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  1. jaakkopasanen

    Interesting new Moondrop product- DSP equipped IEM cable

    There's Moondrop Free DSP as an existing option in the eq apps. No need to configure these things manually. You can use the preamp slider to bake the preamp into the filters themselves.
  2. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    Could you open a ticket about this in Github with details for how can I reproduce? Thanks.
  3. jaakkopasanen

    Countering misinformation about AutoEQ

    I simply implemented the preference prediction score as it is defined in the research. I won't comment too much about the validity and completeness of the research, but the score does correlate very well with double blind listening tests.
  4. jaakkopasanen

    Countering misinformation about AutoEQ

    The scoring function is using the original targets, unmodified.
  5. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    This has been been brought up before, but AutoEq has a well defined purpose, and that's equalizing headphones. Comparing and evaluating headphones without eq is out of scope for this project.
  6. jaakkopasanen

    Hifiman HE400SE Review (Headphone)

    The optimization process isn't 100% deterministic. Shouldn't matter in practiced though.
  7. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    That's used only for Crinacle's measurements done on his Frankenstein MiniDSP EARS + 711 coupler rig. It's a result of calibrating those measurements against GRAS rig and adding the calibration to Harman OE 2018
  8. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    I could, assuming Amir gives me permission. However, there doesn't seem to be a crawlable index and I'm 100% not going to scrape the measurements together manually.
  9. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way
  10. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    Thanks! The 5128 target remains a puzzle. My personal guess is that there should be a bass shelf added, maybe 4 dB, maybe something else. This isn't much of a problem with but with some equalizer apps that come with AutoEq presets built in it's not so easy to tweak things. Any guesses...
  11. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    Those headphones haven bee measured on a new system that's not compatible with Harman targets. There currently doesn't exist an equivalent for BK 5128 but the -1 dB/oct diffuse should be somewhat close. The bass amount you can and should adjust two your taste.
  12. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    Some of the options actually show bandwidth, like AUNBandEq. Could be an option to switch in the Custom Parametric Eq but I doubt I'll get around implementing it...
  13. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    Presets aren't really useful for equalizing headphones, or anything else IMO for that matter.
  14. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    I'll update the databases when I have time. I'm traveling at the moment so it'll take a bit.
  15. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    The default targets are the best guesses for neutral. That's the best for mixing too. I've decided not to add reviewer targets as they have little evidence for why they would be good and AutoEq has extensive options for the user to tweak the sound to their individual liking. It's a diffuse...
  16. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    It's one attempt at replicating Harman targets on Bruel & Kjaer 5128 rig. Not sure if it's useful in the end because the 5128 diffuse field with tilt exists.
  17. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way
  18. jaakkopasanen

    AutoEQ Magic?

    Free field target isn't really useful for headphones. Diffuse field is, but with a downward tilt..
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