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  1. G

    Interface to use with Kali IN-5 and WS-6.2

    Thank you Multicore... Julian Krause on youtube is an excellent resource. I have no need for the majority of functionality these devices seem to offer though. I just want to keep things as simple & uncoloured (sound wise) as possible, essentially a hardware volume knob with usbc-in from my Mac...
  2. G

    Interface to use with Kali IN-5 and WS-6.2

    Since I only intend to listen to music, I'd like a device as simple as possible, with a hardware volume knob mounted on top. I would like to connect to my Macbook (usb-c out) as the source. I've looked at Audient EVO-4 and Native Instruments Komplete Audio 1. I have two questions Do these...
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