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      randym replied to the thread DC blocker tryout.
      I respectfully thank everybody for your input, wisdom and experience. Nice to know that there's seasoned audiophiles on board here.
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      randym replied to the thread DC blocker tryout.
      Nice idea - thank you. That's probably the safest option. Last year I have a nightmarish problem with grounding on my boat, that after...
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      randym reacted to DWPress's post in the thread DC blocker tryout with Like Like.
      @BDWoody "electricity, heights and women" perfect
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      randym replied to the thread DC blocker tryout.
      I have concluded from input from others, it is not a safe idea.. Would independent grounding the stereo units chassis ground lugs only...
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      randym reacted to restorer-john's post in the thread DC blocker tryout with Like Like.
      You can imagine what would happen with a floating/lifted neutral in that situation @randym suggested. There were a few people seriously...
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      randym replied to the thread DC blocker tryout.
      You are absolutely correct and am aware of that fact. Thank you for pointing out that it is against code as I was unaware but it does...
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      randym replied to the thread DC blocker tryout.
      There is one thing that surprises me in many discussions about purifying AC power that is never spoken of - that is a dedicated AC...
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