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  1. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    By the way, TI PCM510xA is also used in IKEA symfonisk speaker together with TI TPA3116D2 amp:
  2. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    Hi, @NTTY! Good questions there. :) I also think that figure of noise floor you mentioned (-135dB) could be atributed to ADC capturing device. SNR spec of PCM5102A is 112dB and it seems that just by analyzing / looking at the spectrum in multitone test it is the same ball-park. I cannot comment...
  3. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @trungdtmc , looking good, going strong! I can identify, 2xPCM 5012A boards, ADAU1401 DSP, programmer board and Amanero (not hooked up). What are USB to I2S and other (green) board in your setup? Also, could you share what is your project/plan for this setup? ^_^
  4. Linards

    Proposal: Right to Fair Review (RFR) Association

    I definitely support initiative to have an ease-of-mind and safety when doing things that we love. I don't have a certain gut feeling about association and format, but some immediate, easily implemented steps can be taken ASAP, such as useful / legally correct disclaimer (mentioned before) even...
  5. Linards

    (Unofficial) Topping D50 III DAC review and measurements

    Thank You, for the great review @Rja4000 ! Seems to be a fantastic product, especially if they fix PEQ save on the device (for all sources). That LDAC performance though. :O
  6. Linards

    How good is bad? (Raspberry Pi 4B headphone output DAC review)

    @melomane13 , if you mean input impedance of audio interface in measurements, I used microphone (XLR) input which is 1.5 kOhm.
  7. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @AnalogSteph , Thanks for feedback! Indeed I could add resistors. ^_^ Which got me thinking - perhaps it makse sence to add (higher?) resistance to emulate input impedence of an amp? In the end of the day it will be used with one. What I have seen with little search is something around 40K Ohm...
  8. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    I did PCM5012A board injustice - it seems to preform practically up to the spec. @AnalogSteph pointed to that low impendence inputs of E2X2 interface that I was using could cause problems with measurements (DAC starts "driving" interface and thus distorts; see higher volumes in original post)...
  9. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @AnalogSteph , Thanks! Very good and useful points. I think you might be on to something! Will get TS to RCA cables after Easter to check this and post results here. ^_^
  10. Linards

    Ascend Sierra-1 V2 Speaker Review

    Oh, Wow! Hard to believe FR is not DSP-ed. Amazing job @AscendDF ! ^_^
  11. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @trungdtmc can you give a shrot description what was your setup in those sweeps?
  12. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @JakeK practically any decent audio interface is capable of testing line out signals of board in this review. Problem will be if your testing device preforms similar or better than interface... I even wouldn't try to "review" SOTA DACs with E2X2. That is why Amir spent a lot of money for APx555...
  13. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    OK, Guys! There seems to be an issue with measurements of board itself. It seems that measurements are valid only for entire system RPI (+Volumio?) and PCM5102MK board... here is why. After @trungdtmc posted sweeps of GY-PCM5102 I did quick 1kHz sine measurements with the same board myself...
  14. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @MCH Here are measurements of Topping E2X2 frequency response (@ 192kHz sampling frequency) in loop and figure from Amir's review. DAC gain max, ADC gain min. No oscillations, DACs high frequency roll-off @ 20kHz -0.15 dB or so.
  15. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @trungdtmc , Sweet! I also have these both boards (GY-PCM5102 and ADAU1401), just haven't started experimenting with them, yet! ^_^ Nice to see the sweep with Amanero! I will look in to getting USB to I2S converter definitely, it will save a lot of time with these boards. :) By looking at result...
  16. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @Karmacoma , Thanks for the note! I hope it does not hurt French speaker eyes too much. I just knew that I will mess up 3 word sentence somehow! :D
  17. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @MCH , thanks for info! Yes, oscillation is minute. I don't recall it when I was testing E2X2 in loop... but I will double check next time.
  18. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @dtaylo1066 good one! :D I like them, but a fan would be a stretch. Probably my parents were. ;p Btw, Lynyrd Skynyrd is an example I usually use to explain how to pronounce my name. ^_^
  19. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @m0nsieur Nice - I haven't thought of this! RPI Zero 2W + decent USB dongle would probably make a great streamer for very little money! ^_^
  20. Linards

    Chapeau ou non? (PCM5102MK non-HAT DAC review)

    @Sokel Thanks for this note! I use minimum gain and leave it like that on ADC and on external indicator it does not seem to clip... You got me thinking if I should increase gain on ADC when measuring attenuated signals. Potentially this could give a better resolution, right?
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