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    • J
      jetman replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Hi, Ant. Thanks for your reply. Do you mean the Wiim Pro, or Pro Plus? I've heard the analogue out (DAC) of the Pro and it's extremely...
    • J
      jetman reacted to terryforsythe's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      I would check on the WiiM forum. If anyone has insight on this, probably it will be there.
    • J
      jetman reacted to Brantome's post in the thread WiiM Ultra with Like Like.
      Not as designed, but who knows if some company wants to try as you describe…
    • J
      jetman replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Hello, will it be possible to upgrade the power supply of the Wiim Ultra to a better quality external power supply? For example, with...
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