has measured their effect, and...
  11. Mittomen

    Singxer UIP-1 USB Isolator Review

    How come??? Can you please do your woodoo on my two old PCs? Both have dirty usbs, while the "Work" MacBookPro's usbs are dead silent. Since the dac is a Sabaj Da-3, it'd be silly to filter it with a box which costs double then the dac itself. Using balanced out (floating ground) solves usb...
  12. Mittomen

    Schiit Magni 3+ and Heresy Headphone Amp Reviews

    :-O Happy to read this, it's a positive outcome.
  13. Mittomen

    Review and Measurements of Weiliang Audio 2019 DC300 DAC

    You need a crying wolf figure (headless is so cruel). Thank you for your work!
  14. Mittomen

    RPG Modex’ membrane’ bass traps

    Thank you Keith, I am very obliged and greatful!
  15. Mittomen

    RPG Modex’ membrane’ bass traps

    Hello Keith! I'm interested - PM sent.
  16. Mittomen

    Review and Measurements of E1DA 9038S BAL Portable DAC & Amp

    If you send me one, I can measure it with a calibrated spectrophoto(radio)meter and retouch an image in Photoshop. Just joking! Keep up the good work!
  17. Mittomen

    Master "deals" (massdrop, ebay, Amazon, etc.) Thread on Audio Product Sales

    Just got this from (Mass)Drop: "An unbeatable value in the audio world, this Drop Bounty Box lets you choose from a wide range of our Audiophile Community’s favorite headphones, IEMs, and more—whether you’re just starting...
  18. Mittomen

    Review and Measurements of Sound Blaster Omni 5.1 DAC

    ... or Etien Dechamps’s (edechamps) FlexASIO (
  19. Mittomen

    Dirac and similar

    Sidenote question: how good ( or bad ) are measuring microphones bundled with AVRs (I have one from Yamaha), for using them with REW or other DRC software?
  20. Mittomen

    Review and Measurements of E1DA 9038S BAL Portable DAC & Amp

    Thank you Solderdude! What to do with XLR pin1? Leave floating or connect to shield?
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