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  1. TiFi Speakers

    Are three channels better than two for stereo reproduction?

    The topic has already been discussed quite extensively, but there are a few aspects to consider as opinions (not hard facts). Obviously, the room and the placement within the room contribute to the overall sound. Think about the angles of reflections relative to each wall. Therefore, there are...
  2. TiFi Speakers

    Spinorama! (also known as CTA/CEA 2034 but that sounds dull, apparently)

    Standard states: Predicted In-Room (PIR) amplitude response, also known as a “room curve” is obtained by a weighted average consisting of 12 % listening window, 44 % early reflections and 44 % sound power. (p55) Is there additional data available on this topic? Specifically, I am interested...
  3. TiFi Speakers

    Constant Beamwidth Transducer (CBT) Speakers

    Read my post again, yes it was not correctly formulated. Nothing to argue about facts presented. For general interest there is also different way to control bass directivity, referred here in other thread - Thesis of Olli Kantamaa...
  4. TiFi Speakers

    Constant Beamwidth Transducer (CBT) Speakers

    It is best to look what has been discussed and illustrated in Sound Reproduction: The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms, Third Edition, by Floyd E. Toole, page 278 (picture one of seven referred) There is comparison of 7 different types of sound sources compared in vertical...
  5. TiFi Speakers

    Constant Beamwidth Transducer (CBT) Speakers

    Thank you for the proposal. You are correct. One of the hints to propose that this is about vertical is the difference in sound in rooms with lower ceiling. There TiFi Elf shines more. But regarding proper double blind test with ceiling absorber I can make a promise. If TiFi Speakers will be as...
  6. TiFi Speakers

    Constant Beamwidth Transducer (CBT) Speakers

    It seems that some aspects of living room sound reflections have not yet been fully explained. As a general rule, I have always considered that floor and ceiling reflections are unnecessary or even detrimental to achieving perfect sound at the listening spot. However, there are numerous examples...
  7. TiFi Speakers

    Spinorama! (also known as CTA/CEA 2034 but that sounds dull, apparently)

    Thank you for detailed reply. Just went into detail in and there are many flush mounted, some measured by producers (JBL mostly). There can be seen, that they present the directivity part (this seems reasonable). And as standard defines - average of measurements. If not measured by...
  8. TiFi Speakers

    Spinorama! (also known as CTA/CEA 2034 but that sounds dull, apparently)

    On wall and flush mount speakers by standard can be measured 180 degrees, horizontal and vertical as standard defines. However, I am in trouble finding the correct averaging formula for these measurements as "Rear" is always missing. Should it just to be skipped? And for sound power just double...
  9. TiFi Speakers

    How to make quasi-anechoic speaker measurements/spinoramas with REW and VituixCAD

    Very good thread. Spinorama is a good way to understand the speaker, but it has its limitations as standardized today. Tilted setups, computer speakers, different heights, etc., sometimes require the idea of Spinorama, but need different angles for the real listening spot. So, building your own...
  10. TiFi Speakers

    Are We at the Turning Point of the Digitally Controlled Speaker Era?

    Finally everything is simple after it is done... As right now no consistent measurements of all angles, I should not speculate on results. But at looking on speakers a lot can be concluded and some comments can be added. Poseidon is horizontally omnidirectional and I have made HF waveguide in a...
  11. TiFi Speakers

    Are We at the Turning Point of the Digitally Controlled Speaker Era?

    Thank you for suggestions, this forum is great place not only to learn, but get specific guidelines also. About TiFi measurements: CTA-2034-A states, "Measurements should be made in a reflection-free environment – a qualified anechoic chamber or outdoors." The last is used. However, as stated...
  12. TiFi Speakers

    Are We at the Turning Point of the Digitally Controlled Speaker Era?

    So true, however they also watch movies. So it seems along the way, that stereo is diminishing, but multiway is still living. Started to wander, even if multiway speakers are with passive crossover, they are today digitally controlled. All todays AVR's do some kind of measurements and...
  13. TiFi Speakers

    Are We at the Turning Point of the Digitally Controlled Speaker Era?

    Frequency response, last of pictures for every product.
  14. TiFi Speakers

    Are We at the Turning Point of the Digitally Controlled Speaker Era?

    I have read: , but found no place to register. Please refer, would be happy to. PS...
  15. TiFi Speakers

    Are We at the Turning Point of the Digitally Controlled Speaker Era?

    Post landed here on dealers forum, but replies are still welcomed. One historic sample was cassette vs CD. This was pretty rapid. From the other end high tech audio is also high investment and should live long. So, if purchased today 20 000 USD speakers you want to live with these hopefully...
  16. TiFi Speakers

    Critical (Best) Music Tracks for Speaker and Room EQ Testing

    As general rule, I prefer live recordings (vs studio). There the reflections recorded will be mudded immediately if something is wrong. However, I have seen you can test your equipment almost with any quality recording, if you know how it should sound. The last is the most difficult part of...
  17. TiFi Speakers

    Are We at the Turning Point of the Digitally Controlled Speaker Era?

    In the world of audio, there has been a subtle revolution, with analog technology progressively shifting towards the digital realm. As the creator of TiFi, which stands for Timing Aligned speakers (, it has been possible to navigate this path rapidly. TiFi Speakers are all 3D...
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