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      demuffin replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Yes, the loudspeaker did pop before I replaced the capacitors. So far, the power supply is working again but I've noticed that the DC...
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      demuffin reacted to Mnyb's post in the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair with Like Like.
      Imo if you diy repair , you should be very skilled and have proper equipment ( and safety training/experience if you handle 230VAC or...
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      demuffin replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      The voltage measurements are done with the relay open as it does not remain closed when I switch on the speakers. Stand-by power supply...
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      demuffin replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      I tested the rectifier in diode mode in this order: M (Multimeter) & R (Rectifier) 1) M+ to R- & M- to R~ = 0.551V drop 2) Reverse = OL...
      • KEF LSC PSU.jpg
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      demuffin replied to the thread KEF LSX Teardown and Repair.
      Great repair review! I have a pair of KEF LSX which has a power issue on the secondary speaker. Whenever I plug in the secondary...
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