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    • C
      cam reacted to JeremyFife's post in the thread DAC recommendations with Like Like.
      Hi, I'll probably just echo what the others say, but hopefully the repetition helps; Don't pay any attention to cables, at all. As...
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      cam reacted to JSmith's post in the thread DAC recommendations with Like Like.
      Hello, welcome to ASR. Expensive/fancy cables are a complete waste of time and will not yield any improvement whatsoever. Read around...
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      cam reacted to Blumlein 88's post in the thread DAC recommendations with Like Like.
      The AQ would not offer any improvement on cables. The D10s or D10B (balanced) would be fine if this is how you wish to go. The USB...
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      cam reacted to EdW's post in the thread DAC recommendations with Like Like.
      In the EU or UK consider KEF. In the US consider Revel also. It’s a question of local price and availability of demos at dealers in...
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      cam reacted to Blumlein 88's post in the thread DAC recommendations with Like Like.
      For a USB to SPDIF converter get a Douk Audio U2. There is also a U2 Pro for a few dollars more. The difference is the U2 works up to...
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      cam replied to the thread DAC recommendations.
      noted with thanks! I just have Apple Music and I stream content via Airplay 2 to the NAD M33 but wont be able to stream hi-res. So far...
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      cam replied to the thread DAC recommendations.
      thank you for the clarification. my initial requests was not accurate and it is indeed not a DAC that I need, just a box converting...
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      cam replied to the thread DAC recommendations.
      Alright, thank you for the advice. I am going to search for those tests. Noted, will definately take a look at it. As far as I...
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      cam replied to the thread DAC recommendations.
      noted with thanks. I will search the forum for cables comparison tests made from Amir as suggested by Jsmith Actually, I am open to any...
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      Hello everyone, I’m relatively new to the hi-fi world, and I currently have the following setup: • NAD M33 • 2x 3m Nordost White...
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