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      sebna replied to the thread Umik 1 Vs umik 2.
      I understand that part but these mics come with 90' calibration files. So I wonder how is the directivity affected by applying 90' cal...
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      sebna replied to the thread Umik 1 Vs umik 2.
      Where UMIK-2 would be better is by not having time drift problems of UMIK-1 (because of UMIK-2 internal clock).
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      sebna replied to the thread Umik 1 Vs umik 2.
      Thanks for prompt response. The graph - I wonder how to read the way the measurement was taken. Was the microphone pointing the source...
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      sebna reacted to staticV3's post in the thread Umik 1 Vs umik 2 with Like Like.
      Here's each microphone's 90° off-axis response, referenced to on-axis: I don't think so.
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      sebna replied to the thread Umik 1 Vs umik 2.
      Could you write a bit more about it in context of EQing a couple of subs up to 350hz? Would in this range lesser omnidirectionality of...
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      sebna replied to the thread Umik 1 Vs umik 2.
      Starting from which frequencies UMIK-1 lack of directionality has an advantage over UMIK-2? For subs calibration - would UMIK-2 be...
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      I have Audient iD4 mk1 and I wonder if it is possible to set it up with analogue cable connecting some inputs and outputs to achieve...
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