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      Looking at the DSD1792 datasheet it looks like the chip is converting DSD into PCM on the fly before playing it back through multi-bit...
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      bigpilot replied to the thread The sound quality of DSD?.
      Sony has use 1-bit converters (Pulse Conversion) in their CD players for a long-time, including many ES series ones. The hybrid discs...
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      bigpilot replied to the thread The sound quality of DSD?.
      Have you actually listened to SACD's of albums you already own on CD? I have, and I can certainly tell the difference. There's a huge...
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      bigpilot replied to the thread The sound quality of DSD?.
      Well obviously they wanted a new and improved format to replace CD. And they also wanted bullet-proof DRM since they became a music...
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      bigpilot replied to the thread The sound quality of DSD?.
      MiniDisc was state-of-the-art when it was introduced. It may sound quaint today (where you can just copy your ripped FLAC files to a...
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      bigpilot replied to the thread The sound quality of DSD?.
      For me the only thing that matters is that Sony, a company who was dominant in digital audio recording for a long time, stands behind...
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