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    Sabaj A30a announced

    I received my A30a a few weeks ago and added a subwoofer to it today. I have to say I am very impressed. This has replaced an Eversolo DAC-Z8 feeding a Topping PA5 II and sounds just as good for a lot less money - enough to fully fund the subwoofer. My desktop setup is sounding the best I have...
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    Questions about MOONDROP DISCDREAM 2 CD Player, anyone tried it?

    Got mine recently too, using its optical output direct into a Lyngdorf amp, so sounds great, but can't comment on the local DAC. It is nicely designed, great colours and buttons, but doesn't feel as premium as it looks in real world use. It weighs very little which makes it feel a bit...
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    No, just a handful of extra VU meters
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    Similar experience here - Z8 owned since it was released, used daily, no issues at all, sounds superb.
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    Near instant on the Z6/Z8.
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    I think that anyone reading this forum should know that you don't need to spend this much to get a great sounding DAC in the first place. So the VfM equation is really down to how you value the appearance, build and other features (eg. VU meters). For me it was worth the extra.
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    I had the Z8 and E70 for a little while. Both sound much the same (fantastic) but the Z8 is a much better construction/functionality and likely to last a lot longer than the Topping, based on their usual reliability.
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    Yes, I can confirm that it works outputting HiRes 24/192 from my Android Samsung S21 via Roon into my Z8 using a USB-C to USB-C cable. The Z8 is fantastic - I am sure you will be delighted with it.
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    Not overblown at all - bass is just right. Desktop speaker listening here.
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    Poll for Topping PA5 owners only please.

    While Amir never updated his PA5 review regarding its high failure rates, I note with interest that his review posted today of the LA90 Discrete states "P.S. Power amplifiers are least reliable audio products (due to high currents and voltages involved). New designs sometimes need to prove...
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    Topping PA5 Review (Amplifier)

    Some talk about the expected PA7, but I haven't seen anything official yet.
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    They are probably still trying to work out why the PA5 fails so frequently ;)
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    Question for Z8 owners. I have discovered a defect with mine and am keen to know whether anyone else can recreate the same issue. Ie. is this is a systematic defect or a problem with mine in particular? The issue: If the Z8 receives a PCM signal at 705.6kHz (16 x oversampling a 44.1kHz...
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    Oh, have you owned a Topping product too?
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    I suspect that one person's shiny and tiring is another's clean and detailed. I find the DAC to be (as it should be) transparent and uncoloured. Filters shouldn't change this much at all. Instead, perhaps look at EQ at source? Or "softer" speakers?
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    Here you go - gives a flavour I hope. Very configurable!
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    I received my Z-8 today with fantastic service from in the UK. Very happy and impressed so far! A happy addition to my desktop setup. It replaces a Grace M9xx from ca. 2016 and, while there isn't a massive step up, I believe that it sounds more detailed with a better sound stage. As...
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    I think it is entirely possible, but I suspect that your use case is a little niche. This will be a desktop device for many, requiring just a single USB input, so, to some degree, it has *more* inputs than required.
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    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review cover most regions.
  20. 0

    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    That's an impressive response!
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