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  1. S

    Genelec setups in living rooms [how to]

    Amazing setup, beautiful as well. Who cares about tv size. Congrats!!
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    Buchardt Audio SUB10

    With my a700 I had a dip at 30hz because of room. I added 2 sub10 and the difference is huge, system got lots more headroom and is playing louder than I care even thou I have a big room with 5m celling.
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    Buchardt Audio SUB10

    I'm getting 2 on Monday for my A700 to fill the room dip. Can't wait.
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    Genelec 8330A Review (Studio Monitor)

    My desktop system is currently 8330 with 7350 (absolutely love it) but sometimes I play it on the limit of 7350 (big room). Is there anybody with dual 7350? It should give me enough headroom and also sub in stereo but would love to hear from someone with experience. Thanks!
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    Secrets of the Superfactories - Genelec

    80% of production is exported... Finland must be packed with Genelec speakers.
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    Buchardt A700 Active Tower Speaker Review (by Erin)

    No, I haven't, I need all the bass they can produce and cardioid tuning limits that
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    Buchardt A700 Active Tower Speaker Review (by Erin)

    I still have A700 and I enjoy them a lot, I have absolutely no desire to replace them. I ordered 2 subs from Buchard because I have a dip in 40hz region. I didn't own 8c, I just got opportunity to compare them for 1 week and I couldn't justify keeping 8c... in my room and for my ears (and my...
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    Buchardt Audio SUB10

    Mads wrote on FB that legs would stick out just enough for the cord.
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    Buchardt Audio SUB10

    I have ordered 2 for my A700. Even though my living room is big I love their small design. If I put them close to my listening position they should fill 20 to 60hz nicely.
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    Genelec 8030C Studio Monitor Review

    From what I understand you don't have a problem with Genelec, you just don't like nearfield setup. Imo you won't enjoy any speakers in nearfield.
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    Who else is waiting for a kid to fall asleep so Santa can come?

    It is 7am here and Santa already left. Waiting for little ones to wake up. Happy hollidays to all!
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    Süddeutsche Hifi 2023 report
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    What sub to add to Genelec 8330 + 7350 for more spl?

    I'll order 7350 then, didn't know stereo subs are beneficial in imaging as well. Thanks!
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    How "bad" must a Speaker be for normies to notice?

    Where I live people never hear speakers in a store. Most of the time my friends hear a good system for the first time when they visit me. They are all impressed but rarely anybody invests in their sound system beyond sound bar. When buying TV they spend all their money on TV, very little budget...
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    Dutch Audio Show 2023 - gallery

    Thanks a lot for sharing, did anything impress you?
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    Dutch Audio Show 2023 - gallery

    Link is not working for me.
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    Mantas, LS60 and 8Cs in the same room ( at the same time)

    Please take those grills off, you are hiding beautiful speaker!! :)
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    If there was a perfect and invisible audio system would you still enjoy this hobby?

    If speakers were invisible it would be a bit less enjoyable for me because I love seeing them even when they are not playing. But perfect sound with no upgrade... I would LOOOVE it.
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    Mantas, LS60 and 8Cs in the same room ( at the same time)

    My apartment is minimalistic but I looove the look of Mantas... what are your impressions of the sound differences?
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    How does a loudspeaker cone generate acoustical pressure?

    Nothing constructive to say, just a big hats off for amazing explanation!
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