This video is funny and belongs here on ASR as a mascot. LOL.
Hitchen's Razor, named after the late, great Christopher Hitchens states, "what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."
I am not technical, so clarify for me, if the tests are performed “out of circuit” doesn’t that mean they would not be application specific or are you able to replicate circuit parameters of a specific application scenario so that the test results would apply to that application?
In my...
Amir, I do appreciate you receiving my request so agreeably especially considering it is coming from a new guy on this forum in his very first post.
I realize I should have first asked whether you are aware of and able to perform such tests that would go beyond what is normally found in...
Well, I certainly wouldn't come on this forum and advocate that premise in my first post, but I am sure you realize that premise is widely held by buyers and always advocated by capacitor sellers, reviewers (see link above) and manufacturers. I am only suggesting that it would be of value if...
I would like to propose/recommend that a separate category be created for the purpose reporting measurements and testing results of higher-end audio capacitors. Not listening tests, but purely bench tests using measuring equipment to determine if any meaningful differences can be found between...