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      Richard Austen replied to the thread Audio Note speakers.
      Specifically, The Outfield "Voices of Babylon" album - I am sorry - I wrote "Play Deep" in error Aurora specifically "All My Demons...
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      Richard Austen replied to the thread Audio Note speakers.
      I think I was pretty clear - Websites are the modern-day "product brochure" but I never met anyone who picked up a brochure and was...
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      Richard Austen replied to the thread Audio Note speakers.
      I don't think it's necessary to call Audio Note owners and customers names. I think most people, including your customers do this thing...
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      Richard Austen replied to the thread Audio Note speakers.
      @Mnyb - Your point is well taken. When we have a subjective response to music sound quality, coffee, seat comfort in a car, a singer...
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      Richard Austen replied to the thread Audio Note speakers.
      The problem is that in audio there are endless sliding scales of "qualifications." I debated what "Professional" means with John...
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      Richard Austen replied to the thread Audio Note speakers.
      Quintard was born in Paris. Inspired by his multicultural childhood spent across the globe in Mumbai, Hong Kong and Singapore, Quintard...
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