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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Thanks a lot Wirruna, that helped! I simply changed the setting “-g-40” to “-g0” for starting with 0 dB volume in nano.
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Hi @HenrikEnquist and forum, I would be very happy, if someone could please explain me, how I could change the CamillaDSP default startup volume - meaning the volume, that CamillaDSP always goes back to, after a restart. Is it possible to either tell CamillaDSP to always start with the last...
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    Hi @mdsimon2 and hi @phofman, I'm coming back to an old question. I'm asking you guys, as you've been a lot on this topic: Is there any chance, that by now there is a solution to connect three DAC's directly via I2S to the Raspberry Pi5 for the use with CamillaDSP? Last time we talked about...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Michael, thank you so much!! I applied the changes you mentioned in 1) and 2). Related to 3) I literally did not see the slider between these two meters - it was right underneath the volume indication before the meters showed up. Well, now I know :) Just to be on the safe side: is the...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Last issue for now, seems to be that I lost the volume control slider option. I can't control the over all volume anymore. Any idea how this can be fixed? Ones I can control the volume, I guess I could do a first check with amp and speaker connected - very exciting!!! In terms of the sampling...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Quick update: It works now! I've changed the Playback device and especially the sample rate down to 44100 Hz. It doesn't like any other sample rate for now.
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Here is my device setup attached, as well as the list of available devices. That might very well be the issue. I put this command "cat /proc/asound/USBstreamer/stream0" via SSH in terminal, while connected to the Pi, right?! It didn't give any meaningful result - see screenshot.
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Thanks so much! That's exactly what I just figured out myself. Two more questions just came up: 1.) In other CamillaDSP configuration screenshots, I saw under "Volume" these green bars indicating the applied channel gain. I don't see these - how can these be enabled? 2.) CamillaDSP state in...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Update: solved - see next post Thanks for your reply! After connecting the U-DIO8 to my Mac, I figured out that the U-DIO8 shows up as "USBStreamer". From the above link, I expected it to show up with a different name (noob issue). Anyway, so first hurdle taken. U-DIO8 also shows up in...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Hi Michael, in the mean time I was lucky to get a reasonable priced miniDSP U-DIO8 in the SPDIF version - so I'm happy to be able to follow your advice. I connected the U-DIO8 to the Raspi 5 with CamillaDSP, but couldn't find anything in the capture and/or playback device dropdown menus, that...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    I just read the specs of this particular WM8805 I2S To Coaxial SPDIF board and it says: "...Default I2S 4 lines (BCLK, LRCK, DATA, MCLK), support Raspberry, Bluetooth, etc. without master clock MCLK output 3 lines BCLK, LRCK, DATA. MCLK is provided by the crystal clock on the board by default...
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    Yes, you answered all questions! Sorry for the confusion, I'm currently sitting in the train with very laggy internet connection. I've only seen your answer, after I wrote the other message. I'm new to this forum and forums in general - I simply missed that little notification sign on the alarm...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    @mdsimon2 thanks a lot for your quick reply! If I would know and understand how to split MCLK, BLCK and LRCLK, I would really like the simple and cost effective way of using the generic Raspi5 I2S ins/outs. Is there any alternative to the WM8805 boards, that don't require MCLK to function? Or...
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    Multichannel audio on a Pi will get a whole lot easier and cheaper!

    Hi @mdsimon2, I finally seem to have found your tutorial on how to use the Raspi 5 internal I2S ins and outs (like @phofman has pointed me to). I'm very excited that you discovered/enabled this option - it addresses exactly what I want to achieve! Background and status: Currently I've managed...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    @phofman sorry, I looked up and down and can't find that first post that you're referring to. Guess I don't know enough to know what to look for :). Would be nice, if you could send the corresponding link or the post number, etc. @mdsimon2 nice meeting you and happy to hear that you're the guru...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Thanks a lot @phofman! Now the limitation of the sample rate identification via SPDIF is clear to me. I really like your suggestion to skip the USB interface (e.g. XMOS) completely and connect the 4 I2S/SPDIF converters directly to the multichannel I2S output of RPi5. I had no clue this works...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Thanks @HenrikEnquist! I was wondering if this works, as I thought I could connect the DIYIHNK XMOS MULTICHANNEL board via USB. Then use an SPDIF to I2S input board like this SPDIF to I2S to get the SPDIF signal via XMOS und USB into the Raspi and CamillaDSP. Would this not work in general? The...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Thanks a lot for your reply! Good to know, that you got a similar configuration, but with the MCHStreamer Kit up and running! I might ask you for the linux commands, to integrate the MCHStreamer Kit, if no one else replies about how to integrate the DIYIHNK XMOS MULTICHANNEL (still would prefer...
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    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum, but been reading in here on different topics for quite a while (what a great source of information). Currently I've just managed to get a Raspberry Pi 5 up and running with Raspberry Pi OS and even CamillaDSP - thanks to this excellent tutorial (I'm completely...
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