Chris A


Speakers: 2007 Klipsch Jubilees (two-way w/TAD TD-4002 HF drivers in front corners), full-range multiple-entry K-402/BMS 4592ND with two Crites 15" cast frame woofers (center), '82 Belle bass bins with bi-amped ESS AMT-1s (surrounds), 14 Hz DIY tapped horns behind each Jubilee bass bin (subs)...a fully horn-loaded 5.1 surround sound setup.

Amplifiers: First Watt F3 driving TAD TD-4002s on left and right Jubilee K-402 HF horns, Crown D-75As tri-amping center and bi-amping surrounds/front bass bins, and Crown XTi-1000s driving TH subs.

Preamplifier/DAC: Emotiva XMC-1 (multichannel) or Topping D10 Balanced (two channel)

DSP Crossovers: Xilica XP-8080 DSP crossover (crossing Jubilees, crossing center 3-way K-402-MEH), miniDSP 2x4 HD EQing and crossing Belle bass bin/AMT-1 surrounds, XTi-1000 DSPs EQing subs.

Sources: Oppo BDP-103, PS3, desktop PC running foobar2000 with CD/DVD-A collection ripped to FLAC and connected via HDMI to AVP--or via USB to Topping D10 Balanced (DAC-- 2 channel only)

Turntable/Phono preamplifier: Empire 398 with 980 arm, Stanton 681 EEE MK. III, transcription phono preamplifier.


Room dimensions: 40'L x 15.5'W x 9'H (5510 cubic feet), (12 x 4.7 x 2.7 metres--152 cubic metres) [relative dimensions 1:1.7:4.4], short wall front, listening chairs 10' from front wall (3 m). Auralex Sonofiber tiles to control early reflections, bass traps in corners for mid-bass control.


Digital music: More than 24K tracks in >2000 albums within a FLAC library, >75% of which includes demastered stereo and multichannel tracks from CDs, DVD-As, DTS, and SACDs.


System Goals: Integrated 2-channel/HT, no tube amplification, no bass reflex ports, fully horn loaded for very low modulation distortion, very low phase and group delay growth, and high accuracy dynamic reproduction.

System Strengths: Fully EQed, time/phase-aligned crossovers for each loudspeaker using active digital crossovers (Xilica XP-8080 fronts, miniDSP 2x4 HD surrounds). All drivers/loudspeakers time aligned, manually EQed, and crossed using fractional order crossover filters for an overall system frequency response of 14 Hz--20 kHz, ± 1.5 dB.
Arlington, Texas


" will be shown that loudspeakers are the single most important element in sound reproduction. Electronic devices, analog and digital, are also in the signal paths, but it is not difficult to demonstrate that in competitively designed products, any effects they may have are small if they are not driven into gross distortion or clipping. In fact, their effects are usually vanishingly small compared to the electro-acoustical and acoustical factors" F. Toole, 2018, Sound Reproduction the Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms, 3rd ed., chap. 1.6, pg 16.
Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge (Plato)


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