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  1. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    I'm using the old 'Ultimate' method, but I'm guessing it's the same? Good to know it's just to counter that roll off OMG really, built in I'm sure? Any idea if that's ALL Audyssey, or would, say, an AV10 where they're really trying to push that HiFi audiophile angle (which tends to include a...
  2. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    Sorry, yeah, that was a long winded question and not terribly clear. No, I'm talking about Audyssey channel corrections, and avoiding the steep rises at the edges (I thought they were drop-offs, but I guess I was thinking about the measurements, not the corrections) ... essentially, rather than...
  3. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    Question - leaving whether it makes any difference or not aside, please, for the love of all that is holy - my new SVS Ultra Evo speakers go to 40kHz or 50kHz or something. I've noticed every time I've generated filters that they look an upside down U (give or take), with a steep cliff at or...
  4. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    DPL IIz was also a "front highs" only mode. 5.x.2 I believe though, not sure it would have supported 2.x.2. iirc the Yamaha one was some in-house DSP stuff. Had one of their units for about two days before I realized it didn't do IIz and I returned it for an Onkyo.
  5. H

    Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Noire Review

    OH NEAT! That sounds super easy! I've had them boxed up since I was going to take them back a couple weeks ago but didn't (place and hours are a little out of the way), but I think my tight k371s are giving me headaches, so I'll pull them out tonight for my session of SW: Outlaws, and when...
  6. H

    Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Noire Review

    The shop seems happy to take it back on my word and reference to this thread and that it's an intermittent issue - and I did produce REW measurements with two different mics connected to two different rigs ... but, if one wanted to do multimeter readings without ripping the things apart, making...
  7. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    Personally, I'd - * Absolutely 100% put the MiniDSP back in * Put a "perfect response file" from the Supreme method on the receiver, calibrate the subs with REW+MSO as per typical MiniDSP process * Run the Audyssey multi-point with the MiniDSP in, on, and calibrated * Run that through A1 Very...
  8. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    I had this same problem but for the life of me, I can't remember how I fixed it. The receiver was rejecting my uploads and when I checked there was only one sub. I think I just went right back to the beginning and made a new 'dummy' file to zero out, and it went away after that. Wait, that's...
  9. H

    Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Noire Review

    It returned after about 2.5h of listening, 2.422 dB variance at 1kHz, MUCH worse just below and above that -
  10. H

    Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Noire Review

    Thankfully the retailer ( <3 ) is going to take care of it for me with their distributor. He was going to validate it for himself first though in store, so I figured I'd better get all my ducks in a row - so I hooked all my gear up to a different system, and pulled out my M23R...
  11. H

    Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Noire Review

    Oh yeah, clear as day, almost 3 dB - I emailed the shop I got them at to ask if I could take care of it through them, or if I should contact DCA directly. Hopefully I can take care of it with the shop because I'm in Canada and shipping to/from the States is typically eye wateringly...
  12. H

    Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Noire Review

    Less than two months old, so they should 100% be under warranty yes! Yeah, REW sweep should be easy and prove it for sure ... just been trying to figure out the best way to be extra sure - bypass as much other hardware as I can, check on multiple systems - something. I should try to get it...
  13. H

    Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Noire Review

    Woa... I think this is happening with mine. I have to set my balance quite a bit to the right for centre things to sound centred. I wanted to do some additional troubleshooting, connect it to other sources, etc. ... but seeing you describe exactly what I'm experiencing has me thinking now it...
  14. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    I've never understood this either, because if you've got crossovers _anywhere_, then you're getting more than LFE anyway ... so what is "main" beyond what is crossed over? Surely it's not doubling up your bass
  15. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    Hopefully not to hijack, just a quick aside - if they're SB Pros - do you do the internal per-sub EQ first, then MSO, then Audyssey? I'll have PBs soon and I'm struggling to figure out/plan the best way to use all those EQ options and combinations!
  16. H

    Dan Clark Audio AEON 2 Noire Review

    Would a Topping L70 (6W@16) be a good match for these? I could get an A70 Pro (17W@16) for just 16% ($75 CAD) more, but it seems like it might be overkill? These will likely be the most power hungry thing my setup ever drives, so I don't need to really future proof (in fact I already am as the...
  17. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    I've used Evo twice now doing quick 3-pt cals as I finalize the treatment of my room (and wait for my M23R) and LOVE IT! Great job! I was surprised after running the cal for a day to go in and see that the crossovers were WAY high, I think one of them was like 110 Hz for a speaker pair A1 was...
  18. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    Oooohhhh, I thought this was standard. I'd better do some digging before it ships to make sure it has it then!! ty :) :)
  19. H

    Audyssey Manual Calibration “OCA’s REW + Audyssey Awesomeness”

    He was talking about doing it all automatically like how the original Audyssey measurements are done, but saying that you then couldn't do highs if you were doing it from REW.
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