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  1. E

    AIYIMA A70 Stereo Amplifier Review

    Hey guys, someone here have the amp with a Wiim Mini? I want to buy the A70 and pair with a Wiim Mini, mostly I use music stream apps. I tryed the Wiim Amp but I don't like it because I feel some week vs Aiyima A08 Pro.
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    Powered Speakers RCA vs optical difference?

    Hey John! I had the exact (almost, I have Air M2) settings. I had a Cabilux USB-A to SPDIF (I think it's the same thing with USB-C). To control the volume without any extra software I virtualiced the audio output with this That allows you...
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    Tabletop Home Speaker

    Hello guys! I hope my question ins't a little basic... A few weeks ago I bought a Swan OS-10, sounds great at mid volume, upper-mid volume I got some distorsion. I think it was the distance to the wall. I swaped for an Edifer R1280DBs, but to my room and ears sounds a little sofocantes...
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    "Snorkel" for rear ported speaker

    Hey there! First of all, I'm new here and I hope post on the right subforum. A few days ago I bought an active 2.0 speakers, works well. The thing is than the spekaer it's rear ported. I want to know if the audio distorsion will change if I print a "snorkel" to move closser the speaker to the...
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