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  1. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    I've used the DS2 with my pixel 6a about 5h in the last two days and couldn't hear any issues
  2. Viper780

    K702 headphone replacement

    Why not both? To me it is a very different hearing experience. I've just got Let Shuoer S12 and I like them. Had to change the Ear Tips and still experimenting with the best fit (and seal). But quality und what I hear is different. Try different ear tips, I love Spinfit and FiiO HS20 But...
  3. Viper780

    K702 headphone replacement

    Why not the K712 or Hi-X65? The HD600 sounds a bit different to your K702 and are more comfortable The Edition XS is very different but I've loved the sound as a seasoned AKG user (started with K271 30 years ago and many more followed) but doesn't fitted my head very good.. The similar...
  4. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    I have here several modern Windows 11 desktop PC and Notebooks and none of them produce any crackls or pops on several audiointerfaces. The Fosi DS2 has cleared customs last Monday on should be here on Monday. I'll check with it than. But when I look in modern studios than there are plenty...
  5. Viper780

    Topping E2x2 Audio Interface Review

    Yes, but also cheap 30€ solutions (with Phantompower) will work. Like the Miditech Audiolink or the small "the t.bone MicPlug USB" Interface. The cheapest one I've used with the MA1 is the Steinberg IXO12 But also all the other's should do fine
  6. Viper780

    (Europe) Master Deals Thread on Audio Product Sales

    few years back I was there several times a month. They are legit, very nice and also knows their stuff. If you need anything just call them or write a mail. If they can they will help you. I really can recommend them (and If something is happening with your order, I'll drive over and visit the...
  7. Viper780

    Topping E2x2 Audio Interface Review

    Do you already have the Focusrite? I also have only one mic, but sometimes you need a kind of additional loopback or maybe a second mic for interview session (like I did yesterday - unplanned and spontaneous). The E1X2 OTG is the same price as the E2X2 (non-OTG) and also the OTG one is here in...
  8. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    usually you can unzip the win10/11 driver and install the inf/sys files manually. But please don't use such an old, unsupported, unpatched in the internet or any network. It is a thread for everyone else out there
  9. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    I guess you need your own Topic for recommendations . When Windows is your main OS I wouldn't use something mobile. Maybe an audiointerface like the Topping E2x2 or Motu M2
  10. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    do you have a link? I'll just get the old price (~59USD)
  11. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    But shouldn't be the DAC on it's own be OTG capable?
  12. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    Depends on your Usecase. I won't be using it with windows, no issues under Linux and Android
  13. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    This is a well known behavior. Don't put it in exclusive mode and it works
  14. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    For all the users with this issues who has contacted them Fosi support and what was the feedback?
  15. Viper780

    (Europe) Master Deals Thread on Audio Product Sales

    SG is well known and ordered from them a few (10+) years back. But this is a used item. A new one will be ~200€ more. why do you want the Marantz Cinema 40? Its basically a Denon AVC-X4800H with a different look. Depending on what you are looking for, I would get a Onkyo TX-NR7100 at half the price
  16. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    Why should you do such things? Just connect your phone to the DAC / DSP. No need to put the AMP in between
  17. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    Shouldn't it be good enough for you? The DAC isn't the problem and state of the Art. Your headphones are high Impedance (470 ohms) and lower sensitivity (98 dB) This mobile headphoneamp is one of the stronger ones but won't do any miracle. You will get higher volume but not the deepest bass...
  18. Viper780

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    Is this code still valid? I doens't work for me anymore
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