I built my first loudspeakers when I was 15 as a schoolboy - the design goal was obvious: a lot of watts for little money. Soon an amplifier ( assembled modules soldered to transformer, rectifier and electrolytic capacitors ) was added and I got the role of a kind of "master of engineering" in my school class.
In the meantime we had our 35th Abi-meeting, I have a degree in physics including a doctorate in the field of "Computational Physics" and the establishment of a small company that develops software behind me.
As almost always in physics, hifi devices with the best parameters do not necessarily deliver the best results / the best listening impression for certain music that is heard in certain rooms by certain people in their respective moods.
Probably some parameters are overestimated, others are not even known yet.
Finally, it is clear that we are far from "Waveform Fidelity": The sound waves that reach us (together with their changes in head movements and all other sensory impressions) during a live performance have little to do with what arrives later during playback (and is expected in the usually much smaller spatial conditions).
With increasing experience, I become more and more interested in such psychoacoustic investigations, e.g:
- What do reflections on side walls do? Are different signals at the two ears thereby perceived as enrichment or as disturbance? Textbooks demand acoustic damping, sound engineers do not in private conversations.
- Does it make sense to chase after single dB when an omnidirectional measuring microphone has little to do with our sense of hearing?
A few years ago, I started to organize this knowledge for me and put it together in software. This should result in a series of apps that help users to set up their equipment even without any previous knowledge.
At the moment (2020) the first app is in beta stage.
Berlin, Germany
Physicist - Software Developer
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