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      Leefer55 replied to the thread Recommendation for DAC.
      I compiled a list of DAC's available from Amazon I was interested in earlier this year - see attachment. Prices are in Canadian $ as of...
      • Screenshot 2024-04-18 095302.png
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      Leefer55 replied to the thread SMSL DO300 DAC Review.
      That's exactly what I would have thought and yet here we are. Oh well, not gonna worry about this, just thought it was an experience...
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      Leefer55 replied to the thread SMSL DO300 DAC Review.
      Are you also able to hear the out of phase starting at 1:42 from the link I provided? What I am trying to say is I hear the out of phase...
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      Leefer55 replied to the thread SMSL DO300 DAC Review.
      The phase "thing" on the Dean Peer recording is how the recording was made, it is not an artifact to be questioned. I am saying the...
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      Leefer55 replied to the thread SMSL DO300 DAC Review.
      Depends on the recording I used. On Dean Peer's "Lord's Tundra" at the 1:42 mark, the bass guitar solo is played out of phase and the...
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      Leefer55 reacted to Dac Visitor's post in the thread SMSL DO300 DAC Review with Like Like.
      Today with a little Blackfriday discount bought a DO300EX. After reading mostly enthusiastic reviews I want to hear the difference. Come...
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      Leefer55 reacted to Kiko1974's post in the thread SMSL DO300 DAC Review with Like Like.
      I don't own the DO300 EX anymore. I returned it and got an SMSL D 400 PRO. Despite both using the same AKM chipset, I much prefer the...
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      Leefer55 replied to the thread SMSL DO300 DAC Review.
      I marked the USB C connecter with my preferred orientation and then had my son randomly flip and note the connection back and forth...
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      Leefer55 replied to the thread SMSL DO300 DAC Review.
      Before going with the DO300EX, I looked at other units including the DO400 PRO and tho it looked to be superior in many ways, my need...
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      Leefer55 replied to the thread SMSL DO300 DAC Review.
      Have you ever tried flipping your USB C connection to the DO300EX? I read a post on Audio Asylum where the OP claims a difference in SQ...
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      Today with a little Blackfriday discount bought a DO300EX. After reading mostly enthusiastic reviews I want to hear the difference. Come...
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