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  1. Z

    AsciLab speakers are about to launch

    So the woofer cover ring is not present on the finaly shiped version? Can't wait for it to be available in Europe...
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    What is the LP frequency of your subwoofer(s)?

    Main are 3 ways DIY with à paire of 15inch bass drivers so sub is just for extrem bass frequencies
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    Soncoz SGP1

    Probably but it don't care, it's for the love of SOTA product and "Sinad war".
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    Soncoz SGP1

    I'm not technician but maybe such à low distortion in high frequencies is not possible with class D tech?
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    Soncoz SGP1

    Soncoz website updated ;)
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    Soncoz SGP1

    Aren't we "at the end of june"...?:cool::p
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    Soncoz SGP1

    @Sophia Ann, can we have an estimation of the launch date...? :p
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    WTB Hypex NC252MP or NC122MP modules

    You have to ask to the seller, I'm just the messenger. He post hear as #daniboun
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    Soncoz SGP1

    Hope it will be soon...
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    Soncoz SGP1

    Launch just after Topping PA5, it had to be exeptionnal...!
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    WTB Hypex NC252MP or NC122MP modules
  12. Z

    Welcome New Members to ASR, introduce yourself here.

    Hi Guys, I'm Joseph form France (Rouen, Normandy). I read you all since 2 years and decided to join the community. First of all: a big thanks to our host. My english is very poor so please don't judge me too harshly. To introduce myself here is a mesurement of my system at the listening position...
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