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  1. V

    Most beautiful speakers in the world ?

    For me, some of the most beautiful and best sounding speakers are Franco Serblin Accordo Essence speakers:cool:
  2. V

    Topping PA5 fix - D01 Module Replacement for everyone

    Hi, my PA5 unit has started to making some noises from left ch. I'd like to buy a working module from you. Thanks!:)
  3. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Are You planning to remeasure it? :)
  4. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Shure V15V-MR I finally got hold of the original NOS VN5MR stylus!!! Below are my tests with various loading and capacitance: With original stylus this cartridge is just awesome! I think I prefer the 65k - 95p loading best. Notes: Stylus is NOS max 10hrs of use Turntable: Technics...
  5. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Philips GP-401 II with Analogis Black Diamond stylus Notes: Stylus has less than 100hrs of use Turntable: Technics SL-1210GR with KAB Fluid Damper Headshell: Analogis HS-10 VTF: 2.25gr - tested with Ortofon Test Record - at max recommended VTF it barely passes the 70um trackability test...
  6. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    I think Empire 2000 should be loaded with total 300pF to achieve more flat response. Maybe try that loading?
  7. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Peculiar or not, this cartridge sounds AMAZING!
  8. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Audio-Technica AT-OC9XML Notes: Cartridge is new - max 5hrs of use Turntable: Technics SL-1210GR with KAB Fluid Damper Headshell: Audio Technica AT-LH13H VTF: 2.00gr Phono stage: HusaRIAA v2 ( Capacitance: ~105pF (set at 0pF) Loading: 240Ω A/D: ASUS PRIME...
  9. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Would be great to see other replacement stylii measurments for V15 V. Maybe Tonar Shibata is actually better performer than Jico SAS?
  10. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Yes I did. The flattest I got was with STR-100 @ 23k & 870pF. But I joined two IC cables to get that high capacitance.
  11. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Yep. Jico should do better with this one.
  12. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Shure V15 V-MR with Jico SAS/B Replacement Stylus Notes: Turntable: Technics SL-1210GR with KAB Fluid Damper Headshell: Audionix GS-6 VTF: 1.25gr (no brush) Phono stage: HusaRIAA v2 ( Capacitance: ~95pF (set at 0pF) Loading: 23kΩ A/D: ASUS PRIME B660M-A Line In...
  13. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    If you are using windows, you should set recording settings in Windows Settings - Devices - Sound Settings - Input Device Properties - Additional device properties - Advanced and set default format.
  14. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Looks good, can you redo with capacitance set to 0?
  15. V

    Phono Cartridge Response Measurement Script

    Show your settings in script. That drop-down looks suspicious. And YES! 2grams of VTF?! What stylus are you using?
  16. V

    Introducing the Phono Cartridge Measurement Library

    Yes, azimuth was off. I played with it today - getting it perfect is a real pita:) This is the best what I could get:
  17. V

    Phono Cartridge Response Measurement Script

    Looks good! Also set file0norm = 0 to 1 in script settings.
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