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    • Milanraf
      Milanraf replied to the thread KEF LSX II.
      You are surely not an old whiner like me :D
    • Milanraf
      Milanraf replied to the thread KEF LSX II.
      Not even bought yet :cool: Still looking at market's options. Sonos and KEF are now out of my list ;)
    • Milanraf
      Milanraf replied to the thread KEF LSX II.
      Got no time to waste with AI support systems, but I can easily guess the answer I'd obtain: "Login is needed to improve the user...
    • Milanraf
      Milanraf replied to the thread KEF LSX II.
      You got the point: it is a so much widespread practice that nobody cares anymore...but this does not justify the approach
    • Milanraf
      Milanraf reacted to Mnyb's post in the thread KEF LSX II with Like Like.
      Ok local wifi ? You did not have wifi in your listening position ? The account is probable just the same invasive practice as everyone...
    • Milanraf
      Milanraf replied to the thread KEF LSX II.
      Last post from me, I promise. Can someone guess why Precise phone Location is needed to just perform device discovery in the local WiFi...
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    • Milanraf
      Milanraf replied to the thread KEF LSX II.
      By watching at this: KEF LSX II - Android Setup at 00:56 it appears evident that the App is actually using BT for connecting to the...
    • Milanraf
      Milanraf replied to the thread KEF LSX II.
      Why not requesting login only when really needed? I can easily list all the functionalities that do not need login to properly work...
    • Milanraf
      Milanraf replied to the thread KEF LSX II.
      Good to know. Sonos removed from list.
    • Milanraf
      Milanraf replied to the thread KEF LSX II.
      Sorry for quick double posting, but another question I always cannot answer is: why should I create an account and log in just to use a...
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    • Milanraf
      Milanraf replied to the thread KEF LSX II.
      From LSX II user manual: Does this make any sense? No WiFi or cabled network in my listening room equals to no way of...
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    • Milanraf
      Android means Obsolescence Guaranteed. My belief is that streamer and DAC should always be separates, in order to avoid throwing away a...
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