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  1. S

    REW measurement of FIR filters in Roon's convolution engine

    So Roon can use FIR filters configured externally. If I am using a Roon Endpoint device, I assume those filters will be applied to that device but would be housed in Roon Core. If I have more than one Endpoint device, does Roon allow me to have different filters for each device or does one set...
  2. S

    MiniDSD SHD

    Thank you Godataloss.
  3. S

    MiniDSD SHD

    Thank you Ebslo. Is it true to say that I can set up one of the four presets to bypass Dirac but still apply routing and EQ to all four outputs? I'd be essentially disabling Dirac but still using the MiniDSP configuration.
  4. S

    MiniDSD SHD

    Is it possible to apply Dirac to one set of outputs but not apply Dirac against the other set of outputs at the same time? Thanks.
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