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    • dagot23
      dagot23 reacted to BobSmith's post in the thread Hifiman Edition XS with Like Like.
      I also have the Custom Cans strap and it's been kind of a game changer. It's not perfect but getting that hard fat tire off the crown of...
    • dagot23
      dagot23 reacted to Sanctuary's post in the thread Hifiman Edition XS with Like Like.
      I just went ahead and got one of the cheap cooling gel zipper bands from Geekira. If it's not comfortable enough, I might look into a...
    • dagot23
      dagot23 replied to the thread Hifiman Edition XS.
      I use the strap from CustomCans on my pair. Went from being extremely uncomfortable to not even feeling like there's anything resting on...
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