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    • studio11
      studio11 replied to the thread WARNING CLASS D AUDIO.
      If Tom from “class D Audio” would like to jump on the thread here I encourage that because I’ve been cheated out of a grand. WTF is my...
    • studio11
      studio11 replied to the thread WARNING CLASS D AUDIO.
      Their amp failed on me in 7 months and the owner Tom promised to fix it and after I returned it I never heard back.
    • studio11
      studio11 replied to the thread WARNING CLASS D AUDIO.
      Agreed - Do not purchase products from companies that are fraudulent in their terms! Best warn the community!
    • studio11
      studio11 replied to the thread WARNING CLASS D AUDIO.
      This is an important forum that has influenced my purchases. I am posting to warn others not to be a victim of dishonorable business...
    • studio11
      studio11 replied to the thread WARNING CLASS D AUDIO.
      The failure happened within the year of purchase. No fix or resolution has occurred and it was sent back in that year. No response no...
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