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  1. T

    Terrible Sounding Wiim Pro Plus Optical Input and Samsung TV : FIXED!

    Fixed: 1. Open up the Samsung service menu. While the tv is on. Mute, 1, 1, 9, Enter/Select. The hospitality menu will then show up. Press 1,2,3,4,5. This will bring up the basic service menu. Then hover over the bottom option that says "Advanced". Hold the volume up for 5 seconds. This will...
  2. T

    Terrible Sounding Wiim Pro Plus Optical Input and Samsung TV : FIXED!

    I'm trying to use a Wiim Proplus with a Samsung s90c. The route is s90c Optical out to Wiim to fosi monoblocks. Everything sounds great when using the Wiim with wifi but when I use my tv Optical out and the Wiim, the bass sounds boomy, there are new sibilent frequencies and the soundstage falls...
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