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      LKA replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADC.
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      I use few mA for better high freq thd (above 5kHz) Danhard usually uses one Vbe drop between bases, so not zero.
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      With heavily under biased OPS (1-2 mA per output pair, no emitter resistors) it's no problem to get THD1 -120dB. For low N you have to...
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      LKA reacted to pma's post in the thread Topping B100 Amplifier Review with Like Like.
      All in all, it is a toy, not a serious amplifier.
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      LKA reacted to restorer-john's post in the thread Topping B100 Amplifier Review with Like Like.
      You are kidding, right? It has no power of significance and yet it claims to be a "power" amplifier. It's a medium powered 50w mono...
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      LKA replied to the thread Topping B100 Amplifier Review.
      That's not proof. Some understand class B and AB differently. I will ask differently. What is the quiescent current of the output...
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      LKA replied to the thread Topping B100 Amplifier Review.
      Any proof it's a true Class-B ? (e.g. output stage idle current)
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      LKA replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADC.
      IVX, don't make excuses ;), distortion is distortion, whatever harmonics are affected. On diya I showed a graph with bypassed caps vs...
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      LKA replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADC.
      SE/UNBAL 1.7Vrms input range, input caps bybassed -> 2.4mA DC flows to the source V1 ( 1mA when input range is 10Vrms) TI...
      • Universe ADC FDA UNBAL inp cap bybass sch.png
      • Universe ADC FDA UNBAL inp cap bybass out voltages.png
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      LKA replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADC.
      Not only a higher capacitor value can help, but also the capacitor type and voltage rating. SE measurements, THDvF, 96k 24b, 1.7Vrms...
      • D10s -3dBFS- Cosmos 96k THDvF Rch Hitano 220u Lch Nichicon 1000u.png
      • D10s -3dBFS- Cosmos 96k THDvF Rch 220u Lch 470u.png
      • cosmos-adc-input-caps.jpg
      • cosmos-adc-input-cap-replace.jpg
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      LKA replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADC.
      I already wrote IVX on diyaudio about input capacitor distortion. He claimed that my capacitors are faulty and I should replace them...
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      LKA reacted to pma's post in the thread E1DA Cosmos ADC with Like Like.
      I use nothing else than the balanced divider (even for SE), since the beginning. See the green trace in the post no. 1543 above.
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      LKA replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADC.
      PMA, have you tried a balanced divider for the SE output ?
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      LKA replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADC.
      I recommend replacing the 220u/10V capacitors with 470uF/16V (C1 C2 on my schematic). I personally use 1000u/16v, I get much better LF...
      • Universe ADC - FDA input buffer sch.png
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      LKA replied to the thread E1DA Cosmos ADC.
      "no, Victor's OSC(good for THD but be aware that the OSC's H3 is rising quickly from >4V)" what V ? only Vpp applies to 4 Output voltage...
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