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  1. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    With THD COMP THD+N -121.61dB
  2. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    DSD test file preparation including DSD 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048
  3. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    These are all audio evaluation boards that I personally designed.
  4. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    This is a 1/8-inch measurement-grade scientific microphone, and you can find its prototype in IEC61094. We use it in the field of ultrasound detection.
  5. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    we use this for a special high frequency condenser microphone which BW up to 240kHz
  6. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    now ES9822 is works fine with xmos xu316 at 384kHz SR
  7. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    Backup images for the problematic sample rate.
  8. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    Thank you for your reply! Those results look great. May I ask if your ES9822 is running in slave mode or master mode? Also, are you using a 24MHz or 49MHz crystal? I haven’t checked the clock-data alignment on the XMOS with a scope yet, as the digital loopback works fine at 384kHz. I’ll make...
  9. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer I'm using this chip, and it's running well with low power consumption.
  10. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    Compared to its predecessor, the power consumption of the XU316 has been significantly reduced. The peak power consumption of the entire system (including the ES9822) is around 1.2W, approximately 230mA. The USB port can fully operate and even support DAC operation at 768kHz.
  11. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    These are photos of the devices: the XMOS XU316 EVB and the ES9822 ADC EVB. They are still in the evaluation board stage, but the performance is already quite good. I’m using them in my microphone data collection research project. These won’t be commercialized; they’re just projects I’m...
  12. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    And here are XMOS_316 with ES9822_ADC Background Noise. (around -160dB)
  13. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    Here are test result with D10B. THD -124dB (0.000063%) THD+N -116dB (0.00015%) Limited by the performance of the Topping D10b.
  14. Lufia

    XMOS ES9822 ADC Audio Analyzer

    Hello, I’m new here, and this is my first time posting on this forum. I’m currently working on building an audio analyzer using XMOS 316 and the ES9822 ADC, with the ES9822 as a slave device. It works perfectly at frequencies up to 352.8kHz, and its performance is excellent. Due to the...
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