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    • Z
      Zillyinc reacted to Rednaxela's post in the thread A new beginning with Like Like.
      For anyone wondering, the 'reclocking hack' has been discussed multiple times before...
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      Zillyinc replied to the thread A new beginning.
      I'm from Denmark, unfortunately there are not many used great amps for sale here. I can buy a new yamaha-S701 MKII 200 bucks cheaper...
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      Zillyinc reacted to Apesbrain's post in the thread A new beginning with Like Like.
      Fine choice, but you could save a few $ with a WiiM Pro connected via coax to DAC section in the Rotel. I also like the alternative...
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      Zillyinc reacted to Timcognito's post in the thread A new beginning with Like Like.
      Includes Dirac at the price of the Rotel...
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      Zillyinc replied to the thread A new beginning.
      Its defiantly some thing i will be getting into down the line but for now I'm in desperate need of and amp and streamer since my...
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      Zillyinc replied to the thread A new beginning.
      Yeah it was the first think i looked at, but since i just had a Bluesound powernode, which i heard had better sound and specs, it...
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      Zillyinc reacted to JeremyFife's post in the thread A new beginning with Like Like.
      Oh ... agree that the "Wiim Hack" is nonsense - don't worry about that
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      Zillyinc reacted to Doodski's post in the thread A new beginning with Like Like.
      This is pure snake oil and will have absolutely zero effect on your system. Don't waste your money on this.
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      Zillyinc replied to the thread A new beginning.
      Good point, but for now i just have to focus on getting an new robust amp and streamer since my Powernode broke down last week. The Wiim...
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      Zillyinc reacted to danielha's post in the thread A new beginning with Like Like.
      Zillyinc, There is no interest in trying to change the internal clock of the streamer, just loss of time and money, I could choose the...
    • Z
      Hello Guys and Gals ! I'm new here and trying to find som gudiens on my new ideas for a setup so I'm hoping you guys can help push me...
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