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  1. P

    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Thanks for the explanation Michael. I must have installed the system in that period of time when only gpiochip0 was working. Paal
  2. P

    RPi + CamillaDSP Tutorial

    Thanks for the new github instructions @mdsimon2 . I installed the pi os lite on my rpi5. Then I went through all the steps for installing CamillaDsp. Now I also installed nginx so I can control my ULmk5 from cuemix.. this is great! The only thing that did not work was the display. I did not...
  3. P

    Building a wireless remote volume control with a rotary knob for Raspberry pi - help needed with Python

    Thanks MCH, I will have a look if I can understand what I need to add/remove. Guess I need to import the dialserver into the script. I will have to read the docs and give it a try ;-) Yes, I am familiar with the great tutorial. Thanks to @mdsimon2
  4. P

    Building a wireless remote volume control with a rotary knob for Raspberry pi - help needed with Python

    Hi, Thanks for this. I have been fiddeling around with a microsoft surface dial and a rpi5 with camilla and your dialserver and finally I got the ws server running. {"degrees":14.4} {"degrees":2.2} {"degrees":-7.3} {"degrees":-19.5} {"degrees":-11.6} {"degrees":-1.7} {"degrees":-12.7}...
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