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  1. scrubb

    What DRC do you use ?

    I bought an Anthem MRX540 after seeing measurements for the AVM70 and MRX1140 which means I'm using ARC. It's great. Love the better (looking) mic and "real" mic stand. The ARC software has a user friendly UI, and allows for custom adjustments. I've found it to make my system sound better...
  2. scrubb

    Hi-Res vs CD quality - New album, which version?

    If my understanding is correct, then: CD = 44.1kHz, 16 Bit = 0Hz~22kHz frequency response, =>98 dB dynamic range HiRez = 96kHz, 24 Bit = 0Hz~48kHz, =>146 dB dynamic range Human hearing = 20Hz~20kHz (mine goes to 13kHz), ~140 dB dynamic range (I'll guess mine is more like 95 dB) Most popular...
  3. scrubb

    Productions that are Puzzling to You

    I can't stand purposeful saturation of the pre-amp input of a recording console, or the clipping caused by hard limiting in mastering. I don't know if engineers/producers think saturating the input sounds louder or what, but I think it sounds amateurish and horrible. Sadly, it seems to be a...
  4. scrubb

    IMD caused by tinnitus?

    So, I've not (yet) had a professional hearing test. But, after years of punk rock, loud guitars, mixing sound in small clubs, and crappy theatrical intercom systems, I'm left with permanent tinnitus and hearing loss. It's my constant reminder of how much fun we had in those days. It manifests...
  5. scrubb

    Can op amps now be as good as discrete circuitry?

    Amir's review of these two Schiit Magni headphone amps clearly shows the discreet version is better... oh wait, never mind.
  6. scrubb

    Cinnamon Galle DAC

    While you are correct, it's a lot more fun to ridicule an ugly $13k DAC when we know how well $100 DACs can measure.
  7. scrubb

    Revel M105 thread question

    3/4" x 1/4 x2 0 means the screw is 3/4-inches long, 1/4" diameter, 20 threads per inch. Personally I would much prefer metric.
  8. scrubb

    Upgrade advice

    I think the best way to improve your current sound would be to buy a Umik-1 and download REW (Room EQ Wizard). Learn how to measure your system and room and make adjustments in speaker placement, equalization, and/or room treatment. The best part is it won't cost much ~€100. The other option...
  9. scrubb

    Which CD player has better sound and DAC?

    I bought the DP UB9000 based on Amir's review here. As you can see it has a very good DAC. Works great for movie playback as well. It's pricey, but I wanted and endgame player which would handle all current disc formats, which it does except SACD.
  10. scrubb

    Amir vs Haters

    Has it ever occurred to anyone that perhaps the people who prefer equpment which measures poorly simply like the sound of noise and distortion? I can't blame them, they've been raised on cassette tapes, mass produced mp3 players, cheap earbuds, and a lot of music which is badly recorded. Good...
  11. scrubb

    Share your qobuz playlist

    Here's an evolving playlist I call Groovin'. It's not only from the 2000s, but there's a lot of post 2000 material on it.
  12. scrubb

    What are we listening to right now..

    If the title of this thread is meant to be read “ What ARE we LISTENING to right now”, then I submit Space Streakings who blew me away when I saw them in a small club in 1993.
  13. scrubb

    How About Creating a Modern Cassette Player?

    Okay, I have a lot of old cassette tapes and would like to play them back in order to digitize them. After reviewing what's currently on the market, I would suggest option #1; A deck with focus on playback and record quality, minimizing or without other features. I would like to see record and...
  14. scrubb

    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    Great! Now I can properly set the EQ, just like on my old system:
  15. scrubb

    2024 Total Solar Eclipse

    Here are some of the photos I took in Southern Illinois. Equipment: Canon EOS M50, Canon 55-200 telephoto lens, Cheap universal solar lens filter when not fully eclipsed. I had to run the camera full manual to get it to take photos. It's internal logic system didn't understand what I was doing...
  16. scrubb

    PK Sound steerable sound arrays

    Nice to hear from the pro-sound crowd. I don't know anything about PK Sound. For my part, I was a small-time live audio engineer for 8 years about 25 years ago when modern line arrays were in their infancy. My company was still using stacked horn systems from the 1970s driven by Phase Linear...
  17. scrubb

    Ethernet cable to buy / choose

    "Your ears can deceive you. Don't trust them. Try listening again, only this time with ear plugs in."
  18. scrubb

    I found out how to make the strongest subwoofer sound

    The most intense bass I've experienced was at a very loud Mastodon concert in a theater. I was standing just under the front of the balcony and started having trouble standing because my legs were shaking. It took me a moment to realize that the all of the low bass (not just the kick drum) was...
  19. scrubb

    What items have you purchased as a result of ASR?

    Based upon reviews here: Schiit Modi+ Schiit Magni Heretic Schiit Mani 2 Topping D10s Douk Audio U2 Ayima A07 (x2) Allo Boss2 Player (x2) Roon Buckeye 2 channel Nc502MP Panasonic DP-UB9000 Parts Express C-Note speakers Wiim Mini Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED Based on reviews of other things here...
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