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  1. N

    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    I don't any issues with my ODAC, but i want to change this one by one more recent, one with USB-C where i can plug anything on it. And in the same time why not upgrade with a better sound. ;)
  2. N

    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    I have 2 headphones, both are 250ohms, 770Pro and 990Pro. But i'm not closed to buy others later. I see the SMSL C200 seem not bad too. It currently at 175€ on amazon.
  3. N

    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    Hi StaticV3, Thank you for your answer. My use is 70% music on my headphone and 30% youtube. So i need the headphone amp. :) But with all "low cost" DAC/AMP, this DL200 is really good ? Will i see a real difference with my ODAC O² ?
  4. N

    SMSL DL200 the best ever value DAC/AMP?

    Hello, I have a question about this DAC/AMP. I actualy have an old JDS LAB ODAC+O² combo but i want something more recent. Is this DAC is ok or for 200-300€ i can have a better one ? Thanks for your help.
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