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    • ModDIY
      ModDIY replied to the thread Sabaj A30a announced.
      Your summary of the heat released by the A30a is well detailed and precise. In my case, if I don't listen for a few hours, I put it on...
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to Roland68's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      You are making a big mistake, for several reasons. - The heat when switched on comes from the transistors and very little from the power...
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to GiBo61's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      Apparently, power consumption at idle is about 17W. It's not low but in my case is not a problem. If I do not plan to listen to music in...
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to GiBo61's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      Just to clarify: when not in use the display should be completely off (no numbers, letters, just nothing). In that situation the...
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to GiBo61's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      When not in use my Sabaj A30a Is at room temperature. It becones warm only at medium-high volume. After I finish to play music I just...
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to Querulo's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      In my system I had better results with coaxial and optical spdif, no discernible differences between them. Once I had a Raspberry...
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to Ludodo57's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      Hello, I received a new A30A on Wednesday. The defective A30A has just been returned to Amazon.
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to Roland68's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      That's one of the reasons why the comparison would be so interesting. The A30a doesn't have a DAC and doesn't need one for digital signals.
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to Querulo's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      His Parasound has good internal dac, balanced input and output, 180 Watts per channel on 8 ohm from a very respected manufacturer, I'm...
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to Roland68's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      The big advantage of the A30a is that it can be fed directly digitally and does not require a DAC. I would be very interested in such a...
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to GiBo61's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      I agree with Roland68, I doubt that the Parasound HINT6 amplifier will be an improvement over the Sabaj A30a. The HINT6 seems to be an...
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to Roland68's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      Unfortunately, the support from the SMSL/Sabaj/Loxjie group has little technical or detailed knowledge of what they sell. The Sabaj...
    • ModDIY
      ModDIY reacted to GiBo61's post in the thread Sabaj A30a announced with Like Like.
      As mentioned by @Toku in his post, with a subwoofer connected the main speakers DO NOT work at full range: "...low-pass and high-pass...
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