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    JCALLY JM20 Headphone Dongle Review

    Got one for 13usd in Ali, had to get 2 shirts to get free shipping lol
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    HiFiMan HE-R10P Stealth Headphone Review

    It is a well known fact that closed back hifiman = garbage. Now we have more data to support that
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    Is there any music that actually requires 24 bits for replay?

    Last of Us 2 game has audio option for huge dynamic range and can get really annoying indeed lol.
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    Headphone Cables - Do we really need anything beyond copper, OFC at best?

    3 different cables that the maker claims they would different "sound signatures" graphing exactly the same
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    FiiO FT1 Pro Open-Back Planar Magnetic

    I mean, for pra the time it was considered pretty good for the price. But the FT1 looks more comfortable, smoother sounding and quite cheaper. So I guess it is the new entry planar
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    FiiO FT1 Pro Open-Back Planar Magnetic

    Imo, the main issue with the Susvara is the comfort. Very small cups, feel like a badly design on ear for those with medium to big ears.
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    FiiO FT1 Pro Open-Back Planar Magnetic

    I like planar bass, the high mids and highs that are usually problematic
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    Audeze Maxwell

    Comfort is a major issue for big planars. Super wholesome that they were open to your design.
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    FiiO FT1 Pro Open-Back Planar Magnetic

    Im glad that the pina isnt as agressive as I first thought. I'm tempted since they seem to avoid "planar timbre"
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    FiiO FT1 Pro Open-Back Planar Magnetic

    Lol if you are expecting someone to do a comparison of this with the LCD5.
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    Technical IEM under $1000

    Thieaudio Oracle Mk3, Ziigaat Odyssey. Softears Studio 4 if you want a very "monitor" signature.
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    FiiO FT1 Pro Open-Back Planar Magnetic

    Its pina seem to be agressive, but easy to eq down
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    Help! TRUTHEAR x Crinacle Zero tips fall off in ear.

    Tri Clarion are my favorite tips and inexpensive
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    Apollon NCx500ST Stereo Amplifier Review

    4 gain settings and load independent it would make a fun amp to on very hard to drive headphones like the Tungsten
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    Audeze Maxwell

    Nice, you should e-mail that to Audeze
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    What is the flattest target curve?

    Harman isnt neutral, it is just what some people prefered, any FR preference is subjective.
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    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    Well, it got a bit less cheap but there is a 5usd coupon
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