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      BSerg replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Thank you. I don't use the TV remote. The TV is quite old and the smart works slowly in it. I don't want to change the TV because it is...
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      BSerg replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Thanks for correcting my mistake. I accidentally copied the wrong window from Google Translate.
    • B
      BSerg replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Translated by mod . Thanks. This is exactly what I want to play with. :) As far as I understand, autocorrect only works on Apple, and...
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      BSerg replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Thank you all very much. I want to use ultra or pro plus instead of DAC. I have UMIK1 and REW. With Wiim, I want to remove the...
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      BSerg replied to the thread WiiM Ultra.
      Hello everyone. Tell me, please: 1. Is it possible to turn off the screen on Ultra, or can the screen turn off itself after a while? 2...
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