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Major Contributor
The Curator
Nov 29, 2019
BC, Canada
This is a Graphic Equalization (GEQ) guide based on Amir's excellent headphone reviews!
If you're looking for Parametric Equalization (PEQ) guide, see my previous post.

AS OF 2022-08-17:



Inspiration for this thread:
1. I wanted a way to import Amir's PEQ profiles into Android app 'Wavelet' (which only supports GEQ profiles).
2. I realized that 'AutoEQ' (the algorithm I need to make this happen) can also generate a 10-band GEQ profile, which means I can "convert" Amir's PEQ into GEQ.

What's another name for Graphic Equalizer (GEQ)?
- Also known as "Fixed Band Equalizer", but in this guide I'll only use "Graphic Equalizer" (GEQ) to keep things simple.

What are the frequencies that a typical 10-band GEQ profile uses?
10 band GEQ.png
Later, we'll use this for our 10-band GEQ profile.

What is 'Wavelet'?
'Wavelet' is a popular Android app, with +100,000 installs. (Link to Google Store)
By default, it supports 2 functions:
1. 9-band GEQ (default frequencies are 75,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200), which you can use to manually enter filters into.
2. A database of over +3196 headphone with pre-calculated GEQ profiles. If you select a popular headphone, like Sennheiser HD800S, from this list (inside Wavelet), the application looks at this database, and automatically loads the following file into your phone's storage/memory. In reality, this is a 127-band GEQ profile, which is much more accurate than a 10-band GEQ. How do I know? Well, if the app allows you to manually import a similar profile, then the app must do the same by default.

How did I convert Amir's PEQ profile to a compatible format to be imported into Wavelet?
1. Using my created PEQ profile for each headphone. Ex: Hifiman HE400i 2016
Preamp: -5.3 dB
Filter 1: ON LS Fc 40 Hz Gain 3.5 dB Q 1.0
Filter 2: ON LS Fc 75 Hz Gain 1.5 dB Q 1.0
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 1900 Hz Gain 5.0 dB Q 2.5
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 5300 Hz Gain 3.0 dB Q 3.0
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 8300 Hz Gain -4.0 dB Q 4.0
2. Import into 'Peace'. I chose 'Peace' instead of 'Equalizer APO' because 'Peace' has a much better resolution graph, which I'll need for the next steps.
This shows a smallest possible resolution image, for demonstration purposes.
3. I opened this chart on my 4k resolution monitor, in order to capture the best possible resolution. Took a screenshot as a 'PEQ.png"
4. Opened the "WebPlotDigitizer" website, which allows anyone to digitize a graph and export the data points as x-y coordinates.
5. In WebPlotDigitizer, File>Open Image, loaded "PEQ.png"
6. Selected "2D (X-Y) Plot", hit "Align Axes", hit "Proceed", select points X1 (on bottom left at 10hz), X2 (on bottom right 20000hz), Y1 (on bottom left at -15dB), and Y2 (on top left at 15dB) points of the graph.
2021-02-02 19_14_19-WebPlotDigitizer - Copyright 2010-2020 Ankit Rohatgi.png
7. Hit "complete"
8. Enter
x: 10hz, y: 20000, log scale: on
x: -15, y:15, log scale: off
2021-02-02 19_17_43-WebPlotDigitizer - Copyright 2010-2020 Ankit Rohatgi.png
Which of course, correspond to the points on the graph.
9. Hit "OK", then change "Foreground Color" from "Blue" to "Green" (because the website needs to understand what's the colour of the main plot). Hit "Done"
10. Change 'Algorithm Averaging Window':
X: 2
Y: 2
2021-02-02 19_25_14-WebPlotDigitizer - Copyright 2010-2020 Ankit Rohatgi.png
Default was 10, which is the sampling frequency.
If you run it with 10, the algorithm collects ~381 data points.
To increase your sampling rate, I first tried "1", which resulted in ~3119 data points. But later I ran into an issue where duplicate entries prevented 'AutoEQ' code from running (and only fixable until you remove those duplicate entries).
So I decided to stick with "2", which gave me ~1363 data points. When later running AutoEQ, it runs mostly fine, but sometimes it reports 1 data point (which is like 0.07% error rate) that is duplicate. I used Excel's "Remove Duplicates" function to remove any. I believe this sampling frequency becomes acceptable to use.
It's probably overkill... but I want the best possible accuracy.
11. Now that the algorithm found the data points, we need to export this into .CSV (or .txt works as well). Hit "View Data", then "Download .CSV".
I saved to Desktop for now.
12. Hit "Close", then File> "Save Project", hit "Download Project File (.tar)". I wanted to do this, because I could load the file next time I come back to WebPlotDigitizer, without repeating my steps, and for a backup.
13. Now, we need to install 'AutoEQ'. I followed the steps to install the required dependencies, in Windows 10.


How to install AutoEQ for Windows 64-bit:
Note: The instructions are already provided on the AutoEQ github page, but I figure I'd simplify it for those interested...
1. Install Git (download link). Get latest 64-bit. At this time, it was version 2.31.1.
When installing, check the "Use the native Windows Secure Channel library" option, not the "use the OpenSSL library".
2021-04-14 11_47_50-recordedVideo.mp4 - VLC media player.png
2. Download the latest 64-bit version of Python 3.8.x (DO NOT INSTALL Python 3.9.x since it will FAIL when installing dependencies)
From the time I wrote this, I see that the latest version is python 3.8.9 (released on April 2, 2021) (direct link).
When installing, make sure to enable "Add Python 3.8 to PATH" option.
2021-04-14 11_51_27-recordedVideo.mp4 - VLC media player.png
Once it's installed, make sure to click on "Disable Path Length Limit", before hitting "close".
2021-04-14 11_52_31-recordedVideo.mp4 - VLC media player.png
3. Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, and 2019.
Direct link.
Simple installation, with nothing to configure.
4. start menu, type cmd, type:
git clone https://github.com/jaakkopasanen/AutoEq.git
This takes several minutes to download the necessary files (over 1gb in size).
5. type and wait for each cmd to finish:
cd autoeq
python -m venv venv
python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt

That's it.
To verify that it's working type:
python autoeq.py --help
If you see the list of commands that AutoEQ accepts, then everything worked 100%. If you see any error message, then something went wrong.
But if you followed my guide, it should have worked.

Then run the script python autoeq.py .... as needed.


How to use 'AutoEQ' to generate the necessary files?
In Windows 10, cmd:
cd AutoEq
Here's the final working code I created:
python autoeq.py --input_dir="my_input/" --compensation="my_data/Hifiman HE400i 2016/Hifiman HE400i 2016.csv" --output_dir="my_results/Hifiman HE400i 2016" --equalize --treble_f_lower 18000 --treble_f_upper 20000 --fixed_band_eq --fc=32,64,125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000 --q=1.414214

Let me break down the code:
1. python autoeq.py
This runs the script
2. --input_dir="my_input/"
I first created a 'my_input" in the "C:\Users\user\AutoEq\" folder.
From the "compensation" directory, I copied the file called "zero.csv" and pasted into "C:\Users\user\AutoEq\my_input". File "Zero.csv" is simply the flat frequency compensation curve. In other words, it's just frequency and '0' gain for all frequencies. We need this file, since the algorithm needs to know what preference curve you're running it against.
3. --compensation="my_data/Hifiman HE400i 2016/Hifiman HE400i 2016.csv"
I first created a directory for each headphone in the "C:\Users\user\AutoEq\my_data" folder. Then I placed the "Hifiman HE400i 2016.csv" which is the csv file I got from 'WebPlotDigitizer' earlier.
Each time I ran this script, I change the directory and csv filename.
4. --output_dir="my_results/Hifiman HE400i 2016"
Each time I ran this script, I change the final directory, such that the resulting files are not mixed up with other headphones.
5. --equalize
This will run the algorithm in order to create the 127-band GEQ profile, which is formatted properly for direct import into 'Wavelet'.
6. --treble_f_lower 18000 --treble_f_upper 20000
This was recommended by jaakkopasanen. The reason was:
There's a slight difference in the highs because AutoEq smoothes upper treble heavily (because measurements up there are not accurate). You should be able able to avoid this by setting treble_f_lower and treble_f_upper to high values eg 18000 and 20000.
Without this code, my final generated GEQ had different gain for each peak, which was wrong. The addition of this code fixed the issue.
7. --fixed_band_eq --fc=32,64,125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000 --q=1.414214
I added this code in order to generate a '10-band GEQ profile'.
You can see the 10-band frequencies I mentioned earlier.
Read my post #13 to understand the calculation to find "q-factor of 1.41214".

What's the end result of this?
In the "my_results/Hifiman He400i 2016" directory, the following files get generated:
We can delete 'readme.md', 'zero.csv', and 'zero.png', as they serve no purpose for us.
1. "zero FixedBandEQ.txt" which is the the 10-band GEQ profile that can be imported into any app that supports GEQ profiles:
Preamp: -4.3 dB
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 32 Hz Gain 4.1 dB Q 1.41
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 64 Hz Gain 0.1 dB Q 1.41
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 125 Hz Gain -0.5 dB Q 1.41
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 250 Hz Gain -0.6 dB Q 1.41
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 500 Hz Gain -0.5 dB Q 1.41
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 1000 Hz Gain -0.8 dB Q 1.41
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 2000 Hz Gain 3.1 dB Q 1.41
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 4000 Hz Gain 0.7 dB Q 1.41
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 8000 Hz Gain -2.6 dB Q 1.41
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 16000 Hz Gain -0.9 dB Q 1.41
First of all, the format doesnt matter, since we won't be using this 'Equalizer APO' format, since this data will be entered into other apps.
We can extract the 10-band values visually...
Frequency (hz), then gain (db):
Preamp: -4.3db
32 4.1
64 0
125 -0.5
250 -0.6
500 -0.5
1000 -0.8
2000 3.1
4000 0.7
8000 -2.6
16000 -0.9
If the software asks for a preamp, apply -4.3 dB. Otherwise, not all software will require this value, as some software can do this for you automatically.
2. "zero GraphicEQ.txt", which is the "Wavelet" only compatible format. This is a 127-band GEQ profile.
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.5; 21 -0.6; 22 -0.6; 23 -0.7; 24 -0.7; 26 -0.9; 27 -1.0; 29 -1.1; 30 -1.2; 32 -1.4; 34 -1.6; 36 -1.8; 38 -1.9; 40 -2.1; 43 -2.4; 45 -2.5; 48 -2.8; 50 -2.9; 53 -3.1; 56 -3.3; 59 -3.5; 63 -3.7; 66 -3.8; 70 -3.9; 74 -4.1; 78 -4.2; 83 -4.3; 87 -4.4; 92 -4.5; 97 -4.6; 103 -4.7; 109 -4.8; 115 -4.8; 121 -4.9; 128 -4.9; 136 -5.0; 143 -5.0; 151 -5.0; 160 -5.1; 169 -5.1; 178 -5.1; 188 -5.1; 199 -5.1; 210 -5.1; 222 -5.2; 235 -5.2; 248 -5.2; 262 -5.2; 277 -5.2; 292 -5.2; 309 -5.2; 326 -5.2; 345 -5.2; 364 -5.2; 385 -5.2; 406 -5.2; 429 -5.2; 453 -5.2; 479 -5.1; 506 -5.1; 534 -5.1; 565 -5.1; 596 -5.1; 630 -5.1; 665 -5.1; 703 -5.1; 743 -5.0; 784 -5.0; 829 -5.0; 875 -4.9; 924 -4.9; 977 -4.8; 1032 -4.8; 1090 -4.7; 1151 -4.5; 1216 -4.4; 1284 -4.2; 1357 -3.9; 1433 -3.5; 1514 -3.0; 1599 -2.3; 1689 -1.5; 1784 -0.7; 1885 -0.2; 1991 -0.5; 2103 -1.2; 2221 -2.1; 2347 -2.8; 2479 -3.3; 2618 -3.7; 2766 -4.0; 2921 -4.2; 3086 -4.3; 3260 -4.4; 3443 -4.4; 3637 -4.4; 3842 -4.4; 4058 -4.2; 4287 -4.0; 4528 -3.6; 4783 -3.1; 5052 -2.5; 5337 -2.4; 5637 -2.8; 5955 -3.6; 6290 -4.4; 6644 -5.0; 7018 -5.8; 7414 -6.7; 7831 -8.0; 8272 -8.8; 8738 -8.3; 9230 -7.2; 9749 -6.4; 10298 -6.0; 10878 -5.7; 11490 -5.5; 12137 -5.4; 12821 -5.4; 13543 -5.3; 14305 -5.3; 15110 -5.3; 15961 -5.3; 16860 -5.3; 17809 -5.3; 18812 -4.8; 19871 -3.7
As you can see, it's just Frequency and Gain, 127 times.

How to import the 127-band GEQ profile into Wavelet?
1. Wavelet documentation says you can manually import the 127-band GEQ profile.
2. Here's a guide from a user @ t$$ on post #40.

Are you sure this 127-band GEQ profile is accurate enough? In other words, how does it compare with the original Amir's PEQ profile?
That was my first question as well.
1. I opened the 127-band GEQ profile into 'Equalizer APO', so I can visually see it on a graph. Then scaled to an appropriate size.
2. I opened Amir's PEQ profile into 'Peace', and scaled to the same vertical scale. (I used a screenshot tool to see how many pixels between 15dB scale).
3. To compare the 2 files, I used "Gimp" application for Windows. Since I know my vertical scale was correct (from previous step), I just positioned the images such that they overlap and one image had 50% transparency.
Here's the results:
The green line comes from the original 'Peace' app.
The black line comes from the overlaid 'Equalizer APO' app.
As you can see, the accuracy is impeccable.
I think it's safe to say, this was a success.

Are you really sure they're the same?
Here's another random headphone I tested (Philips Fidelio X2HR).
Philips Fidelio X2HR combined.png
As you can see, they overlap perfectly. There's no doubt.

Added 31-band GEQ profile.

A lot of professional equipment uses 31-band GEQ profiles with frequencies:

To do this, I had to re-run the code for the 31-bands and using q=4.472136 (as I've explained on post #13).
python autoeq.py --input_dir="my_input/" --compensation="my_data/Abyss Diana V2/Abyss Diana V2.csv" --output_dir="my_results/Abyss Diana V2" --equalize --treble_f_lower 18000 --treble_f_upper 20000 --fixed_band_eq --fc=20,25,31.5,40,50,63,80,100,125,160,200,250,315,400,500,630,800,1000,1250,1600,2000,2500,3150,4000,5000,6300,8000,10000,12500,16000,20000 --q=4.472136

Example of Abyss Diana V2:
Preamp: -8.0 dB
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain 4.7 dB Q 4.47
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 25 Hz Gain 5.2 dB Q 4.47
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 32 Hz Gain 3.6 dB Q 4.47
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 40 Hz Gain 2.2 dB Q 4.47
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 50 Hz Gain 1.0 dB Q 4.47
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 63 Hz Gain 0.3 dB Q 4.47
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 80 Hz Gain 0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 100 Hz Gain -0.0 dB Q 4.47
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 125 Hz Gain -0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 160 Hz Gain 0.0 dB Q 4.47
Filter 11: ON PK Fc 200 Hz Gain -0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 12: ON PK Fc 250 Hz Gain -0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 13: ON PK Fc 315 Hz Gain -0.0 dB Q 4.47
Filter 14: ON PK Fc 400 Hz Gain -0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 15: ON PK Fc 500 Hz Gain -0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 16: ON PK Fc 630 Hz Gain -0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 17: ON PK Fc 800 Hz Gain -0.3 dB Q 4.47
Filter 18: ON PK Fc 1000 Hz Gain -1.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 19: ON PK Fc 1250 Hz Gain -1.9 dB Q 4.47
Filter 20: ON PK Fc 1600 Hz Gain -0.5 dB Q 4.47
Filter 21: ON PK Fc 2000 Hz Gain -0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 22: ON PK Fc 2500 Hz Gain 1.8 dB Q 4.47
Filter 23: ON PK Fc 3150 Hz Gain 1.9 dB Q 4.47
Filter 24: ON PK Fc 4000 Hz Gain 2.5 dB Q 4.47
Filter 25: ON PK Fc 5000 Hz Gain -1.6 dB Q 4.47
Filter 26: ON PK Fc 6300 Hz Gain -0.5 dB Q 4.47
Filter 27: ON PK Fc 8000 Hz Gain 0.0 dB Q 4.47
Filter 28: ON PK Fc 10000 Hz Gain -0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 29: ON PK Fc 12500 Hz Gain -0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 30: ON PK Fc 16000 Hz Gain -0.1 dB Q 4.47
Filter 31: ON PK Fc 20000 Hz Gain -0.5 dB Q 4.47
Let's clean it up:
Preamp: -8.0db
20 4.7
25 5.2
32 3.6
40 2.2
50 1.0
63 0.3
80 0.1
100 -0.0
125 -0.1
160 0.0
200 -0.1
250 -0.1
315 -0.0
400 -0.1
500 -0.1
630 -0.1
800 -0.3
1000 -1.1
1250 -1.9
1600 -0.5
2000 -0.1
2500 1.8
3150 1.9
4000 2.5
5000 -1.6
6300 -0.5
8000 0.0
10000 -0.1
12500 -0.1
16000 -0.1
20000 -0.5
How to upgrade Foobar2000's (for Windows) 18-band non-standard GEQ (with +-1dB gain adjustments), to a 31-band standard GEQ (with +-0.1db gain adjustments)?
By default, Foobar2000 comes with 18-band GEQ (with +-1dB gain adjustments) with frequencies 55,77,110,156,220,311,440,622,880,1200,1800,2500,3500,5000,7000,10000,14000,20000.
2 problems are... A) these 18-band GEQs are non-standard and are less frequently used as 10 or 31 band and B) they only allow +-1dB increments, which is non-standard as everyone uses +-0.1dB increments, for more accuracy.
1. Get the free addon "Graphic Equalizer" from https://www.foobar2000.org/components/view/foo_dsp_xgeq
2. Download, save .zip to desktop
3. Foobar2000, file, preferences, components, select "install" button, select .zip from desktop, "apply", it will restart Foobar
4. To adjust GEQ, go to View, 'Graphic Equalizer', you'll see the 31-band GEQ (with +-0.1db gain adjustments).
Note: The original GEQ is still there, just under View, DSP, Equalizer.
How to change VLC (for all platforms) default 10-band non-standard GEQ to a standard 10-band GEQ?
By default, VLC comes with a 10-band GEQ profile, with frequencies 60,170,310,600,1000,3000,6000,12000,14000,16000
But this is non-standard and won't match with the typical ISO standard with frequencies 32,64,125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000.
To fix this, go to:
1. Preferences
2. Show "All" settings (on the bottom left)
3. Select "Audio" Tab, then "Filters" sub-tab, then "Equalizer" Tab
4. Disable the option "Use VLC frequency bands".
2021-02-09 12_37_56-Advanced Preferences.png
Now you can use the typical 10-band GEQ with frequencies 32,64,125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000

I'm not in any way affiliated with @jaakkopasanen , AutoEq, or Wavelet.
This was my own idea and I planned to accomplish this project with the available free tools.
I see value in 'Wavelet' as a one-stop-app for automatic EQ'ing of headphones (which is how apps should function like), so I decided to generate a way to import into Wavelet.
My guide allows everyone to import Amir's EQ profiles into Wavelet, which wasn't simple to do (unless you did what I did, haha).
I'm sharing my work for the benefit of others who seek to use Amir's headphone PEQ values, but cannot, since software doesn't allow PEQ.
Now, you can enter Amir's GEQ profiles into your favorite GEQ software, as well as import directly into 'Wavelet'.

Amir's Headphone GEQ profiles (sorted A-Z):

Each Headphone shows:

- 10-band GEQ profile. 1st line is Preamp, then Frequency (hz) and Gain (db). Import into your favorite app.
- 31-band GEQ profile. 1st line is Preamp, then Frequency (hz) and Gain (db). Import into your favorite app.
- 127-band GEQ profile. Import into Wavelet app.

Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC:
Preamp: -4.3db
32 3.1
64 0.8
125 0.7
250 -1.8
500 -0.4
1000 -3.2
2000 1.7
4000 4.2
8000 -1.5
16000 -7.3
Preamp: -6.1db
20 1.4
25 2.4
32 2.4
40 2.0
50 1.3
63 1.0
80 0.6
100 0.4
125 0.3
160 0.2
200 -0.0
250 -1.0
315 -2.7
400 -0.8
500 -0.2
630 -0.4
800 -2.7
1000 -2.8
1250 -0.3
1600 0.2
2000 0.5
2500 1.5
3150 5.2
4000 2.8
5000 0.8
6300 0.5
8000 0.2
10000 -0.3
12500 -12.0
16000 -5.0
20000 -4.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -2.6; 21 -2.6; 22 -2.6; 23 -2.6; 24 -2.7; 26 -2.7; 27 -2.7; 29 -2.7; 30 -2.8; 32 -2.8; 34 -2.9; 36 -2.9; 38 -3.0; 40 -3.0; 43 -3.1; 45 -3.2; 48 -3.3; 50 -3.4; 53 -3.6; 56 -3.7; 59 -3.8; 63 -3.9; 66 -4.1; 70 -4.2; 74 -4.3; 78 -4.4; 83 -4.5; 87 -4.6; 92 -4.7; 97 -4.8; 103 -4.8; 109 -4.9; 115 -5.0; 121 -5.0; 128 -5.1; 136 -5.1; 143 -5.2; 151 -5.3; 160 -5.3; 169 -5.4; 178 -5.5; 188 -5.6; 199 -5.7; 210 -5.9; 222 -6.1; 235 -6.4; 248 -6.8; 262 -7.2; 277 -7.6; 292 -8.0; 309 -8.2; 326 -8.1; 345 -7.7; 364 -7.4; 385 -7.0; 406 -6.7; 429 -6.5; 453 -6.3; 479 -6.2; 506 -6.2; 534 -6.2; 565 -6.3; 596 -6.4; 630 -6.6; 665 -6.8; 703 -7.2; 743 -7.7; 784 -8.2; 829 -8.7; 875 -9.0; 924 -9.0; 977 -8.6; 1032 -8.0; 1090 -7.4; 1151 -6.9; 1216 -6.5; 1284 -6.1; 1357 -5.8; 1433 -5.6; 1514 -5.4; 1599 -5.2; 1689 -5.0; 1784 -4.8; 1885 -4.6; 1991 -4.4; 2103 -4.2; 2221 -3.9; 2347 -3.5; 2479 -3.1; 2618 -2.5; 2766 -1.9; 2921 -1.1; 3086 -0.5; 3260 -0.2; 3443 -0.4; 3637 -1.0; 3842 -1.7; 4058 -2.4; 4287 -2.9; 4528 -3.4; 4783 -3.8; 5052 -4.1; 5337 -4.3; 5637 -4.5; 5955 -4.7; 6290 -4.8; 6644 -5.0; 7018 -5.1; 7414 -5.3; 7831 -5.5; 8272 -5.7; 8738 -5.9; 9230 -6.3; 9749 -6.7; 10298 -7.4; 10878 -8.3; 11490 -9.8; 12137 -12.1; 12821 -15.0; 13543 -15.6; 14305 -12.9; 15110 -10.3; 15961 -8.5; 16860 -7.5; 17809 -6.7; 18812 -7.1; 19871 -8.3

Abyss Diana V2:
Preamp: -6.1dB
32 6.1
64 -0.6
125 0
250 0
500 0.3
1000 -1.9
2000 0.6
4000 1.8
8000 -0.8
16000 0
Preamp: -8.0dB
20 4.7
25 5.2
32 3.6
40 2.2
50 1.0
63 0.3
80 0
100 0
125 0
160 0
200 0
250 0
315 0
400 0
500 0
630 0
800 -0.3
1000 -1.1
1250 -1.9
1600 -0.5
2000 0
2500 1.8
3150 1.9
4000 2.5
5000 -1.6
6300 -0.5
8000 0
10000 0
12500 0
16000 0
20000 -0.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.4; 27 -0.7; 29 -1.1; 30 -1.3; 32 -1.7; 34 -2.1; 36 -2.5; 38 -2.9; 40 -3.2; 43 -3.6; 45 -3.9; 48 -4.2; 50 -4.5; 53 -4.7; 56 -4.9; 59 -5.1; 63 -5.3; 66 -5.4; 70 -5.6; 74 -5.7; 78 -5.8; 83 -5.9; 87 -5.9; 92 -6.0; 97 -6.0; 103 -6.1; 109 -6.1; 115 -6.1; 121 -6.2; 128 -6.2; 136 -6.2; 143 -6.2; 151 -6.2; 160 -6.2; 169 -6.2; 178 -6.3; 188 -6.3; 199 -6.3; 210 -6.3; 222 -6.3; 235 -6.3; 248 -6.3; 262 -6.3; 277 -6.3; 292 -6.3; 309 -6.3; 326 -6.3; 345 -6.3; 364 -6.3; 385 -6.3; 406 -6.3; 429 -6.4; 453 -6.4; 479 -6.4; 506 -6.4; 534 -6.4; 565 -6.4; 596 -6.5; 630 -6.5; 665 -6.5; 703 -6.6; 743 -6.7; 784 -6.8; 829 -6.9; 875 -7.0; 924 -7.2; 977 -7.5; 1032 -7.7; 1090 -8.0; 1151 -8.2; 1216 -8.2; 1284 -8.0; 1357 -7.7; 1433 -7.4; 1514 -7.1; 1599 -6.9; 1689 -6.7; 1784 -6.5; 1885 -6.3; 1991 -6.1; 2103 -5.8; 2221 -5.5; 2347 -5.0; 2479 -4.4; 2618 -3.9; 2766 -3.8; 2921 -4.1; 3086 -4.5; 3260 -4.5; 3443 -3.7; 3637 -2.5; 3842 -3.3; 4058 -4.7; 4287 -5.6; 4528 -6.0; 4783 -6.3; 5052 -6.8; 5337 -7.8; 5637 -7.7; 5955 -6.8; 6290 -6.5; 6644 -6.4; 7018 -6.3; 7414 -6.3; 7831 -6.3; 8272 -6.3; 8738 -6.3; 9230 -6.3; 9749 -6.3; 10298 -6.3; 10878 -6.3; 11490 -6.3; 12137 -6.3; 12821 -6.3; 13543 -6.3; 14305 -6.3; 15110 -6.3; 15961 -6.3; 16860 -6.3; 17809 -6.3; 18812 -6.3; 19871 -6.5

AKG K371:
Preamp: -2.5dB
32 -0.5
64 -0.3
125 -0.4
250 -0.4
500 -0.4
1000 -0.2
2000 0.7
4000 2.6
8000 -2.6
16000 -0.4
Preamp: -4.2dB
20 -1.0
25 -0.5
32 -0.5
40 -0.3
50 -0.2
63 -0.4
80 -0.4
100 -0.4
125 -0.3
160 -0.4
200 -0.3
250 -0.3
315 -0.3
400 -0.3
500 -0.3
630 -0.3
800 -0.2
1000 0
1250 0
1600 0.4
2000 0.9
2500 0.8
3150 0.9
4000 4.0
5000 0
6300 -2.8
8000 -1.5
10000 -0.4
12500 -0.6
16000 -0.7
20000 0
GraphicEQ: 20 -4.6; 21 -4.6; 22 -4.6; 23 -4.6; 24 -4.6; 26 -4.6; 27 -4.6; 29 -4.6; 30 -4.6; 32 -4.6; 34 -4.6; 36 -4.6; 38 -4.6; 40 -4.6; 43 -4.6; 45 -4.6; 48 -4.6; 50 -4.6; 53 -4.6; 56 -4.6; 59 -4.6; 63 -4.6; 66 -4.6; 70 -4.6; 74 -4.6; 78 -4.6; 83 -4.6; 87 -4.6; 92 -4.6; 97 -4.6; 103 -4.6; 109 -4.6; 115 -4.6; 121 -4.6; 128 -4.6; 136 -4.6; 143 -4.6; 151 -4.6; 160 -4.6; 169 -4.6; 178 -4.6; 188 -4.6; 199 -4.6; 210 -4.6; 222 -4.6; 235 -4.6; 248 -4.6; 262 -4.6; 277 -4.6; 292 -4.6; 309 -4.5; 326 -4.5; 345 -4.5; 364 -4.5; 385 -4.5; 406 -4.5; 429 -4.5; 453 -4.5; 479 -4.5; 506 -4.5; 534 -4.5; 565 -4.5; 596 -4.5; 630 -4.4; 665 -4.4; 703 -4.4; 743 -4.4; 784 -4.4; 829 -4.3; 875 -4.3; 924 -4.3; 977 -4.2; 1032 -4.2; 1090 -4.1; 1151 -4.0; 1216 -4.0; 1284 -3.9; 1357 -3.8; 1433 -3.7; 1514 -3.6; 1599 -3.5; 1689 -3.4; 1784 -3.2; 1885 -3.1; 1991 -3.0; 2103 -3.0; 2221 -2.9; 2347 -2.9; 2479 -2.9; 2618 -2.9; 2766 -2.9; 2921 -2.9; 3086 -2.8; 3260 -2.5; 3443 -1.9; 3637 -1.0; 3842 -0.2; 4058 -0.5; 4287 -1.7; 4528 -2.7; 4783 -3.4; 5052 -3.9; 5337 -4.4; 5637 -4.8; 5955 -5.4; 6290 -6.3; 6644 -7.1; 7018 -7.1; 7414 -6.3; 7831 -5.6; 8272 -5.2; 8738 -5.0; 9230 -4.8; 9749 -4.7; 10298 -4.7; 10878 -4.6; 11490 -4.6; 12137 -4.6; 12821 -4.6; 13543 -4.6; 14305 -4.6; 15110 -4.6; 15961 -4.6; 16860 -4.6; 17809 -4.6; 18812 -4.4; 19871 -4.1

Audeze LCD-24:
Preamp: -6.4db
32 6.2
64 1.3
125 -0.6
250 -1.5
500 -1.2
1000 -2.2
2000 4.5
4000 2.3
8000 -2.4
16000 -2.4
Preamp: -6.9db
20 4.0
25 5.1
32 3.7
40 2.8
50 2.2
63 1.6
80 0.9
100 0.3
125 -0.4
160 -0.9
200 -1.0
250 -1.1
315 -1.2
400 -1.2
500 -1.2
630 -1.2
800 -1.1
1000 -0.9
1250 -0.6
1600 0.9
2000 3.4
2500 4.8
3150 1.5
4000 3.4
5000 -0.6
6300 -1.2
8000 -1.4
10000 -1.6
12500 -2.1
16000 -2.7
20000 -2.8
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.3; 22 -0.3; 23 -0.4; 24 -0.5; 26 -0.6; 27 -0.7; 29 -0.9; 30 -1.0; 32 -1.2; 34 -1.4; 36 -1.6; 38 -1.8; 40 -2.0; 43 -2.3; 45 -2.5; 48 -2.8; 50 -2.9; 53 -3.2; 56 -3.4; 59 -3.6; 63 -3.8; 66 -4.0; 70 -4.2; 74 -4.4; 78 -4.7; 83 -4.9; 87 -5.1; 92 -5.3; 97 -5.5; 103 -5.8; 109 -6.0; 115 -6.2; 121 -6.4; 128 -6.6; 136 -6.8; 143 -6.9; 151 -7.0; 160 -7.1; 169 -7.2; 178 -7.3; 188 -7.4; 199 -7.5; 210 -7.5; 222 -7.6; 235 -7.6; 248 -7.6; 262 -7.7; 277 -7.7; 292 -7.7; 309 -7.7; 326 -7.7; 345 -7.7; 364 -7.7; 385 -7.7; 406 -7.7; 429 -7.7; 453 -7.7; 479 -7.7; 506 -7.7; 534 -7.7; 565 -7.7; 596 -7.6; 630 -7.6; 665 -7.6; 703 -7.6; 743 -7.5; 784 -7.5; 829 -7.4; 875 -7.4; 924 -7.3; 977 -7.2; 1032 -7.1; 1090 -7.0; 1151 -6.8; 1216 -6.6; 1284 -6.3; 1357 -6.0; 1433 -5.6; 1514 -5.1; 1599 -4.5; 1689 -3.9; 1784 -3.3; 1885 -2.7; 1991 -2.2; 2103 -1.6; 2221 -1.0; 2347 -0.6; 2479 -0.8; 2618 -1.3; 2766 -2.1; 2921 -2.8; 3086 -3.2; 3260 -3.4; 3443 -3.2; 3637 -2.7; 3842 -2.5; 4058 -2.9; 4287 -3.8; 4528 -4.8; 4783 -5.5; 5052 -6.1; 5337 -6.5; 5637 -6.7; 5955 -6.9; 6290 -7.1; 6644 -7.2; 7018 -7.3; 7414 -7.4; 7831 -7.5; 8272 -7.5; 8738 -7.6; 9230 -7.6; 9749 -7.6; 10298 -7.7; 10878 -7.7; 11490 -7.7; 12137 -7.7; 12821 -7.7; 13543 -7.8; 14305 -7.8; 15110 -7.8; 15961 -7.8; 16860 -7.8; 17809 -7.8; 18812 -7.8; 19871 -7.7

Audeze LCD-X:
Preamp: -4.7dB
32 4.3
64 1.3
125 -0.8
250 -1.1
500 -0.8
1000 -1.7
2000 1.9
4000 3.5
8000 -2.1
16000 -1.7
Preamp: -7.2dB
20 1.4
25 4.0
32 3.6
40 2.8
50 1.9
63 1.4
80 0.7
100 0
125 -0.5
160 -0.8
200 -0.8
250 -0.9
315 -0.9
400 -0.9
500 -0.9
630 -0.9
800 -0.8
1000 -0.7
1250 -0.7
1600 -0.4
2000 0
2500 3.3
3150 6.3
4000 1.2
5000 -0.3
6300 -0.7
8000 -0.9
10000 -1.1
12500 -1.4
16000 -1.9
20000 -2.0
GraphicEQ: 20 -4.0; 21 -3.6; 22 -3.2; 23 -3.0; 24 -2.8; 26 -2.4; 27 -2.3; 29 -2.2; 30 -2.2; 32 -2.2; 34 -2.3; 36 -2.4; 38 -2.6; 40 -2.7; 43 -2.9; 45 -3.1; 48 -3.3; 50 -3.4; 53 -3.7; 56 -3.9; 59 -4.1; 63 -4.3; 66 -4.5; 70 -4.8; 74 -5.0; 78 -5.2; 83 -5.5; 87 -5.7; 92 -5.9; 97 -6.1; 103 -6.3; 109 -6.4; 115 -6.6; 121 -6.7; 128 -6.8; 136 -6.9; 143 -7.0; 151 -7.1; 160 -7.1; 169 -7.2; 178 -7.2; 188 -7.3; 199 -7.3; 210 -7.3; 222 -7.4; 235 -7.4; 248 -7.4; 262 -7.4; 277 -7.4; 292 -7.4; 309 -7.4; 326 -7.4; 345 -7.4; 364 -7.4; 385 -7.4; 406 -7.4; 429 -7.4; 453 -7.4; 479 -7.4; 506 -7.4; 534 -7.4; 565 -7.4; 596 -7.4; 630 -7.4; 665 -7.4; 703 -7.4; 743 -7.4; 784 -7.3; 829 -7.3; 875 -7.3; 924 -7.3; 977 -7.2; 1032 -7.2; 1090 -7.1; 1151 -7.1; 1216 -7.0; 1284 -6.9; 1357 -6.9; 1433 -6.7; 1514 -6.6; 1599 -6.5; 1689 -6.3; 1784 -6.0; 1885 -5.7; 1991 -5.3; 2103 -4.9; 2221 -4.3; 2347 -3.5; 2479 -2.6; 2618 -1.5; 2766 -0.4; 2921 -0.2; 3086 -0.2; 3260 -0.5; 3443 -1.5; 3637 -2.6; 3842 -3.6; 4058 -4.3; 4287 -4.9; 4528 -5.4; 4783 -5.8; 5052 -6.1; 5337 -6.3; 5637 -6.5; 5955 -6.6; 6290 -6.8; 6644 -6.9; 7018 -7.0; 7414 -7.0; 7831 -7.1; 8272 -7.2; 8738 -7.2; 9230 -7.2; 9749 -7.3; 10298 -7.3; 10878 -7.3; 11490 -7.4; 12137 -7.4; 12821 -7.4; 13543 -7.4; 14305 -7.4; 15110 -7.4; 15961 -7.4; 16860 -7.5; 17809 -7.5; 18812 -7.5; 19871 -7.4

Audio Technica ATH-ADX5000:
Preamp: -7.4db
32 7.0
64 1.4
125 0.3
250 0.3
500 0.6
1000 -0.3
2000 3.8
4000 -4.7
8000 -1.1
16000 0.6
Preamp: -7.3db
20 3.9
25 5.1
32 4.7
40 3.8
50 3.0
63 1.9
80 1.0
100 0.7
125 0.5
160 0.5
200 0.4
250 0.4
315 0.4
400 0.4
500 0.4
630 0.4
800 0.4
1000 0.3
1250 0.4
1600 0.0
2000 3.5
2500 2.3
3150 -2.0
4000 -3.4
5000 -3.6
6300 -2.2
8000 -1.0
10000 -0.3
12500 0.1
16000 0.5
20000 0.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.3; 38 -0.6; 40 -0.8; 43 -1.2; 45 -1.5; 48 -1.8; 50 -2.1; 53 -2.4; 56 -2.8; 59 -3.1; 63 -3.4; 66 -3.6; 70 -3.9; 74 -4.1; 78 -4.3; 83 -4.5; 87 -4.7; 92 -4.8; 97 -4.9; 103 -5.0; 109 -5.1; 115 -5.2; 121 -5.2; 128 -5.3; 136 -5.3; 143 -5.4; 151 -5.4; 160 -5.4; 169 -5.5; 178 -5.5; 188 -5.5; 199 -5.5; 210 -5.5; 222 -5.5; 235 -5.5; 248 -5.5; 262 -5.6; 277 -5.6; 292 -5.6; 309 -5.6; 326 -5.6; 345 -5.6; 364 -5.6; 385 -5.6; 406 -5.6; 429 -5.6; 453 -5.6; 479 -5.6; 506 -5.6; 534 -5.6; 565 -5.6; 596 -5.6; 630 -5.6; 665 -5.6; 703 -5.6; 743 -5.6; 784 -5.7; 829 -5.7; 875 -5.7; 924 -5.7; 977 -5.7; 1032 -5.7; 1090 -5.7; 1151 -5.7; 1216 -5.7; 1284 -5.6; 1357 -5.6; 1433 -5.5; 1514 -5.4; 1599 -5.3; 1689 -5.0; 1784 -4.6; 1885 -4.0; 1991 -3.2; 2103 -2.3; 2221 -2.1; 2347 -2.9; 2479 -4.2; 2618 -5.3; 2766 -6.3; 2921 -7.0; 3086 -7.7; 3260 -8.3; 3443 -8.8; 3637 -9.3; 3842 -9.7; 4058 -10.0; 4287 -10.3; 4528 -10.4; 4783 -10.3; 5052 -10.1; 5337 -9.9; 5637 -9.6; 5955 -9.2; 6290 -8.8; 6644 -8.5; 7018 -8.2; 7414 -7.9; 7831 -7.6; 8272 -7.3; 8738 -7.1; 9230 -6.9; 9749 -6.8; 10298 -6.6; 10878 -6.5; 11490 -6.4; 12137 -6.3; 12821 -6.2; 13543 -6.1; 14305 -6.1; 15110 -6.0; 15961 -5.9; 16860 -5.9; 17809 -5.9; 18812 -5.9; 19871 -5.9

Audio Technica ATH-M50X:
Preamp: -2.9db
32 -0.2
64 3.2
125 -3.2
250 1.4
500 1.8
1000 -0.3
2000 1.0
4000 -2.0
8000 -0.1
16000 0.6
Preamp: -3.9db
20 1.1
25 0.8
32 0.5
40 0.2
50 0.2
63 2.4
80 2.0
100 0.1
125 -1.7
160 -3.3
200 0.1
250 0.0
315 3.2
400 2.7
500 0.2
630 0.4
800 0.3
1000 0.3
1250 0.3
1600 0.3
2000 0.3
2500 0.2
3150 0.4
4000 -1.6
5000 -2.0
6300 -1.4
8000 0.4
10000 0.3
12500 0.4
16000 0.6
20000 0.1
GraphicEQ: 20 -4.0; 21 -4.0; 22 -4.0; 23 -4.0; 24 -4.0; 26 -3.9; 27 -3.9; 29 -3.9; 30 -3.9; 32 -3.9; 34 -3.9; 36 -3.9; 38 -3.8; 40 -3.8; 43 -3.7; 45 -3.7; 48 -3.6; 50 -3.5; 53 -3.3; 56 -3.0; 59 -2.7; 63 -2.0; 66 -1.5; 70 -1.2; 74 -1.5; 78 -2.2; 83 -2.9; 87 -3.3; 92 -3.7; 97 -4.0; 103 -4.4; 109 -4.8; 115 -5.2; 121 -5.7; 128 -6.3; 136 -7.1; 143 -7.6; 151 -7.7; 160 -7.2; 169 -6.5; 178 -5.9; 188 -5.3; 199 -4.9; 210 -4.5; 222 -4.3; 235 -4.0; 248 -3.7; 262 -3.4; 277 -3.0; 292 -2.4; 309 -1.7; 326 -0.8; 345 -0.2; 364 -0.4; 385 -1.1; 406 -1.9; 429 -2.5; 453 -2.9; 479 -3.2; 506 -3.4; 534 -3.5; 565 -3.6; 596 -3.7; 630 -3.8; 665 -3.8; 703 -3.8; 743 -3.9; 784 -3.9; 829 -3.9; 875 -3.9; 924 -3.9; 977 -3.9; 1032 -4.0; 1090 -4.0; 1151 -4.0; 1216 -4.0; 1284 -4.0; 1357 -4.0; 1433 -4.0; 1514 -4.0; 1599 -4.0; 1689 -4.0; 1784 -4.0; 1885 -4.0; 1991 -4.1; 2103 -4.1; 2221 -4.1; 2347 -4.1; 2479 -4.1; 2618 -4.2; 2766 -4.2; 2921 -4.3; 3086 -4.4; 3260 -4.5; 3443 -4.7; 3637 -5.0; 3842 -5.6; 4058 -6.3; 4287 -6.8; 4528 -6.7; 4783 -6.2; 5052 -6.2; 5337 -6.5; 5637 -6.9; 5955 -6.5; 6290 -5.8; 6644 -5.1; 7018 -4.8; 7414 -4.5; 7831 -4.4; 8272 -4.3; 8738 -4.2; 9230 -4.2; 9749 -4.1; 10298 -4.1; 10878 -4.1; 11490 -4.1; 12137 -4.1; 12821 -4.0; 13543 -4.0; 14305 -4.0; 15110 -4.0; 15961 -4.0; 16860 -4.0; 17809 -4.0; 18812 -4.1; 19871 -4.3

Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro:
Preamp: -1.9dB
32 1.5
64 1.1
125 -0.7
250 0.3
500 1.2
1000 1.1
2000 1.4
4000 1.7
8000 -8.1
16000 -2.4
Preamp: -3.5dB
20 1.2
25 0.8
32 1.5
40 1.0
50 1.0
63 0.9
80 0.7
100 0.3
125 -0.4
160 -0.7
200 0
250 0.4
315 0.8
400 0.9
500 0.9
630 1.0
800 1.0
1000 1.0
1250 1.1
1600 1.1
2000 1.0
2500 1.1
3150 1.2
4000 1.9
5000 -2.3
6300 -2.6
8000 -7.2
10000 -4.7
12500 -8.1
16000 -1.4
20000 3.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.9; 21 -0.9; 22 -0.8; 23 -0.9; 24 -0.9; 26 -0.9; 27 -0.9; 29 -0.9; 30 -0.9; 32 -0.9; 34 -0.9; 36 -0.9; 38 -1.0; 40 -1.0; 43 -1.0; 45 -1.0; 48 -1.0; 50 -1.1; 53 -1.1; 56 -1.1; 59 -1.2; 63 -1.2; 66 -1.3; 70 -1.3; 74 -1.4; 78 -1.5; 83 -1.6; 87 -1.7; 92 -1.8; 97 -1.9; 103 -2.1; 109 -2.2; 115 -2.4; 121 -2.5; 128 -2.6; 136 -2.7; 143 -2.8; 151 -2.8; 160 -2.8; 169 -2.7; 178 -2.6; 188 -2.5; 199 -2.3; 210 -2.2; 222 -2.0; 235 -1.9; 248 -1.8; 262 -1.7; 277 -1.6; 292 -1.5; 309 -1.4; 326 -1.3; 345 -1.3; 364 -1.2; 385 -1.2; 406 -1.1; 429 -1.1; 453 -1.1; 479 -1.0; 506 -1.0; 534 -1.0; 565 -1.0; 596 -1.0; 630 -0.9; 665 -0.9; 703 -0.9; 743 -0.9; 784 -0.9; 829 -0.9; 875 -0.9; 924 -0.9; 977 -0.9; 1032 -0.9; 1090 -0.9; 1151 -0.9; 1216 -0.9; 1284 -0.9; 1357 -0.9; 1433 -0.9; 1514 -0.9; 1599 -0.9; 1689 -0.9; 1784 -0.9; 1885 -0.9; 1991 -0.9; 2103 -0.9; 2221 -0.9; 2347 -0.9; 2479 -0.9; 2618 -0.9; 2766 -0.9; 2921 -0.9; 3086 -1.0; 3260 -1.0; 3443 -1.0; 3637 -1.1; 3842 -1.2; 4058 -1.4; 4287 -1.7; 4528 -2.2; 4783 -3.0; 5052 -4.4; 5337 -6.3; 5637 -7.9; 5955 -7.2; 6290 -5.7; 6644 -5.0; 7018 -5.1; 7414 -6.2; 7831 -8.4; 8272 -11.1; 8738 -11.3; 9230 -9.1; 9749 -7.4; 10298 -6.9; 10878 -7.1; 11490 -7.9; 12137 -8.7; 12821 -8.8; 13543 -7.8; 14305 -6.2; 15110 -4.7; 15961 -3.4; 16860 -2.4; 17809 -1.7; 18812 -1.1; 19871 -0.2

Beyerdynamic T1 V2:
Preamp: -4.3db
32 -0.8
64 4.2
125 0.5
250 -0.9
500 -0.7
1000 -0.9
2000 3.5
4000 2.4
8000 -6.5
16000 -0.9
Preamp: -4.6db
20 -1.2
25 -0.8
32 -0.5
40 0.4
50 1.7
63 3.3
80 3.0
100 1.5
125 0.6
160 -0.0
200 -0.4
250 -0.5
315 -0.6
400 -0.6
500 -0.6
630 -0.6
800 -0.4
1000 -0.2
1250 0.2
1600 1.1
2000 2.4
2500 3.5
3150 2.5
4000 1.0
5000 0.2
6300 -1.2
8000 -9.1
10000 -1.4
12500 -1.4
16000 -1.7
20000 0.9
GraphicEQ: 20 -4.8; 21 -4.7; 22 -4.6; 23 -4.6; 24 -4.5; 26 -4.4; 27 -4.3; 29 -4.2; 30 -4.1; 32 -3.9; 34 -3.7; 36 -3.5; 38 -3.3; 40 -3.1; 43 -2.7; 45 -2.5; 48 -2.1; 50 -1.8; 53 -1.4; 56 -1.1; 59 -0.7; 63 -0.4; 66 -0.3; 70 -0.2; 74 -0.3; 78 -0.4; 83 -0.7; 87 -1.0; 92 -1.4; 97 -1.8; 103 -2.1; 109 -2.5; 115 -2.8; 121 -3.0; 128 -3.3; 136 -3.5; 143 -3.7; 151 -3.9; 160 -4.0; 169 -4.2; 178 -4.3; 188 -4.4; 199 -4.5; 210 -4.5; 222 -4.6; 235 -4.7; 248 -4.7; 262 -4.7; 277 -4.8; 292 -4.8; 309 -4.8; 326 -4.9; 345 -4.9; 364 -4.9; 385 -4.9; 406 -4.9; 429 -4.9; 453 -4.9; 479 -4.9; 506 -4.9; 534 -4.9; 565 -4.8; 596 -4.8; 630 -4.8; 665 -4.8; 703 -4.7; 743 -4.7; 784 -4.6; 829 -4.5; 875 -4.5; 924 -4.4; 977 -4.3; 1032 -4.2; 1090 -4.0; 1151 -3.9; 1216 -3.7; 1284 -3.6; 1357 -3.3; 1433 -3.1; 1514 -2.8; 1599 -2.5; 1689 -2.2; 1784 -1.9; 1885 -1.5; 1991 -1.1; 2103 -0.8; 2221 -0.5; 2347 -0.3; 2479 -0.3; 2618 -0.3; 2766 -0.5; 2921 -0.8; 3086 -1.1; 3260 -1.5; 3443 -1.9; 3637 -2.3; 3842 -2.6; 4058 -3.0; 4287 -3.3; 4528 -3.7; 4783 -4.0; 5052 -4.3; 5337 -4.6; 5637 -5.0; 5955 -5.5; 6290 -6.1; 6644 -7.1; 7018 -8.6; 7414 -10.8; 7831 -12.5; 8272 -11.6; 8738 -9.4; 9230 -7.8; 9749 -6.9; 10298 -6.3; 10878 -5.9; 11490 -5.7; 12137 -5.6; 12821 -5.5; 13543 -5.4; 14305 -5.4; 15110 -5.3; 15961 -5.3; 16860 -5.3; 17809 -5.3; 18812 -4.7; 19871 -3.3

Bose QuietComfort 35 II:
Preamp: -2.5db
32 -0.4
64 -0.2
125 -0.2
250 -0.2
500 -0.3
1000 -0.3
2000 -0.4
4000 2.6
8000 -1.3
16000 -0.3
Preamp: -3.7db
20 -1.1
25 -0.8
32 -0.6
40 -0.4
50 -0.3
63 -0.2
80 -0.3
100 -0.3
125 -0.3
160 -0.3
200 -0.2
250 -0.2
315 -0.2
400 -0.3
500 -0.2
630 -0.2
800 -0.3
1000 -0.2
1250 -0.2
1600 -0.2
2000 -0.1
2500 0.0
3150 1.0
4000 3.3
5000 0.8
6300 -1.9
8000 -0.2
10000 -0.3
12500 -0.4
16000 -0.5
20000 -0.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -3.5; 21 -3.5; 22 -3.5; 23 -3.5; 24 -3.5; 26 -3.5; 27 -3.5; 29 -3.5; 30 -3.5; 32 -3.5; 34 -3.5; 36 -3.5; 38 -3.5; 40 -3.5; 43 -3.5; 45 -3.5; 48 -3.5; 50 -3.5; 53 -3.5; 56 -3.5; 59 -3.5; 63 -3.5; 66 -3.5; 70 -3.5; 74 -3.5; 78 -3.5; 83 -3.5; 87 -3.5; 92 -3.5; 97 -3.5; 103 -3.5; 109 -3.5; 115 -3.5; 121 -3.5; 128 -3.5; 136 -3.5; 143 -3.5; 151 -3.5; 160 -3.5; 169 -3.5; 178 -3.5; 188 -3.5; 199 -3.5; 210 -3.5; 222 -3.5; 235 -3.5; 248 -3.5; 262 -3.5; 277 -3.5; 292 -3.5; 309 -3.5; 326 -3.5; 345 -3.5; 364 -3.5; 385 -3.5; 406 -3.5; 429 -3.5; 453 -3.5; 479 -3.5; 506 -3.5; 534 -3.5; 565 -3.5; 596 -3.5; 630 -3.5; 665 -3.5; 703 -3.5; 743 -3.5; 784 -3.5; 829 -3.5; 875 -3.5; 924 -3.5; 977 -3.5; 1032 -3.5; 1090 -3.5; 1151 -3.4; 1216 -3.4; 1284 -3.4; 1357 -3.4; 1433 -3.4; 1514 -3.4; 1599 -3.3; 1689 -3.3; 1784 -3.3; 1885 -3.2; 1991 -3.2; 2103 -3.1; 2221 -3.1; 2347 -3.0; 2479 -2.9; 2618 -2.7; 2766 -2.5; 2921 -2.3; 3086 -1.9; 3260 -1.5; 3443 -1.1; 3637 -0.6; 3842 -0.3; 4058 -0.2; 4287 -0.5; 4528 -1.0; 4783 -1.6; 5052 -2.3; 5337 -3.0; 5637 -3.8; 5955 -4.5; 6290 -4.6; 6644 -4.3; 7018 -3.9; 7414 -3.7; 7831 -3.5; 8272 -3.5; 8738 -3.5; 9230 -3.5; 9749 -3.5; 10298 -3.5; 10878 -3.5; 11490 -3.5; 12137 -3.5; 12821 -3.5; 13543 -3.5; 14305 -3.5; 15110 -3.5; 15961 -3.5; 16860 -3.5; 17809 -3.5; 18812 -3.5; 19871 -3.4

Bowers & Wilkins P5:
Preamp: -5.8db
32 5.1
64 2.8
125 -1.3
250 -0.9
500 -1.1
1000 -1.0
2000 -1.7
4000 2.2
8000 4.4
16000 -1.9
Preamp: -7.6db
20 1.3
25 2.2
32 4.4
40 5.7
50 4.0
63 1.8
80 0.5
100 -0.1
125 -0.5
160 -0.8
200 -0.8
250 -0.9
315 -1.0
400 -1.0
500 -0.9
630 -1.0
800 -1.0
1000 -0.9
1250 -1.0
1600 -0.9
2000 -0.8
2500 -0.7
3150 -0.3
4000 2.3
5000 2.9
6300 3.1
8000 5.3
10000 0.9
12500 -0.7
16000 -1.5
20000 -4.0
GraphicEQ: 20 -5.1; 21 -4.8; 22 -4.5; 23 -4.2; 24 -3.9; 26 -3.2; 27 -2.8; 29 -2.1; 30 -1.8; 32 -1.1; 34 -0.5; 36 -0.2; 38 -0.2; 40 -0.2; 43 -0.2; 45 -0.2; 48 -0.7; 50 -1.1; 53 -1.7; 56 -2.3; 59 -2.8; 63 -3.4; 66 -3.8; 70 -4.2; 74 -4.6; 78 -4.9; 83 -5.3; 87 -5.5; 92 -5.7; 97 -5.9; 103 -6.1; 109 -6.3; 115 -6.5; 121 -6.6; 128 -6.7; 136 -6.8; 143 -6.9; 151 -7.0; 160 -7.0; 169 -7.1; 178 -7.2; 188 -7.2; 199 -7.3; 210 -7.3; 222 -7.3; 235 -7.4; 248 -7.4; 262 -7.4; 277 -7.4; 292 -7.5; 309 -7.5; 326 -7.5; 345 -7.5; 364 -7.5; 385 -7.5; 406 -7.5; 429 -7.5; 453 -7.6; 479 -7.6; 506 -7.6; 534 -7.6; 565 -7.6; 596 -7.6; 630 -7.6; 665 -7.6; 703 -7.6; 743 -7.6; 784 -7.6; 829 -7.5; 875 -7.6; 924 -7.6; 977 -7.5; 1032 -7.5; 1090 -7.5; 1151 -7.5; 1216 -7.5; 1284 -7.5; 1357 -7.5; 1433 -7.4; 1514 -7.4; 1599 -7.4; 1689 -7.4; 1784 -7.3; 1885 -7.3; 1991 -7.2; 2103 -7.2; 2221 -7.1; 2347 -7.0; 2479 -6.9; 2618 -6.8; 2766 -6.6; 2921 -6.4; 3086 -6.1; 3260 -5.8; 3443 -5.4; 3637 -4.9; 3842 -4.2; 4058 -3.5; 4287 -2.9; 4528 -2.6; 4783 -2.6; 5052 -2.8; 5337 -3.0; 5637 -3.1; 5955 -3.0; 6290 -2.6; 6644 -2.0; 7018 -1.4; 7414 -1.0; 7831 -1.1; 8272 -1.8; 8738 -2.8; 9230 -3.7; 9749 -4.5; 10298 -5.1; 10878 -5.6; 11490 -6.0; 12137 -6.3; 12821 -6.5; 13543 -6.7; 14305 -6.9; 15110 -7.0; 15961 -7.1; 16860 -7.2; 17809 -7.2; 18812 -7.7; 19871 -8.7

Dan Clark Audio AEON RT:
Preamp: -1.8dB
32 1.8
64 -1.1
125 1.2
250 -0.2
500 -0.4
1000 -0.6
2000 1.0
4000 1.1
8000 -2.4
16000 -3.3
Preamp: -2.7dB
20 1.3
25 0.8
32 1.5
40 0.3
50 0
63 -0.2
80 -0.3
100 -0.4
125 0.2
160 2.6
200 -0.5
250 -0.2
315 -0.3
400 -0.3
500 -0.3
630 -0.3
800 -0.3
1000 -0.2
1250 -0.2
1600 0
2000 0
2500 1.7
3150 2.2
4000 0
5000 -0.6
6300 -1.2
8000 -1.7
10000 -2.1
12500 -2.8
16000 -3.7
20000 -4.1
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.3; 21 -0.4; 22 -0.5; 23 -0.6; 24 -0.7; 26 -1.0; 27 -1.1; 29 -1.3; 30 -1.4; 32 -1.6; 34 -1.8; 36 -1.9; 38 -2.1; 40 -2.2; 43 -2.4; 45 -2.4; 48 -2.6; 50 -2.6; 53 -2.7; 56 -2.8; 59 -2.8; 63 -2.9; 66 -2.9; 70 -2.9; 74 -2.9; 78 -2.9; 83 -2.9; 87 -2.9; 92 -2.9; 97 -2.9; 103 -2.8; 109 -2.7; 115 -2.6; 121 -2.5; 128 -2.1; 136 -1.6; 143 -0.8; 151 -0.2; 160 -0.5; 169 -1.3; 178 -1.9; 188 -2.3; 199 -2.6; 210 -2.7; 222 -2.8; 235 -2.9; 248 -3.0; 262 -3.0; 277 -3.0; 292 -3.0; 309 -3.1; 326 -3.1; 345 -3.1; 364 -3.1; 385 -3.1; 406 -3.1; 429 -3.1; 453 -3.1; 479 -3.1; 506 -3.1; 534 -3.1; 565 -3.1; 596 -3.1; 630 -3.1; 665 -3.1; 703 -3.1; 743 -3.1; 784 -3.1; 829 -3.1; 875 -3.1; 924 -3.1; 977 -3.0; 1032 -3.0; 1090 -3.0; 1151 -3.0; 1216 -3.0; 1284 -2.9; 1357 -2.9; 1433 -2.9; 1514 -2.8; 1599 -2.8; 1689 -2.7; 1784 -2.6; 1885 -2.5; 1991 -2.3; 2103 -2.1; 2221 -1.8; 2347 -1.5; 2479 -1.1; 2618 -0.7; 2766 -0.4; 2921 -0.3; 3086 -0.5; 3260 -0.9; 3443 -1.4; 3637 -1.8; 3842 -2.2; 4058 -2.5; 4287 -2.8; 4528 -3.0; 4783 -3.2; 5052 -3.4; 5337 -3.6; 5637 -3.7; 5955 -3.9; 6290 -4.0; 6644 -4.1; 7018 -4.3; 7414 -4.4; 7831 -4.5; 8272 -4.6; 8738 -4.7; 9230 -4.7; 9749 -4.8; 10298 -4.8; 10878 -4.9; 11490 -4.9; 12137 -5.0; 12821 -5.0; 13543 -5.0; 14305 -5.0; 15110 -5.1; 15961 -5.1; 16860 -5.1; 17809 -5.1; 18812 -5.1; 19871 -5.0

Drop THX Panda:
Preamp: -4.3db
32 2.5
64 -0.8
125 -2.1
250 -2.0
500 -1.6
1000 2.9
2000 3.7
4000 0.3
8000 -2.7
16000 -3.6
Preamp: -4.7db
20 1.3
25 0.9
32 1.6
40 1.0
50 0.5
63 -0.6
80 -1.4
100 -1.5
125 -1.7
160 -1.8
200 -1.6
250 -1.6
315 -1.6
400 -1.4
500 -1.0
630 -0.3
800 1.0
1000 2.6
1250 3.0
1600 2.2
2000 2.5
2500 3.0
3150 1.8
4000 0.1
5000 -0.8
6300 -1.5
8000 -1.9
10000 -2.3
12500 -3.0
16000 -4.0
20000 -4.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -1.6; 21 -1.6; 22 -1.7; 23 -1.7; 24 -1.7; 26 -1.8; 27 -1.8; 29 -1.9; 30 -2.0; 32 -2.1; 34 -2.2; 36 -2.4; 38 -2.5; 40 -2.7; 43 -2.9; 45 -3.1; 48 -3.3; 50 -3.5; 53 -3.8; 56 -4.0; 59 -4.2; 63 -4.5; 66 -4.7; 70 -4.9; 74 -5.1; 78 -5.3; 83 -5.5; 87 -5.6; 92 -5.7; 97 -5.8; 103 -5.9; 109 -6.0; 115 -6.0; 121 -6.1; 128 -6.1; 136 -6.1; 143 -6.2; 151 -6.2; 160 -6.2; 169 -6.2; 178 -6.2; 188 -6.2; 199 -6.2; 210 -6.2; 222 -6.1; 235 -6.1; 248 -6.1; 262 -6.1; 277 -6.0; 292 -6.0; 309 -5.9; 326 -5.9; 345 -5.8; 364 -5.7; 385 -5.6; 406 -5.5; 429 -5.4; 453 -5.3; 479 -5.1; 506 -4.9; 534 -4.8; 565 -4.5; 596 -4.3; 630 -4.0; 665 -3.7; 703 -3.3; 743 -3.0; 784 -2.6; 829 -2.1; 875 -1.7; 924 -1.3; 977 -0.9; 1032 -0.5; 1090 -0.3; 1151 -0.2; 1216 -0.2; 1284 -0.3; 1357 -0.4; 1433 -0.5; 1514 -0.6; 1599 -0.6; 1689 -0.6; 1784 -0.6; 1885 -0.5; 1991 -0.4; 2103 -0.3; 2221 -0.2; 2347 -0.2; 2479 -0.3; 2618 -0.4; 2766 -0.7; 2921 -1.1; 3086 -1.5; 3260 -1.9; 3443 -2.4; 3637 -2.8; 3842 -3.2; 4058 -3.6; 4287 -3.9; 4528 -4.2; 4783 -4.5; 5052 -4.7; 5337 -4.9; 5637 -5.1; 5955 -5.3; 6290 -5.4; 6644 -5.5; 7018 -5.6; 7414 -5.7; 7831 -5.8; 8272 -5.9; 8738 -6.0; 9230 -6.0; 9749 -6.1; 10298 -6.1; 10878 -6.2; 11490 -6.2; 12137 -6.2; 12821 -6.3; 13543 -6.3; 14305 -6.3; 15110 -6.3; 15961 -6.3; 16860 -6.4; 17809 -6.4; 18812 -6.4; 19871 -6.3

Focal Celestee:
Preamp: -4.4db
32 0.1
64 0.1
125 0.1
250 0.2
500 -0.8
1000 -1.5
2000 -2.0
4000 4.7
8000 -0.5
16000 0.3
Preamp: -5.6db
20 1.1
25 0.5
32 0.3
40 0.2
50 0.2
63 0.1
80 0.1
100 0.1
125 0.2
160 0.1
200 -0.0
250 -0.0
315 -0.1
400 -0.2
500 -0.5
630 -1.2
800 -1.5
1000 -1.2
1250 -0.4
1600 -1.9
2000 -1.9
2500 0.4
3150 2.2
4000 5.0
5000 0.8
6300 0.4
8000 0.3
10000 0.2
12500 0.3
16000 0.3
20000 0.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -5.0; 21 -5.0; 22 -5.0; 23 -5.0; 24 -5.0; 26 -5.0; 27 -5.0; 29 -5.0; 30 -5.0; 32 -5.0; 34 -5.0; 36 -5.0; 38 -5.0; 40 -5.0; 43 -5.0; 45 -5.0; 48 -5.0; 50 -5.0; 53 -5.0; 56 -5.0; 59 -5.0; 63 -5.0; 66 -5.0; 70 -5.0; 74 -5.0; 78 -5.0; 83 -5.0; 87 -5.0; 92 -5.0; 97 -5.0; 103 -5.0; 109 -5.0; 115 -5.1; 121 -5.1; 128 -5.1; 136 -5.1; 143 -5.1; 151 -5.1; 160 -5.1; 169 -5.1; 178 -5.1; 188 -5.1; 199 -5.1; 210 -5.2; 222 -5.2; 235 -5.2; 248 -5.2; 262 -5.2; 277 -5.3; 292 -5.3; 309 -5.4; 326 -5.4; 345 -5.4; 364 -5.5; 385 -5.6; 406 -5.6; 429 -5.7; 453 -5.8; 479 -5.9; 506 -6.1; 534 -6.2; 565 -6.3; 596 -6.5; 630 -6.6; 665 -6.8; 703 -6.9; 743 -7.0; 784 -7.0; 829 -7.0; 875 -7.0; 924 -6.9; 977 -6.8; 1032 -6.6; 1090 -6.5; 1151 -6.4; 1216 -6.3; 1284 -6.3; 1357 -6.3; 1433 -6.3; 1514 -6.6; 1599 -7.0; 1689 -7.7; 1784 -8.2; 1885 -7.7; 1991 -6.8; 2103 -6.0; 2221 -5.5; 2347 -5.1; 2479 -4.8; 2618 -4.4; 2766 -4.0; 2921 -3.5; 3086 -2.9; 3260 -2.1; 3443 -1.2; 3637 -0.4; 3842 -0.2; 4058 -0.7; 4287 -1.5; 4528 -2.4; 4783 -3.0; 5052 -3.5; 5337 -3.8; 5637 -4.1; 5955 -4.3; 6290 -4.4; 6644 -4.5; 7018 -4.6; 7414 -4.7; 7831 -4.7; 8272 -4.8; 8738 -4.8; 9230 -4.8; 9749 -4.9; 10298 -4.9; 10878 -4.9; 11490 -4.9; 12137 -4.9; 12821 -4.9; 13543 -5.0; 14305 -5.0; 15110 -5.0; 15961 -5.0; 16860 -5.0; 17809 -5.0; 18812 -5.0; 19871 -4.9

Focal Clear:
Preamp: -5.7dB
32 5.2
64 1.0
125 0.2
250 0
500 0.5
1000 -1.5
2000 0.2
4000 0.4
8000 -0.5
16000 -0.4
Preamp: -8.8dB
20 3.7
25 5.1
32 3.6
40 2.7
50 1.9
63 1.4
80 0.9
100 0.6
125 0.4
160 0.3
200 0.2
250 0.2
315 0.2
400 0.2
500 0
630 0
800 0
1000 -1.4
1250 -1.2
1600 0
2000 0
2500 0.2
3150 0.2
4000 0.2
5000 0.2
6300 0.2
8000 0.2
10000 -1.2
12500 -1.5
16000 0
20000 0.6
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.3; 23 -0.3; 24 -0.4; 26 -0.5; 27 -0.6; 29 -0.7; 30 -0.8; 32 -1.0; 34 -1.1; 36 -1.3; 38 -1.5; 40 -1.6; 43 -1.9; 45 -2.0; 48 -2.2; 50 -2.4; 53 -2.6; 56 -2.8; 59 -2.9; 63 -3.1; 66 -3.3; 70 -3.4; 74 -3.6; 78 -3.7; 83 -3.9; 87 -4.0; 92 -4.1; 97 -4.2; 103 -4.3; 109 -4.4; 115 -4.5; 121 -4.6; 128 -4.6; 136 -4.7; 143 -4.7; 151 -4.7; 160 -4.8; 169 -4.8; 178 -4.8; 188 -4.8; 199 -4.9; 210 -4.9; 222 -4.9; 235 -4.9; 248 -4.9; 262 -4.9; 277 -4.9; 292 -4.9; 309 -4.9; 326 -5.0; 345 -5.0; 364 -5.0; 385 -5.0; 406 -5.0; 429 -5.0; 453 -5.0; 479 -5.1; 506 -5.1; 534 -5.1; 565 -5.1; 596 -5.2; 630 -5.2; 665 -5.3; 703 -5.4; 743 -5.5; 784 -5.6; 829 -5.8; 875 -6.0; 924 -6.3; 977 -6.6; 1032 -6.8; 1090 -6.9; 1151 -6.9; 1216 -6.6; 1284 -6.4; 1357 -6.1; 1433 -5.9; 1514 -5.7; 1599 -5.5; 1689 -5.4; 1784 -5.3; 1885 -5.3; 1991 -5.2; 2103 -5.2; 2221 -5.1; 2347 -5.1; 2479 -5.1; 2618 -5.1; 2766 -5.0; 2921 -5.0; 3086 -5.0; 3260 -5.0; 3443 -5.0; 3637 -5.0; 3842 -5.0; 4058 -5.0; 4287 -5.0; 4528 -5.0; 4783 -5.0; 5052 -5.0; 5337 -5.0; 5637 -5.0; 5955 -5.0; 6290 -5.1; 6644 -5.1; 7018 -5.1; 7414 -5.2; 7831 -5.2; 8272 -5.3; 8738 -5.5; 9230 -5.7; 9749 -6.0; 10298 -6.4; 10878 -6.8; 11490 -6.9; 12137 -6.6; 12821 -6.1; 13543 -5.7; 14305 -5.5; 15110 -5.3; 15961 -5.2; 16860 -5.1; 17809 -5.1; 18812 -5.0; 19871 -4.9

Focal Utopia:
Preamp: -5.8db
32 5.4
64 0.2
125 -0.6
250 -0.5
500 -0.4
1000 -1.1
2000 2.5
4000 0.6
8000 -1.0
16000 -0.9
Preamp: -6.0db
20 3.7
25 4.1
32 3.6
40 2.7
50 1.7
63 0.9
80 0.2
100 -0.3
125 -0.5
160 -0.3
200 -0.4
250 -0.5
315 -0.5
400 -0.4
500 -0.4
630 -0.5
800 -0.4
1000 -0.4
1250 -0.3
1600 -0.4
2000 3.5
2500 0.8
3150 1.3
4000 0.9
5000 -0.5
6300 -0.5
8000 -0.6
10000 -0.6
12500 -0.7
16000 -1.0
20000 -1.0
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.3; 23 -0.3; 24 -0.4; 26 -0.5; 27 -0.6; 29 -0.7; 30 -0.8; 32 -1.0; 34 -1.2; 36 -1.4; 38 -1.6; 40 -1.8; 43 -2.2; 45 -2.4; 48 -2.7; 50 -2.9; 53 -3.2; 56 -3.5; 59 -3.8; 63 -4.1; 66 -4.3; 70 -4.5; 74 -4.7; 78 -4.9; 83 -5.0; 87 -5.1; 92 -5.3; 97 -5.4; 103 -5.5; 109 -5.5; 115 -5.6; 121 -5.6; 128 -5.7; 136 -5.7; 143 -5.7; 151 -5.8; 160 -5.8; 169 -5.8; 178 -5.8; 188 -5.8; 199 -5.9; 210 -5.9; 222 -5.9; 235 -5.9; 248 -5.9; 262 -5.9; 277 -5.9; 292 -5.9; 309 -5.9; 326 -5.9; 345 -5.9; 364 -5.9; 385 -5.9; 406 -5.9; 429 -5.9; 453 -5.9; 479 -5.9; 506 -5.9; 534 -5.9; 565 -5.9; 596 -5.9; 630 -5.9; 665 -5.9; 703 -5.9; 743 -5.8; 784 -5.8; 829 -5.8; 875 -5.8; 924 -5.8; 977 -5.8; 1032 -5.7; 1090 -5.7; 1151 -5.6; 1216 -5.6; 1284 -5.5; 1357 -5.4; 1433 -5.3; 1514 -5.1; 1599 -4.8; 1689 -4.4; 1784 -3.9; 1885 -3.1; 1991 -2.2; 2103 -1.8; 2221 -2.2; 2347 -2.9; 2479 -3.6; 2618 -4.1; 2766 -4.3; 2921 -4.3; 3086 -4.1; 3260 -3.6; 3443 -3.1; 3637 -3.3; 3842 -4.1; 4058 -4.7; 4287 -5.1; 4528 -5.3; 4783 -5.5; 5052 -5.6; 5337 -5.6; 5637 -5.7; 5955 -5.7; 6290 -5.8; 6644 -5.8; 7018 -5.8; 7414 -5.8; 7831 -5.8; 8272 -5.9; 8738 -5.9; 9230 -5.9; 9749 -5.9; 10298 -5.9; 10878 -5.9; 11490 -5.9; 12137 -5.9; 12821 -5.9; 13543 -5.9; 14305 -5.9; 15110 -5.9; 15961 -5.9; 16860 -5.9; 17809 -5.9; 18812 -5.9; 19871 -5.9

Preamp: -7.0dB
32 6.8
64 0.4
125 0.4
250 -0.7
500 -1.0
1000 -1.4
2000 2.3
4000 0
8000 0.5
16000 0.6
Preamp: -9.8dB
20 3.8
25 5.1
32 4.5
40 3.0
50 1.8
63 1.1
80 0.6
100 0.4
125 0.3
160 0.3
200 0.2
250 -1.6
315 -0.5
400 0.2
500 0.5
630 -2.9
800 -2.9
1000 0.6
1250 0.2
1600 1.1
2000 2.1
2500 0.4
3150 0.4
4000 0.3
5000 0.3
6300 0.4
8000 0.4
10000 0.4
12500 0.5
16000 0.7
20000 0.7
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.3; 30 -0.4; 32 -0.7; 34 -1.0; 36 -1.3; 38 -1.6; 40 -1.9; 43 -2.4; 45 -2.6; 48 -3.0; 50 -3.2; 53 -3.5; 56 -3.8; 59 -4.1; 63 -4.3; 66 -4.5; 70 -4.7; 74 -4.9; 78 -5.0; 83 -5.2; 87 -5.2; 92 -5.3; 97 -5.4; 103 -5.5; 109 -5.6; 115 -5.6; 121 -5.7; 128 -5.7; 136 -5.8; 143 -5.8; 151 -5.8; 160 -5.9; 169 -6.0; 178 -6.0; 188 -6.1; 199 -6.3; 210 -6.5; 222 -6.8; 235 -7.2; 248 -7.6; 262 -7.8; 277 -7.7; 292 -7.3; 309 -6.9; 326 -6.7; 345 -6.5; 364 -6.4; 385 -6.3; 406 -6.3; 429 -6.3; 453 -6.4; 479 -6.5; 506 -6.6; 534 -6.9; 565 -7.3; 596 -7.8; 630 -8.8; 665 -9.9; 703 -10.7; 743 -10.3; 784 -9.1; 829 -8.0; 875 -7.3; 924 -6.9; 977 -6.5; 1032 -6.3; 1090 -6.1; 1151 -6.0; 1216 -5.9; 1284 -5.8; 1357 -5.6; 1433 -5.5; 1514 -5.2; 1599 -4.9; 1689 -4.5; 1784 -4.1; 1885 -3.9; 1991 -4.0; 2103 -4.4; 2221 -4.8; 2347 -5.1; 2479 -5.3; 2618 -5.4; 2766 -5.5; 2921 -5.6; 3086 -5.6; 3260 -5.7; 3443 -5.7; 3637 -5.7; 3842 -5.7; 4058 -5.7; 4287 -5.7; 4528 -5.8; 4783 -5.8; 5052 -5.8; 5337 -5.8; 5637 -5.8; 5955 -5.8; 6290 -5.8; 6644 -5.8; 7018 -5.8; 7414 -5.8; 7831 -5.8; 8272 -5.8; 8738 -5.8; 9230 -5.8; 9749 -5.8; 10298 -5.8; 10878 -5.8; 11490 -5.8; 12137 -5.8; 12821 -5.8; 13543 -5.8; 14305 -5.8; 15110 -5.8; 15961 -5.8; 16860 -5.8; 17809 -5.8; 18812 -5.8; 19871 -5.8

Hifiman Ananda:
Preamp: -4.1db
32 3.6
64 0.7
125 1.0
250 -0.1
500 -0.0
1000 -2.0
2000 4.1
4000 0.0
8000 -4.9
16000 -3.1
Preamp: -7.4db
20 3.2
25 3.6
32 2.6
40 1.6
50 1.0
63 0.9
80 1.2
100 1.1
125 0.7
160 0.3
200 0.2
250 0.1
315 0.0
400 -0.0
500 -0.1
630 -0.2
800 -1.2
1000 -1.6
1250 -0.2
1600 2.7
2000 4.2
2500 0.4
3150 0.2
4000 -0.0
5000 -0.1
6300 -0.8
8000 -4.6
10000 -3.8
12500 -7.6
16000 -1.8
20000 0.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.4; 22 -0.6; 23 -0.8; 24 -1.0; 26 -1.3; 27 -1.5; 29 -1.7; 30 -1.9; 32 -2.1; 34 -2.3; 36 -2.5; 38 -2.7; 40 -2.8; 43 -3.0; 45 -3.1; 48 -3.3; 50 -3.3; 53 -3.4; 56 -3.5; 59 -3.5; 63 -3.5; 66 -3.4; 70 -3.4; 74 -3.4; 78 -3.3; 83 -3.3; 87 -3.3; 92 -3.3; 97 -3.4; 103 -3.5; 109 -3.6; 115 -3.7; 121 -3.8; 128 -4.0; 136 -4.1; 143 -4.2; 151 -4.3; 160 -4.4; 169 -4.5; 178 -4.5; 188 -4.6; 199 -4.6; 210 -4.7; 222 -4.7; 235 -4.8; 248 -4.8; 262 -4.8; 277 -4.9; 292 -4.9; 309 -4.9; 326 -4.9; 345 -5.0; 364 -5.0; 385 -5.0; 406 -5.0; 429 -5.1; 453 -5.1; 479 -5.1; 506 -5.2; 534 -5.2; 565 -5.3; 596 -5.3; 630 -5.4; 665 -5.6; 703 -5.7; 743 -5.9; 784 -6.1; 829 -6.4; 875 -6.6; 924 -6.7; 977 -6.5; 1032 -6.2; 1090 -5.8; 1151 -5.4; 1216 -5.0; 1284 -4.6; 1357 -4.2; 1433 -3.6; 1514 -3.0; 1599 -2.1; 1689 -1.2; 1784 -0.5; 1885 -0.3; 1991 -0.9; 2103 -1.7; 2221 -2.5; 2347 -3.2; 2479 -3.6; 2618 -4.0; 2766 -4.2; 2921 -4.4; 3086 -4.6; 3260 -4.7; 3443 -4.8; 3637 -4.9; 3842 -5.0; 4058 -5.1; 4287 -5.1; 4528 -5.2; 4783 -5.3; 5052 -5.5; 5337 -5.6; 5637 -5.8; 5955 -6.0; 6290 -6.4; 6644 -6.9; 7018 -7.6; 7414 -8.6; 7831 -9.5; 8272 -9.8; 8738 -9.4; 9230 -8.9; 9749 -8.8; 10298 -9.2; 10878 -10.1; 11490 -11.2; 12137 -11.4; 12821 -10.3; 13543 -8.9; 14305 -7.7; 15110 -6.9; 15961 -6.4; 16860 -6.0; 17809 -5.8; 18812 -5.4; 19871 -4.5

Hifiman HE-6:
Preamp: -5.5db
32 5.1
64 1.1
125 -0.3
250 -0.2
500 -0.2
1000 -0.3
2000 4.1
4000 -2.8
8000 -1.3
16000 -4.2
Preamp: -4.8db
20 2.6
25 5.1
32 3.5
40 2.8
50 2.2
63 1.4
80 0.7
100 0.2
125 -0.0
160 -0.1
200 -0.1
250 -0.1
315 -0.2
400 -0.1
500 -0.1
630 -0.1
800 -0.0
1000 0.1
1250 0.5
1600 1.8
2000 3.3
2500 1.7
3150 -0.1
4000 -2.6
5000 -2.1
6300 -0.9
8000 -1.1
10000 -1.8
12500 -3.1
16000 -4.6
20000 -6.2
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.3; 24 -0.3; 26 -0.3; 27 -0.4; 29 -0.5; 30 -0.5; 32 -0.6; 34 -0.7; 36 -0.8; 38 -0.9; 40 -1.0; 43 -1.3; 45 -1.4; 48 -1.6; 50 -1.8; 53 -2.0; 56 -2.3; 59 -2.5; 63 -2.8; 66 -3.0; 70 -3.2; 74 -3.4; 78 -3.6; 83 -3.8; 87 -4.0; 92 -4.1; 97 -4.3; 103 -4.4; 109 -4.5; 115 -4.6; 121 -4.7; 128 -4.7; 136 -4.8; 143 -4.8; 151 -4.8; 160 -4.9; 169 -4.9; 178 -4.9; 188 -4.9; 199 -5.0; 210 -5.0; 222 -5.0; 235 -5.0; 248 -5.0; 262 -5.0; 277 -5.0; 292 -5.0; 309 -5.0; 326 -5.0; 345 -5.0; 364 -5.0; 385 -5.0; 406 -5.0; 429 -5.0; 453 -5.0; 479 -4.9; 506 -4.9; 534 -4.9; 565 -4.9; 596 -4.9; 630 -4.9; 665 -4.8; 703 -4.8; 743 -4.8; 784 -4.7; 829 -4.7; 875 -4.6; 924 -4.6; 977 -4.5; 1032 -4.4; 1090 -4.3; 1151 -4.1; 1216 -4.0; 1284 -3.8; 1357 -3.5; 1433 -3.2; 1514 -2.9; 1599 -2.5; 1689 -2.1; 1784 -1.7; 1885 -1.4; 1991 -1.3; 2103 -1.5; 2221 -1.8; 2347 -2.3; 2479 -2.8; 2618 -3.3; 2766 -3.8; 2921 -4.3; 3086 -4.7; 3260 -5.2; 3443 -5.8; 3637 -6.3; 3842 -6.9; 4058 -7.4; 4287 -7.6; 4528 -7.6; 4783 -7.4; 5052 -7.0; 5337 -6.7; 5637 -6.5; 5955 -6.3; 6290 -6.2; 6644 -6.1; 7018 -6.1; 7414 -6.1; 7831 -6.2; 8272 -6.3; 8738 -6.4; 9230 -6.5; 9749 -6.6; 10298 -6.7; 10878 -6.9; 11490 -7.0; 12137 -7.2; 12821 -7.3; 13543 -7.4; 14305 -7.5; 15110 -7.6; 15961 -7.7; 16860 -7.8; 17809 -7.8; 18812 -8.0; 19871 -8.3

Hifiman HE400i 2016:
Preamp: -4.3db
32 4.1
64 0
125 -0.5
250 -0.6
500 -0.5
1000 -0.8
2000 3.1
4000 0.7
8000 -2.6
16000 -0.9
Preamp: -4.8dB
20 2.6
25 3.9
32 2.4
40 2.2
50 1.1
63 0.5
80 0.2
100 0
125 -0.4
160 -0.5
200 -0.5
250 -0.5
315 -0.5
400 -0.4
500 -0.4
630 -0.5
800 -0.4
1000 -0.3
1250 -0.3
1600 1.8
2000 4.2
2500 0.2
3150 -0.2
4000 -0.3
5000 2.4
6300 0.7
8000 -4.5
10000 -1.6
12500 -0.9
16000 -1.1
20000 0.9
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.5; 21 -0.6; 22 -0.6; 23 -0.7; 24 -0.7; 26 -0.9; 27 -1.0; 29 -1.1; 30 -1.2; 32 -1.4; 34 -1.6; 36 -1.8; 38 -1.9; 40 -2.1; 43 -2.4; 45 -2.5; 48 -2.8; 50 -2.9; 53 -3.1; 56 -3.3; 59 -3.5; 63 -3.7; 66 -3.8; 70 -3.9; 74 -4.1; 78 -4.2; 83 -4.3; 87 -4.4; 92 -4.5; 97 -4.6; 103 -4.7; 109 -4.8; 115 -4.8; 121 -4.9; 128 -4.9; 136 -5.0; 143 -5.0; 151 -5.0; 160 -5.1; 169 -5.1; 178 -5.1; 188 -5.1; 199 -5.1; 210 -5.1; 222 -5.2; 235 -5.2; 248 -5.2; 262 -5.2; 277 -5.2; 292 -5.2; 309 -5.2; 326 -5.2; 345 -5.2; 364 -5.2; 385 -5.2; 406 -5.2; 429 -5.2; 453 -5.2; 479 -5.1; 506 -5.1; 534 -5.1; 565 -5.1; 596 -5.1; 630 -5.1; 665 -5.1; 703 -5.1; 743 -5.0; 784 -5.0; 829 -5.0; 875 -4.9; 924 -4.9; 977 -4.8; 1032 -4.8; 1090 -4.7; 1151 -4.5; 1216 -4.4; 1284 -4.2; 1357 -3.9; 1433 -3.5; 1514 -3.0; 1599 -2.3; 1689 -1.5; 1784 -0.7; 1885 -0.2; 1991 -0.5; 2103 -1.2; 2221 -2.1; 2347 -2.8; 2479 -3.3; 2618 -3.7; 2766 -4.0; 2921 -4.2; 3086 -4.3; 3260 -4.4; 3443 -4.4; 3637 -4.4; 3842 -4.4; 4058 -4.2; 4287 -4.0; 4528 -3.6; 4783 -3.1; 5052 -2.5; 5337 -2.4; 5637 -2.8; 5955 -3.6; 6290 -4.4; 6644 -5.0; 7018 -5.8; 7414 -6.7; 7831 -8.0; 8272 -8.8; 8738 -8.3; 9230 -7.2; 9749 -6.4; 10298 -6.0; 10878 -5.7; 11490 -5.5; 12137 -5.4; 12821 -5.4; 13543 -5.3; 14305 -5.3; 15110 -5.3; 15961 -5.3; 16860 -5.3; 17809 -5.3; 18812 -4.8; 19871 -3.7

Hifiman Sundara:
Preamp: -7.7db
32 7.2
64 1.0
125 -0.4
250 -0.2
500 -0.1
1000 -0.4
2000 2.5
4000 -0.5
8000 -2.0
16000 -0.1
Preamp: -7.0db
20 4.7
25 5.1
32 4.7
40 3.9
50 2.7
63 1.6
80 0.6
100 0.2
125 -0.0
160 -0.1
200 -0.1
250 -0.1
315 -0.1
400 -0.2
500 -0.1
630 -0.1
800 -0.1
1000 0.0
1250 0.2
1600 0.8
2000 2.0
2500 1.5
3150 0.4
4000 0.1
5000 -0.3
6300 -4.3
8000 -0.5
10000 -0.3
12500 -0.3
16000 -0.4
20000 -0.2
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.4; 38 -0.7; 40 -1.0; 43 -1.4; 45 -1.7; 48 -2.1; 50 -2.4; 53 -2.8; 56 -3.2; 59 -3.5; 63 -3.9; 66 -4.2; 70 -4.5; 74 -4.7; 78 -5.0; 83 -5.2; 87 -5.3; 92 -5.5; 97 -5.6; 103 -5.8; 109 -5.9; 115 -6.0; 121 -6.0; 128 -6.1; 136 -6.1; 143 -6.2; 151 -6.2; 160 -6.2; 169 -6.3; 178 -6.3; 188 -6.3; 199 -6.3; 210 -6.3; 222 -6.3; 235 -6.4; 248 -6.4; 262 -6.4; 277 -6.4; 292 -6.4; 309 -6.4; 326 -6.4; 345 -6.4; 364 -6.4; 385 -6.4; 406 -6.4; 429 -6.4; 453 -6.4; 479 -6.4; 506 -6.4; 534 -6.3; 565 -6.3; 596 -6.3; 630 -6.3; 665 -6.3; 703 -6.3; 743 -6.3; 784 -6.2; 829 -6.2; 875 -6.2; 924 -6.1; 977 -6.1; 1032 -6.0; 1090 -6.0; 1151 -5.9; 1216 -5.8; 1284 -5.7; 1357 -5.6; 1433 -5.4; 1514 -5.2; 1599 -5.0; 1689 -4.7; 1784 -4.5; 1885 -4.2; 1991 -4.0; 2103 -4.0; 2221 -4.0; 2347 -4.2; 2479 -4.5; 2618 -4.7; 2766 -5.0; 2921 -5.3; 3086 -5.5; 3260 -5.7; 3443 -5.8; 3637 -6.0; 3842 -6.1; 4058 -6.2; 4287 -6.4; 4528 -6.6; 4783 -6.8; 5052 -7.1; 5337 -7.6; 5637 -8.4; 5955 -9.5; 6290 -10.2; 6644 -9.7; 7018 -8.6; 7414 -7.8; 7831 -7.3; 8272 -7.0; 8738 -6.8; 9230 -6.7; 9749 -6.6; 10298 -6.6; 10878 -6.6; 11490 -6.5; 12137 -6.5; 12821 -6.5; 13543 -6.5; 14305 -6.5; 15110 -6.4; 15961 -6.4; 16860 -6.4; 17809 -6.4; 18812 -6.4; 19871 -6.3

Massdrop X Focal ELEX Review:
Preamp: -7.7db
32 7.0
64 3.3
125 -0.1
250 -0.5
500 -0.4
1000 -0.3
2000 -0.8
4000 1.6
8000 -0.3
16000 -0.7
Preamp: -6.9db
20 4.2
25 5.1
32 4.5
40 4.0
50 3.8
63 3.3
80 2.3
100 1.2
125 0.4
160 -0.2
200 -0.2
250 -0.2
315 -0.4
400 -0.3
500 -0.3
630 -0.3
800 -0.3
1000 -0.3
1250 -0.3
1600 -0.3
2000 -0.3
2500 -0.3
3150 -0.3
4000 0.9
5000 2.4
6300 -0.2
8000 -0.3
10000 -0.4
12500 -0.5
16000 -0.7
20000 -0.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.2; 38 -0.2; 40 -0.3; 43 -0.4; 45 -0.5; 48 -0.7; 50 -0.9; 53 -1.1; 56 -1.3; 59 -1.5; 63 -1.8; 66 -2.1; 70 -2.4; 74 -2.7; 78 -3.0; 83 -3.4; 87 -3.7; 92 -4.0; 97 -4.3; 103 -4.6; 109 -4.9; 115 -5.1; 121 -5.3; 128 -5.5; 136 -5.7; 143 -5.8; 151 -5.9; 160 -6.1; 169 -6.2; 178 -6.2; 188 -6.3; 199 -6.4; 210 -6.4; 222 -6.4; 235 -6.5; 248 -6.5; 262 -6.5; 277 -6.6; 292 -6.6; 309 -6.6; 326 -6.6; 345 -6.6; 364 -6.6; 385 -6.6; 406 -6.6; 429 -6.6; 453 -6.6; 479 -6.6; 506 -6.6; 534 -6.6; 565 -6.6; 596 -6.6; 630 -6.7; 665 -6.7; 703 -6.7; 743 -6.7; 784 -6.7; 829 -6.7; 875 -6.7; 924 -6.7; 977 -6.7; 1032 -6.6; 1090 -6.6; 1151 -6.6; 1216 -6.6; 1284 -6.6; 1357 -6.6; 1433 -6.6; 1514 -6.6; 1599 -6.6; 1689 -6.6; 1784 -6.6; 1885 -6.6; 1991 -6.6; 2103 -6.6; 2221 -6.6; 2347 -6.5; 2479 -6.5; 2618 -6.5; 2766 -6.4; 2921 -6.4; 3086 -6.3; 3260 -6.2; 3443 -6.0; 3637 -5.8; 3842 -5.5; 4058 -5.1; 4287 -4.4; 4528 -3.9; 4783 -3.7; 5052 -4.1; 5337 -4.8; 5637 -5.3; 5955 -5.7; 6290 -6.0; 6644 -6.1; 7018 -6.3; 7414 -6.3; 7831 -6.4; 8272 -6.5; 8738 -6.5; 9230 -6.5; 9749 -6.6; 10298 -6.6; 10878 -6.6; 11490 -6.6; 12137 -6.6; 12821 -6.6; 13543 -6.6; 14305 -6.6; 15110 -6.6; 15961 -6.6; 16860 -6.6; 17809 -6.7; 18812 -6.6; 19871 -6.4

Massdrop X KOSS ESP95X Electrostatic:
Preamp: -3.0dB
32 2.7
64 1.5
125 0
250 0
500 0.5
1000 -2.3
2000 -0.3
4000 2.4
8000 -0.4
16000 0
Preamp: -4.0dB
20 -1.3
25 0.9
32 2.5
40 2.2
50 1.9
63 1.3
80 0.8
100 0.3
125 0
160 0
200 0
250 0
315 0
400 0
500 0
630 0
800 0.2
1000 -2.3
1250 -2.0
1600 0
2000 0
2500 0
3150 0
4000 3.8
5000 0.3
6300 -0.3
8000 0.2
10000 0
12500 0
16000 0
20000 0
GraphicEQ: 20 -3.8; 21 -3.3; 22 -2.9; 23 -2.6; 24 -2.3; 26 -1.8; 27 -1.6; 29 -1.3; 30 -1.2; 32 -1.1; 34 -1.0; 36 -0.9; 38 -0.9; 40 -0.9; 43 -1.0; 45 -1.1; 48 -1.2; 50 -1.3; 53 -1.5; 56 -1.7; 59 -1.8; 63 -2.0; 66 -2.2; 70 -2.4; 74 -2.5; 78 -2.7; 83 -2.8; 87 -3.0; 92 -3.1; 97 -3.2; 103 -3.3; 109 -3.4; 115 -3.4; 121 -3.5; 128 -3.5; 136 -3.6; 143 -3.6; 151 -3.6; 160 -3.7; 169 -3.7; 178 -3.7; 188 -3.7; 199 -3.7; 210 -3.7; 222 -3.8; 235 -3.8; 248 -3.8; 262 -3.8; 277 -3.8; 292 -3.8; 309 -3.8; 326 -3.8; 345 -3.8; 364 -3.8; 385 -3.8; 406 -3.8; 429 -3.9; 453 -3.9; 479 -3.9; 506 -3.9; 534 -4.0; 565 -4.0; 596 -4.0; 630 -4.1; 665 -4.1; 703 -4.2; 743 -4.4; 784 -4.5; 829 -4.7; 875 -5.0; 924 -5.4; 977 -5.9; 1032 -6.4; 1090 -6.7; 1151 -6.6; 1216 -6.2; 1284 -5.7; 1357 -5.2; 1433 -4.8; 1514 -4.6; 1599 -4.4; 1689 -4.2; 1784 -4.1; 1885 -4.0; 1991 -3.9; 2103 -3.9; 2221 -3.8; 2347 -3.7; 2479 -3.6; 2618 -3.6; 2766 -3.5; 2921 -3.3; 3086 -3.1; 3260 -2.9; 3443 -2.5; 3637 -2.0; 3842 -1.3; 4058 -0.5; 4287 -0.2; 4528 -0.8; 4783 -2.0; 5052 -3.4; 5337 -4.3; 5637 -4.2; 5955 -3.8; 6290 -3.7; 6644 -3.6; 7018 -3.6; 7414 -3.6; 7831 -3.7; 8272 -3.7; 8738 -3.7; 9230 -3.7; 9749 -3.7; 10298 -3.7; 10878 -3.7; 11490 -3.7; 12137 -3.8; 12821 -3.7; 13543 -3.8; 14305 -3.8; 15110 -3.8; 15961 -3.8; 16860 -3.8; 17809 -3.8; 18812 -3.8; 19871 -3.9

Massdrop x Meze 99 Noir:
Preamp: -5.2db
32 0.6
64 0.9
125 -6.0
250 -5.9
500 3.2
1000 1.0
2000 3.7
4000 4.7
8000 -3.1
16000 1.3
Preamp: -6.6db
20 1.2
25 0.8
32 0.5
40 0.3
50 0.1
63 -0.4
80 -1.0
100 -1.8
125 -3.9
160 -7.1
200 -6.9
250 -4.0
315 -1.5
400 3.2
500 0.6
630 0.5
800 1.1
1000 1.7
1250 2.3
1600 1.7
2000 3.3
2500 4.0
3150 2.2
4000 5.7
5000 0.5
6300 0.9
8000 -3.6
10000 -1.3
12500 0.9
16000 1.1
20000 3.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -5.6; 21 -5.6; 22 -5.6; 23 -5.7; 24 -5.7; 26 -5.7; 27 -5.7; 29 -5.8; 30 -5.8; 32 -5.8; 34 -5.9; 36 -5.9; 38 -6.0; 40 -6.1; 43 -6.2; 45 -6.2; 48 -6.3; 50 -6.4; 53 -6.5; 56 -6.7; 59 -6.8; 63 -7.0; 66 -7.1; 70 -7.4; 74 -7.6; 78 -7.8; 83 -8.2; 87 -8.4; 92 -8.8; 97 -9.2; 103 -9.7; 109 -10.2; 115 -10.7; 121 -11.3; 128 -12.0; 136 -12.7; 143 -13.4; 151 -14.1; 160 -14.7; 169 -15.1; 178 -15.3; 188 -15.2; 199 -14.8; 210 -14.2; 222 -13.4; 235 -12.6; 248 -11.8; 262 -11.0; 277 -10.2; 292 -9.5; 309 -8.6; 326 -7.7; 345 -6.6; 364 -5.4; 385 -4.3; 406 -3.7; 429 -4.0; 453 -4.5; 479 -5.0; 506 -5.3; 534 -5.4; 565 -5.4; 596 -5.4; 630 -5.3; 665 -5.2; 703 -5.0; 743 -4.9; 784 -4.7; 829 -4.5; 875 -4.3; 924 -4.1; 977 -3.9; 1032 -3.7; 1090 -3.6; 1151 -3.5; 1216 -3.4; 1284 -3.4; 1357 -3.3; 1433 -3.4; 1514 -3.4; 1599 -3.3; 1689 -3.2; 1784 -3.0; 1885 -2.7; 1991 -2.1; 2103 -1.4; 2221 -0.7; 2347 -0.6; 2479 -1.3; 2618 -2.0; 2766 -2.6; 2921 -2.8; 3086 -2.8; 3260 -2.3; 3443 -1.3; 3637 -0.3; 3842 -0.2; 4058 -0.9; 4287 -2.4; 4528 -3.4; 4783 -4.1; 5052 -4.6; 5337 -4.9; 5637 -5.2; 5955 -5.4; 6290 -5.7; 6644 -6.0; 7018 -6.5; 7414 -7.2; 7831 -8.4; 8272 -9.8; 8738 -10.2; 9230 -9.0; 9749 -7.7; 10298 -6.8; 10878 -6.4; 11490 -6.1; 12137 -5.9; 12821 -5.8; 13543 -5.7; 14305 -5.6; 15110 -5.6; 15961 -5.6; 16860 -5.5; 17809 -5.5; 18812 -5.1; 19871 -4.0

NAD Viso HP50:
Preamp: -7.4dB
32 7
64 1.4
125 -0.9
250 -1.3
500 -0.9
1000 -2.2
2000 4.4
4000 2.1
8000 -3.1
16000 -4.1
Preamp: -8.3dB
20 4.9
25 5.2
32 4.6
40 3.8
50 2.6
63 1.9
80 0.8
100 0
125 -0.6
160 -0.9
200 -0.9
250 -1.0
315 -1.0
400 -1.0
500 -1.0
630 -1.0
800 -0.9
1000 -0.8
1250 -0.6
1600 0
2000 2.4
2500 5.4
3150 4.5
4000 0.2
5000 -0.5
6300 -0.9
8000 -1.1
10000 -2.6
12500 -7.6
16000 -3.0
20000 -3.0
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.3; 36 -0.6; 38 -0.9; 40 -1.2; 43 -1.6; 45 -1.8; 48 -2.2; 50 -2.4; 53 -2.7; 56 -3.0; 59 -3.3; 63 -3.6; 66 -3.9; 70 -4.2; 74 -4.5; 78 -4.8; 83 -5.1; 87 -5.3; 92 -5.6; 97 -5.8; 103 -6.1; 109 -6.3; 115 -6.5; 121 -6.6; 128 -6.8; 136 -6.9; 143 -7.0; 151 -7.1; 160 -7.2; 169 -7.3; 178 -7.3; 188 -7.4; 199 -7.4; 210 -7.5; 222 -7.5; 235 -7.5; 248 -7.5; 262 -7.6; 277 -7.6; 292 -7.6; 309 -7.6; 326 -7.6; 345 -7.6; 364 -7.6; 385 -7.6; 406 -7.6; 429 -7.6; 453 -7.6; 479 -7.6; 506 -7.6; 534 -7.6; 565 -7.5; 596 -7.5; 630 -7.5; 665 -7.5; 703 -7.5; 743 -7.4; 784 -7.4; 829 -7.4; 875 -7.3; 924 -7.3; 977 -7.2; 1032 -7.1; 1090 -7.0; 1151 -6.9; 1216 -6.8; 1284 -6.6; 1357 -6.4; 1433 -6.2; 1514 -5.9; 1599 -5.5; 1689 -5.0; 1784 -4.4; 1885 -3.6; 1991 -2.9; 2103 -2.2; 2221 -1.7; 2347 -1.1; 2479 -0.5; 2618 -0.2; 2766 -0.2; 2921 -0.2; 3086 -0.9; 3260 -2.1; 3443 -3.1; 3637 -4.0; 3842 -4.7; 4058 -5.3; 4287 -5.7; 4528 -6.1; 4783 -6.4; 5052 -6.6; 5337 -6.8; 5637 -7.0; 5955 -7.1; 6290 -7.2; 6644 -7.3; 7018 -7.4; 7414 -7.6; 7831 -7.7; 8272 -7.8; 8738 -8.0; 9230 -8.2; 9749 -8.6; 10298 -9.2; 10878 -10.2; 11490 -11.7; 12137 -12.5; 12821 -11.5; 13543 -10.1; 14305 -9.1; 15110 -8.6; 15961 -8.3; 16860 -8.1; 17809 -8.0; 18812 -8.0; 19871 -7.9

Panasonic RP-TCM125-A:
Preamp: -5.0db
32 -2.2
64 -1.3
125 -4.4
250 -3.2
500 -1.0
1000 0.1
2000 3.7
4000 0.4
8000 4.8
16000 -2.8
Preamp: -7.4db
20 -1.2
25 -1.0
32 -1.4
40 -1.5
50 -1.6
63 -1.9
80 -2.0
100 -2.4
125 -3.6
160 -4.3
200 -3.3
250 -2.4
315 -1.9
400 -1.4
500 -1.1
630 -0.8
800 -0.2
1000 0.2
1250 1.0
1600 1.9
2000 2.4
2500 2.7
3150 2.8
4000 1.0
5000 -1.2
6300 4.1
8000 6.7
10000 -0.3
12500 -1.3
16000 -2.2
20000 -6.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -9.6; 21 -9.6; 22 -9.6; 23 -9.6; 24 -9.6; 26 -9.6; 27 -9.6; 29 -9.6; 30 -9.6; 32 -9.6; 34 -9.7; 36 -9.7; 38 -9.7; 40 -9.7; 43 -9.8; 45 -9.8; 48 -9.8; 50 -9.9; 53 -9.9; 56 -10.0; 59 -10.0; 63 -10.1; 66 -10.2; 70 -10.3; 74 -10.4; 78 -10.5; 83 -10.6; 87 -10.8; 92 -10.9; 97 -11.1; 103 -11.3; 109 -11.6; 115 -11.8; 121 -12.0; 128 -12.3; 136 -12.5; 143 -12.7; 151 -12.8; 160 -12.8; 169 -12.8; 178 -12.6; 188 -12.4; 199 -12.2; 210 -11.9; 222 -11.7; 235 -11.4; 248 -11.1; 262 -10.9; 277 -10.7; 292 -10.5; 309 -10.3; 326 -10.1; 345 -10.0; 364 -9.8; 385 -9.7; 406 -9.5; 429 -9.4; 453 -9.3; 479 -9.1; 506 -9.0; 534 -8.9; 565 -8.8; 596 -8.6; 630 -8.5; 665 -8.3; 703 -8.2; 743 -8.0; 784 -7.8; 829 -7.7; 875 -7.5; 924 -7.3; 977 -7.1; 1032 -6.9; 1090 -6.6; 1151 -6.4; 1216 -6.2; 1284 -5.9; 1357 -5.7; 1433 -5.5; 1514 -5.2; 1599 -5.0; 1689 -4.8; 1784 -4.6; 1885 -4.4; 1991 -4.3; 2103 -4.2; 2221 -4.1; 2347 -4.0; 2479 -4.0; 2618 -4.0; 2766 -4.0; 2921 -4.1; 3086 -4.3; 3260 -4.4; 3443 -4.6; 3637 -4.9; 3842 -5.3; 4058 -5.9; 4287 -6.8; 4528 -7.9; 4783 -7.7; 5052 -6.8; 5337 -6.0; 5637 -5.4; 5955 -4.8; 6290 -3.9; 6644 -2.5; 7018 -1.0; 7414 -0.2; 7831 -1.4; 8272 -2.8; 8738 -4.2; 9230 -5.5; 9749 -6.5; 10298 -7.1; 10878 -7.5; 11490 -7.8; 12137 -8.1; 12821 -8.3; 13543 -8.5; 14305 -8.6; 15110 -8.7; 15961 -8.8; 16860 -8.9; 17809 -9.0; 18812 -9.7; 19871 -11.4

Philips Fidelio X2HR:
Preamp: -4.0dB
32 3.6
64 0.5
125 0.9
250 -0.4
500 0.8
1000 0.4
2000 0
4000 -0.4
8000 -1.7
16000 -1.9
Preamp: -5.3dB
20 2.6
25 2.7
32 2.5
40 1.9
50 1.3
63 0.9
80 0.7
100 0.6
125 0.7
160 0.6
200 0.7
250 -0.6
315 -0.3
400 0.7
500 0.5
630 0.6
800 0.6
1000 0.5
1250 0.4
1600 -1.4
2000 0
2500 0.6
3150 0.5
4000 1.3
5000 -4.8
6300 0.2
8000 -2.0
10000 -0.4
12500 -1.1
16000 -2.4
20000 -4.0
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.3; 23 -0.3; 24 -0.4; 26 -0.5; 27 -0.6; 29 -0.7; 30 -0.8; 32 -0.9; 34 -1.0; 36 -1.2; 38 -1.3; 40 -1.5; 43 -1.7; 45 -1.8; 48 -1.9; 50 -2.0; 53 -2.2; 56 -2.3; 59 -2.4; 63 -2.5; 66 -2.5; 70 -2.6; 74 -2.6; 78 -2.7; 83 -2.7; 87 -2.8; 92 -2.8; 97 -2.8; 103 -2.9; 109 -2.9; 115 -2.9; 121 -2.9; 128 -2.9; 136 -2.9; 143 -3.0; 151 -3.0; 160 -3.0; 169 -3.0; 178 -3.0; 188 -3.1; 199 -3.1; 210 -3.2; 222 -3.4; 235 -3.6; 248 -3.9; 262 -4.4; 277 -4.6; 292 -4.4; 309 -3.9; 326 -3.6; 345 -3.4; 364 -3.3; 385 -3.2; 406 -3.1; 429 -3.1; 453 -3.1; 479 -3.1; 506 -3.0; 534 -3.0; 565 -3.0; 596 -3.0; 630 -3.0; 665 -3.0; 703 -3.0; 743 -3.0; 784 -3.1; 829 -3.1; 875 -3.1; 924 -3.1; 977 -3.1; 1032 -3.2; 1090 -3.2; 1151 -3.3; 1216 -3.4; 1284 -3.6; 1357 -3.8; 1433 -4.1; 1514 -4.6; 1599 -4.9; 1689 -4.9; 1784 -4.6; 1885 -4.2; 1991 -3.9; 2103 -3.6; 2221 -3.5; 2347 -3.4; 2479 -3.3; 2618 -3.3; 2766 -3.3; 2921 -3.2; 3086 -3.3; 3260 -3.3; 3443 -3.3; 3637 -3.4; 3842 -3.5; 4058 -3.7; 4287 -4.1; 4528 -4.8; 4783 -6.3; 5052 -8.6; 5337 -8.5; 5637 -6.3; 5955 -5.0; 6290 -4.4; 6644 -4.3; 7018 -4.4; 7414 -4.9; 7831 -5.7; 8272 -6.1; 8738 -5.5; 9230 -4.8; 9749 -4.5; 10298 -4.4; 10878 -4.5; 11490 -4.6; 12137 -4.7; 12821 -4.8; 13543 -4.9; 14305 -5.1; 15110 -5.2; 15961 -5.3; 16860 -5.4; 17809 -5.5; 18812 -5.7; 19871 -6.2

PSB M4U 1:
Preamp: -7.1db
32 6.7
64 0.9
125 -0.5
250 -0.7
500 -0.5
1000 -1.2
2000 3.9
4000 -0.8
8000 -0.8
16000 -1.1
Preamp: -10.1db
20 3.7
25 5.2
32 4.5
40 3.2
50 2.2
63 1.4
80 0.7
100 0.1
125 -0.2
160 -0.5
200 -0.5
250 -0.5
315 -0.6
400 -0.5
500 -0.5
630 -0.5
800 -0.5
1000 -0.4
1250 -0.2
1600 0.7
2000 4.0
2500 2.1
3150 -0.0
4000 -0.3
5000 -0.5
6300 -0.6
8000 -0.7
10000 -0.8
12500 -1.0
16000 -1.3
20000 -1.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.3; 30 -0.5; 32 -0.7; 34 -1.0; 36 -1.3; 38 -1.5; 40 -1.8; 43 -2.2; 45 -2.4; 48 -2.7; 50 -2.9; 53 -3.2; 56 -3.5; 59 -3.8; 63 -4.1; 66 -4.3; 70 -4.6; 74 -4.8; 78 -5.0; 83 -5.2; 87 -5.4; 92 -5.6; 97 -5.8; 103 -6.0; 109 -6.1; 115 -6.2; 121 -6.3; 128 -6.4; 136 -6.5; 143 -6.6; 151 -6.7; 160 -6.7; 169 -6.8; 178 -6.8; 188 -6.8; 199 -6.9; 210 -6.9; 222 -6.9; 235 -6.9; 248 -6.9; 262 -6.9; 277 -6.9; 292 -7.0; 309 -7.0; 326 -7.0; 345 -7.0; 364 -7.0; 385 -7.0; 406 -7.0; 429 -7.0; 453 -6.9; 479 -6.9; 506 -6.9; 534 -6.9; 565 -6.9; 596 -6.9; 630 -6.9; 665 -6.9; 703 -6.8; 743 -6.8; 784 -6.8; 829 -6.8; 875 -6.7; 924 -6.7; 977 -6.6; 1032 -6.5; 1090 -6.4; 1151 -6.3; 1216 -6.2; 1284 -6.0; 1357 -5.8; 1433 -5.6; 1514 -5.2; 1599 -4.8; 1689 -4.2; 1784 -3.6; 1885 -2.9; 1991 -2.3; 2103 -2.0; 2221 -2.3; 2347 -2.9; 2479 -3.6; 2618 -4.2; 2766 -4.8; 2921 -5.2; 3086 -5.6; 3260 -5.8; 3443 -6.1; 3637 -6.2; 3842 -6.4; 4058 -6.5; 4287 -6.5; 4528 -6.6; 4783 -6.7; 5052 -6.7; 5337 -6.8; 5637 -6.8; 5955 -6.8; 6290 -6.9; 6644 -6.9; 7018 -6.9; 7414 -6.9; 7831 -6.9; 8272 -6.9; 8738 -7.0; 9230 -7.0; 9749 -7.0; 10298 -7.0; 10878 -7.0; 11490 -7.0; 12137 -7.0; 12821 -7.0; 13543 -7.0; 14305 -7.0; 15110 -7.0; 15961 -7.0; 16860 -7.0; 17809 -7.0; 18812 -7.0; 19871 -7.0

RAAL-requisite SR1a Ribbon:
Preamp: -7.6dB
32 6.7
64 2.7
125 0.4
250 0.3
500 0.3
1000 0.7
2000 -1.8
4000 0.5
8000 -1.6
16000 0.9
Preamp: -6.7dB
20 3.2
25 5.1
32 4.5
40 4.0
50 3.5
63 2.8
80 2.0
100 1.1
125 0.7
160 0.5
200 0.5
250 0.4
315 0.3
400 0.3
500 0.4
630 0.4
800 0.3
1000 0.3
1250 0.3
1600 -0.2
2000 -2.7
2500 -0.2
3150 0.3
4000 0.5
5000 -0.7
6300 -1.5
8000 -1.8
10000 0.4
12500 0.5
16000 0.7
20000 1.2
GraphicEQ: 20 -2.0; 21 -1.6; 22 -1.2; 23 -0.9; 24 -0.7; 26 -0.3; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.2; 38 -0.3; 40 -0.4; 43 -0.7; 45 -0.8; 48 -1.1; 50 -1.3; 53 -1.5; 56 -1.8; 59 -2.0; 63 -2.3; 66 -2.5; 70 -2.8; 74 -3.1; 78 -3.3; 83 -3.6; 87 -3.8; 92 -4.0; 97 -4.2; 103 -4.4; 109 -4.6; 115 -4.7; 121 -4.9; 128 -5.0; 136 -5.1; 143 -5.2; 151 -5.3; 160 -5.3; 169 -5.4; 178 -5.4; 188 -5.5; 199 -5.5; 210 -5.5; 222 -5.6; 235 -5.6; 248 -5.6; 262 -5.6; 277 -5.6; 292 -5.7; 309 -5.7; 326 -5.7; 345 -5.7; 364 -5.7; 385 -5.7; 406 -5.7; 429 -5.7; 453 -5.7; 479 -5.7; 506 -5.7; 534 -5.7; 565 -5.7; 596 -5.7; 630 -5.7; 665 -5.7; 703 -5.8; 743 -5.8; 784 -5.8; 829 -5.8; 875 -5.8; 924 -5.8; 977 -5.8; 1032 -5.9; 1090 -5.9; 1151 -5.9; 1216 -6.0; 1284 -6.1; 1357 -6.2; 1433 -6.3; 1514 -6.5; 1599 -6.8; 1689 -7.2; 1784 -7.8; 1885 -8.4; 1991 -8.7; 2103 -8.5; 2221 -7.9; 2347 -7.3; 2479 -6.9; 2618 -6.6; 2766 -6.4; 2921 -6.3; 3086 -6.2; 3260 -6.1; 3443 -6.1; 3637 -6.1; 3842 -6.1; 4058 -6.1; 4287 -6.2; 4528 -6.3; 4783 -6.5; 5052 -7.0; 5337 -7.7; 5637 -8.1; 5955 -7.7; 6290 -7.4; 6644 -7.5; 7018 -7.9; 7414 -8.4; 7831 -8.1; 8272 -7.4; 8738 -6.8; 9230 -6.4; 9749 -6.2; 10298 -6.1; 10878 -6.0; 11490 -5.9; 12137 -5.9; 12821 -5.8; 13543 -5.8; 14305 -5.8; 15110 -5.8; 15961 -5.8; 16860 -5.8; 17809 -5.8; 18812 -5.7; 19871 -5.4

Sennheiser HD 820:
Preamp: -3.5db
32 -0.9
64 3.6
125 -5.0
250 4.0
500 0.6
1000 -0.4
2000 -0.1
4000 0.0
8000 -1.2
16000 -5.0
Preamp: -5.3db
20 -0.7
25 -0.1
32 -0.2
40 -0.3
50 -0.6
63 3.7
80 0.9
100 -0.2
125 -3.9
160 -2.8
200 0.5
250 2.4
315 4.6
400 1.1
500 0.2
630 0.1
800 -0.0
1000 -0.1
1250 -0.1
1600 -0.1
2000 -0.1
2500 -0.1
3150 -0.1
4000 -0.2
5000 -0.2
6300 -0.4
8000 -0.9
10000 -1.8
12500 -3.4
16000 -5.6
20000 -7.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -4.9; 21 -4.9; 22 -4.9; 23 -4.9; 24 -4.9; 26 -4.9; 27 -4.9; 29 -4.9; 30 -4.9; 32 -4.9; 34 -4.9; 36 -4.8; 38 -4.8; 40 -4.8; 43 -4.7; 45 -4.7; 48 -4.5; 50 -4.4; 53 -4.1; 56 -3.7; 59 -3.1; 63 -1.8; 66 -1.2; 70 -1.6; 74 -2.7; 78 -3.6; 83 -4.3; 87 -4.6; 92 -5.0; 97 -5.3; 103 -5.7; 109 -6.1; 115 -6.7; 121 -7.5; 128 -8.5; 136 -9.4; 143 -9.2; 151 -8.3; 160 -7.2; 169 -6.2; 178 -5.6; 188 -5.0; 199 -4.5; 210 -4.0; 222 -3.4; 235 -2.8; 248 -2.1; 262 -1.4; 277 -0.7; 292 -0.2; 309 -0.2; 326 -0.6; 345 -1.3; 364 -2.0; 385 -2.6; 406 -3.0; 429 -3.4; 453 -3.7; 479 -4.0; 506 -4.1; 534 -4.3; 565 -4.4; 596 -4.5; 630 -4.5; 665 -4.6; 703 -4.7; 743 -4.7; 784 -4.7; 829 -4.8; 875 -4.8; 924 -4.8; 977 -4.8; 1032 -4.8; 1090 -4.9; 1151 -4.9; 1216 -4.9; 1284 -4.9; 1357 -4.9; 1433 -4.9; 1514 -4.9; 1599 -4.9; 1689 -4.9; 1784 -4.9; 1885 -4.9; 1991 -5.0; 2103 -5.0; 2221 -5.0; 2347 -5.0; 2479 -5.0; 2618 -5.0; 2766 -5.0; 2921 -5.0; 3086 -5.0; 3260 -5.0; 3443 -5.0; 3637 -5.0; 3842 -5.1; 4058 -5.1; 4287 -5.1; 4528 -5.1; 4783 -5.1; 5052 -5.2; 5337 -5.2; 5637 -5.3; 5955 -5.3; 6290 -5.4; 6644 -5.5; 7018 -5.6; 7414 -5.7; 7831 -5.8; 8272 -6.0; 8738 -6.1; 9230 -6.3; 9749 -6.5; 10298 -6.7; 10878 -6.9; 11490 -7.1; 12137 -7.4; 12821 -7.6; 13543 -7.7; 14305 -7.9; 15110 -8.1; 15961 -8.2; 16860 -8.4; 17809 -8.5; 18812 -8.6; 19871 -9.0

Sennheiser HD650:
Preamp: -7.2dB
32 7.0
64 1.1
125 -0.3
250 -0.3
500 -0.3
1000 -0.3
2000 -0.3
4000 -0.5
8000 2.4
16000 -3.3
Preamp: -7.0dB
20 5.9
25 5.1
32 4.7
40 3.4
50 2.5
63 1.7
80 0.8
100 0.2
125 0
160 -0.2
200 -0.2
250 -0.2
315 -0.3
400 -0.3
500 -0.3
630 -0.3
800 -0.3
1000 -0.3
1250 -0.3
1600 -0.3
2000 -0.3
2500 -0.3
3150 -0.3
4000 -0.2
5000 -0.3
6300 1.3
8000 3.7
10000 0
12500 -3.4
16000 -2.5
20000 -3.8
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.3; 34 -0.6; 36 -0.9; 38 -1.1; 40 -1.4; 43 -1.8; 45 -2.0; 48 -2.4; 50 -2.6; 53 -2.9; 56 -3.2; 59 -3.5; 63 -3.8; 66 -4.0; 70 -4.3; 74 -4.5; 78 -4.8; 83 -5.0; 87 -5.2; 92 -5.4; 97 -5.5; 103 -5.7; 109 -5.8; 115 -5.9; 121 -6.0; 128 -6.1; 136 -6.2; 143 -6.2; 151 -6.3; 160 -6.3; 169 -6.4; 178 -6.4; 188 -6.4; 199 -6.5; 210 -6.5; 222 -6.5; 235 -6.5; 248 -6.5; 262 -6.5; 277 -6.5; 292 -6.6; 309 -6.6; 326 -6.6; 345 -6.6; 364 -6.6; 385 -6.6; 406 -6.6; 429 -6.6; 453 -6.6; 479 -6.6; 506 -6.6; 534 -6.6; 565 -6.6; 596 -6.6; 630 -6.6; 665 -6.6; 703 -6.6; 743 -6.6; 784 -6.6; 829 -6.6; 875 -6.6; 924 -6.6; 977 -6.6; 1032 -6.6; 1090 -6.6; 1151 -6.6; 1216 -6.6; 1284 -6.6; 1357 -6.6; 1433 -6.6; 1514 -6.6; 1599 -6.6; 1689 -6.6; 1784 -6.6; 1885 -6.6; 1991 -6.6; 2103 -6.6; 2221 -6.6; 2347 -6.6; 2479 -6.6; 2618 -6.5; 2766 -6.5; 2921 -6.5; 3086 -6.5; 3260 -6.5; 3443 -6.5; 3637 -6.5; 3842 -6.4; 4058 -6.4; 4287 -6.4; 4528 -6.3; 4783 -6.2; 5052 -6.1; 5337 -6.0; 5637 -5.8; 5955 -5.4; 6290 -5.0; 6644 -4.3; 7018 -3.5; 7414 -2.8; 7831 -2.9; 8272 -3.7; 8738 -4.6; 9230 -5.3; 9749 -5.8; 10298 -6.2; 10878 -6.7; 11490 -7.1; 12137 -7.8; 12821 -8.9; 13543 -9.8; 14305 -9.4; 15110 -8.3; 15961 -7.6; 16860 -7.2; 17809 -7.0; 18812 -7.4; 19871 -8.7

Sennheiser HD800S:
Preamp: -7.8dB
32 7.3
64 1.8
125 -0.5
250 -0.4
500 -0.3
1000 -0.6
2000 2.3
4000 0.2
8000 -2.0
16000 -3.0
Preamp: -6.5dB
20 5.1
25 5.1
32 4.4
40 4.7
50 3.3
63 2.0
80 1.0
100 0.3
125 0
160 0
200 -0.4
250 -0.3
315 -0.3
400 -0.3
500 -0.2
630 -0.2
800 0
1000 0
1250 0
1600 0.5
2000 1.2
2500 2.1
3150 1.8
4000 0.9
5000 -2.4
6300 -1.7
8000 -0.8
10000 -1.3
12500 -2.4
16000 -3.4
20000 -5.0
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.2; 38 -0.2; 40 -0.2; 43 -0.5; 45 -0.9; 48 -1.4; 50 -1.7; 53 -2.1; 56 -2.5; 59 -2.9; 63 -3.3; 66 -3.6; 70 -3.9; 74 -4.3; 78 -4.5; 83 -4.8; 87 -5.0; 92 -5.2; 97 -5.4; 103 -5.6; 109 -5.8; 115 -5.9; 121 -6.0; 128 -6.1; 136 -6.2; 143 -6.3; 151 -6.3; 160 -6.4; 169 -6.4; 178 -6.5; 188 -6.5; 199 -6.5; 210 -6.5; 222 -6.5; 235 -6.6; 248 -6.6; 262 -6.6; 277 -6.6; 292 -6.6; 309 -6.6; 326 -6.6; 345 -6.6; 364 -6.6; 385 -6.6; 406 -6.6; 429 -6.6; 453 -6.6; 479 -6.6; 506 -6.6; 534 -6.6; 565 -6.5; 596 -6.5; 630 -6.5; 665 -6.5; 703 -6.5; 743 -6.4; 784 -6.4; 829 -6.4; 875 -6.3; 924 -6.3; 977 -6.2; 1032 -6.2; 1090 -6.1; 1151 -6.1; 1216 -6.0; 1284 -5.9; 1357 -5.8; 1433 -5.7; 1514 -5.5; 1599 -5.4; 1689 -5.2; 1784 -5.0; 1885 -4.8; 1991 -4.6; 2103 -4.4; 2221 -4.2; 2347 -4.0; 2479 -3.9; 2618 -3.8; 2766 -3.9; 2921 -4.0; 3086 -4.1; 3260 -4.4; 3443 -4.7; 3637 -5.0; 3842 -5.3; 4058 -5.8; 4287 -6.2; 4528 -6.8; 4783 -7.6; 5052 -8.4; 5337 -8.9; 5637 -8.9; 5955 -8.4; 6290 -7.9; 6644 -7.6; 7018 -7.4; 7414 -7.3; 7831 -7.3; 8272 -7.4; 8738 -7.4; 9230 -7.5; 9749 -7.6; 10298 -7.7; 10878 -7.8; 11490 -7.9; 12137 -8.0; 12821 -8.1; 13543 -8.2; 14305 -8.3; 15110 -8.3; 15961 -8.4; 16860 -8.4; 17809 -8.5; 18812 -8.6; 19871 -9.0

Sivga Phoenix:
Preamp: -3.1db
32 2.9
64 0.4
125 -0.8
250 -1.0
500 -0.7
1000 1.8
2000 0.5
4000 1.0
8000 -1.8
16000 -1.7
Preamp: -4.4db
20 1.4
25 2.4
32 1.9
40 1.6
50 1.0
63 0.5
80 0.1
100 -0.2
125 -0.5
160 -0.7
200 -0.7
250 -0.8
315 -0.8
400 -0.7
500 -0.4
630 -0.1
800 0.6
1000 1.5
1250 1.4
1600 0.5
2000 -0.2
2500 -0.0
3150 4.4
4000 -0.7
5000 -0.8
6300 -1.0
8000 -1.0
10000 -1.2
12500 -1.5
16000 -1.9
20000 -2.1
GraphicEQ: 20 -1.7; 21 -1.7; 22 -1.7; 23 -1.8; 24 -1.8; 26 -1.8; 27 -1.9; 29 -2.0; 30 -2.0; 32 -2.1; 34 -2.2; 36 -2.3; 38 -2.4; 40 -2.5; 43 -2.6; 45 -2.7; 48 -2.9; 50 -3.0; 53 -3.1; 56 -3.2; 59 -3.4; 63 -3.5; 66 -3.6; 70 -3.8; 74 -3.9; 78 -4.0; 83 -4.2; 87 -4.3; 92 -4.4; 97 -4.5; 103 -4.7; 109 -4.8; 115 -4.9; 121 -4.9; 128 -5.0; 136 -5.1; 143 -5.1; 151 -5.2; 160 -5.2; 169 -5.3; 178 -5.3; 188 -5.3; 199 -5.3; 210 -5.3; 222 -5.3; 235 -5.3; 248 -5.3; 262 -5.3; 277 -5.3; 292 -5.3; 309 -5.3; 326 -5.2; 345 -5.2; 364 -5.2; 385 -5.1; 406 -5.1; 429 -5.0; 453 -4.9; 479 -4.9; 506 -4.8; 534 -4.7; 565 -4.6; 596 -4.4; 630 -4.3; 665 -4.1; 703 -3.9; 743 -3.7; 784 -3.5; 829 -3.3; 875 -3.1; 924 -2.9; 977 -2.7; 1032 -2.6; 1090 -2.5; 1151 -2.5; 1216 -2.6; 1284 -2.7; 1357 -2.9; 1433 -3.1; 1514 -3.3; 1599 -3.5; 1689 -3.7; 1784 -3.8; 1885 -4.0; 1991 -4.0; 2103 -4.1; 2221 -4.1; 2347 -3.9; 2479 -3.7; 2618 -3.2; 2766 -2.4; 2921 -1.1; 3086 -0.2; 3260 -0.8; 3443 -2.2; 3637 -3.3; 3842 -4.0; 4058 -4.4; 4287 -4.7; 4528 -4.9; 4783 -5.0; 5052 -5.1; 5337 -5.2; 5637 -5.3; 5955 -5.3; 6290 -5.3; 6644 -5.4; 7018 -5.4; 7414 -5.4; 7831 -5.4; 8272 -5.5; 8738 -5.5; 9230 -5.5; 9749 -5.5; 10298 -5.5; 10878 -5.5; 11490 -5.5; 12137 -5.5; 12821 -5.5; 13543 -5.5; 14305 -5.5; 15110 -5.5; 15961 -5.5; 16860 -5.6; 17809 -5.6; 18812 -5.5; 19871 -5.5

Sony MDR-7506:
Preamp: -1.0dB
32 -0.6
64 0.7
125 0.4
250 0.5
500 0.5
1000 0.5
2000 0.6
4000 -3.3
8000 0.9
16000 0.8
Preamp: -1.2dB
20 -1.5
25 -0.9
32 0.2
40 0.3
50 0.5
63 0.4
80 0.4
100 0.5
125 0.5
160 0.4
200 0.4
250 0.4
315 0.4
400 0.4
500 0.4
630 0.4
800 0.4
1000 0.4
1250 0.4
1600 0.4
2000 0.4
2500 -0.5
3150 -1.6
4000 -2.8
5000 -2.1
6300 0.3
8000 0.4
10000 0.5
12500 0.7
16000 0.9
20000 0.7
GraphicEQ: 20 -3.2; 21 -2.8; 22 -2.5; 23 -2.2; 24 -1.9; 26 -1.5; 27 -1.3; 29 -1.1; 30 -1.0; 32 -0.8; 34 -0.7; 36 -0.6; 38 -0.5; 40 -0.5; 43 -0.4; 45 -0.4; 48 -0.3; 50 -0.3; 53 -0.3; 56 -0.3; 59 -0.3; 63 -0.2; 66 -0.2; 70 -0.2; 74 -0.2; 78 -0.2; 83 -0.2; 87 -0.2; 92 -0.2; 97 -0.2; 103 -0.2; 109 -0.2; 115 -0.2; 121 -0.2; 128 -0.2; 136 -0.2; 143 -0.2; 151 -0.2; 160 -0.2; 169 -0.2; 178 -0.2; 188 -0.2; 199 -0.2; 210 -0.2; 222 -0.2; 235 -0.2; 248 -0.2; 262 -0.2; 277 -0.2; 292 -0.2; 309 -0.2; 326 -0.2; 345 -0.2; 364 -0.2; 385 -0.2; 406 -0.2; 429 -0.2; 453 -0.2; 479 -0.2; 506 -0.2; 534 -0.2; 565 -0.2; 596 -0.2; 630 -0.2; 665 -0.2; 703 -0.2; 743 -0.2; 784 -0.2; 829 -0.2; 875 -0.2; 924 -0.2; 977 -0.3; 1032 -0.3; 1090 -0.3; 1151 -0.3; 1216 -0.3; 1284 -0.3; 1357 -0.3; 1433 -0.3; 1514 -0.4; 1599 -0.4; 1689 -0.4; 1784 -0.5; 1885 -0.5; 1991 -0.6; 2103 -0.7; 2221 -0.9; 2347 -1.1; 2479 -1.4; 2618 -1.7; 2766 -2.2; 2921 -2.7; 3086 -2.8; 3260 -2.7; 3443 -2.6; 3637 -2.8; 3842 -3.2; 4058 -3.9; 4287 -4.4; 4528 -4.3; 4783 -3.6; 5052 -2.7; 5337 -2.0; 5637 -1.5; 5955 -1.2; 6290 -1.0; 6644 -0.8; 7018 -0.7; 7414 -0.6; 7831 -0.5; 8272 -0.5; 8738 -0.4; 9230 -0.4; 9749 -0.4; 10298 -0.3; 10878 -0.3; 11490 -0.3; 12137 -0.3; 12821 -0.3; 13543 -0.3; 14305 -0.3; 15110 -0.2; 15961 -0.2; 16860 -0.2; 17809 -0.2; 18812 -0.3; 19871 -0.5

Sony MDR-ZX110:
Preamp: -4.5dB
32 4.7
64 -1.6
125 -1.8
250 -1.6
500 -2.3
1000 1.6
2000 0.5
4000 2.3
8000 1.4
16000 -3.1
Preamp: -5.7dB
20 3.7
25 5.0
32 2.5
40 1.5
50 0
63 -0.8
80 -1.2
100 -1.3
125 -1.6
160 -1.6
200 -1.5
250 -1.5
315 -1.5
400 -1.5
500 -1.4
630 -1.4
800 -0.6
1000 3.7
1250 -0.5
1600 -1.0
2000 0.5
2500 3.5
3150 0.7
4000 -0.3
5000 2.9
6300 5.1
8000 0
10000 -1.3
12500 -2.2
16000 -3.1
20000 -3.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.3; 22 -0.5; 23 -0.6; 24 -0.7; 26 -1.0; 27 -1.2; 29 -1.5; 30 -1.7; 32 -2.1; 34 -2.4; 36 -2.8; 38 -3.2; 40 -3.5; 43 -4.0; 45 -4.3; 48 -4.7; 50 -4.9; 53 -5.3; 56 -5.6; 59 -5.8; 63 -6.1; 66 -6.3; 70 -6.4; 74 -6.6; 78 -6.7; 83 -6.9; 87 -6.9; 92 -7.0; 97 -7.1; 103 -7.2; 109 -7.2; 115 -7.3; 121 -7.3; 128 -7.3; 136 -7.3; 143 -7.4; 151 -7.4; 160 -7.4; 169 -7.4; 178 -7.4; 188 -7.4; 199 -7.4; 210 -7.4; 222 -7.4; 235 -7.4; 248 -7.4; 262 -7.4; 277 -7.4; 292 -7.4; 309 -7.4; 326 -7.4; 345 -7.4; 364 -7.4; 385 -7.3; 406 -7.3; 429 -7.3; 453 -7.3; 479 -7.2; 506 -7.2; 534 -7.1; 565 -7.0; 596 -7.0; 630 -6.8; 665 -6.7; 703 -6.5; 743 -6.1; 784 -5.7; 829 -5.1; 875 -4.2; 924 -3.2; 977 -2.3; 1032 -2.3; 1090 -3.2; 1151 -4.1; 1216 -4.9; 1284 -5.3; 1357 -5.6; 1433 -5.7; 1514 -5.7; 1599 -5.7; 1689 -5.5; 1784 -5.2; 1885 -4.8; 1991 -4.3; 2103 -3.7; 2221 -2.9; 2347 -2.3; 2479 -1.9; 2618 -2.0; 2766 -2.5; 2921 -3.1; 3086 -3.7; 3260 -4.1; 3443 -4.4; 3637 -4.5; 3842 -4.5; 4058 -4.4; 4287 -4.1; 4528 -3.6; 4783 -2.9; 5052 -2.1; 5337 -1.2; 5637 -0.4; 5955 -0.2; 6290 -0.7; 6644 -1.7; 7018 -2.7; 7414 -3.6; 7831 -4.4; 8272 -5.0; 8738 -5.5; 9230 -5.8; 9749 -6.1; 10298 -6.4; 10878 -6.6; 11490 -6.7; 12137 -6.8; 12821 -6.9; 13543 -7.0; 14305 -7.1; 15110 -7.2; 15961 -7.2; 16860 -7.2; 17809 -7.3; 18812 -7.3; 19871 -7.2

Sony WH-1000XM4:
Preamp: -4.4dB
32 4.7
64 -1.7
125 -1.7
250 -1.6
500 -2.2
1000 1.6
2000 0.5
4000 2.3
8000 1.4
16000 -3.2
Preamp: -5.7dB
20 3.7
25 4.8
32 2.5
40 1.6
50 0.2
63 -0.5
80 -1.2
100 -1.4
125 -1.6
160 -1.6
200 -1.5
250 -1.5
315 -1.6
400 -1.5
500 -1.4
630 -1.4
800 -0.6
1000 3.7
1250 -0.5
1600 -1.0
2000 0.5
2500 3.5
3150 0.7
4000 -0.3
5000 2.8
6300 5.1
8000 0
10000 -1.3
12500 -2.2
16000 -3.1
20000 -3.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.3; 22 -0.4; 23 -0.6; 24 -0.7; 26 -1.0; 27 -1.2; 29 -1.5; 30 -1.7; 32 -2.1; 34 -2.4; 36 -2.8; 38 -3.2; 40 -3.5; 43 -4.0; 45 -4.3; 48 -4.7; 50 -4.9; 53 -5.3; 56 -5.5; 59 -5.8; 63 -6.1; 66 -6.2; 70 -6.4; 74 -6.6; 78 -6.7; 83 -6.9; 87 -6.9; 92 -7.0; 97 -7.1; 103 -7.2; 109 -7.2; 115 -7.2; 121 -7.3; 128 -7.3; 136 -7.3; 143 -7.4; 151 -7.4; 160 -7.4; 169 -7.4; 178 -7.4; 188 -7.4; 199 -7.4; 210 -7.4; 222 -7.4; 235 -7.4; 248 -7.4; 262 -7.4; 277 -7.4; 292 -7.4; 309 -7.4; 326 -7.4; 345 -7.4; 364 -7.4; 385 -7.3; 406 -7.3; 429 -7.3; 453 -7.3; 479 -7.2; 506 -7.2; 534 -7.1; 565 -7.0; 596 -6.9; 630 -6.8; 665 -6.7; 703 -6.5; 743 -6.1; 784 -5.7; 829 -5.1; 875 -4.2; 924 -3.2; 977 -2.3; 1032 -2.3; 1090 -3.1; 1151 -4.1; 1216 -4.8; 1284 -5.3; 1357 -5.6; 1433 -5.7; 1514 -5.7; 1599 -5.7; 1689 -5.5; 1784 -5.2; 1885 -4.8; 1991 -4.3; 2103 -3.7; 2221 -2.9; 2347 -2.3; 2479 -1.9; 2618 -2.0; 2766 -2.5; 2921 -3.1; 3086 -3.7; 3260 -4.1; 3443 -4.4; 3637 -4.5; 3842 -4.5; 4058 -4.4; 4287 -4.1; 4528 -3.6; 4783 -2.9; 5052 -2.1; 5337 -1.2; 5637 -0.4; 5955 -0.2; 6290 -0.7; 6644 -1.7; 7018 -2.7; 7414 -3.6; 7831 -4.4; 8272 -5.0; 8738 -5.5; 9230 -5.8; 9749 -6.1; 10298 -6.4; 10878 -6.6; 11490 -6.7; 12137 -6.8; 12821 -6.9; 13543 -7.0; 14305 -7.1; 15110 -7.1; 15961 -7.2; 16860 -7.2; 17809 -7.3; 18812 -7.3; 19871 -7.2

Superlux HD668B:
Preamp: -6.6dB
32 6.5
64 0
125 0
250 0
500 0
1000 0
2000 0
4000 3.7
8000 -5.1
16000 0.4
Preamp: -7.1dB
20 4.7
25 5.3
32 4.5
40 2.8
50 1.7
63 1.0
80 0.4
100 0
125 0
160 0
200 0
250 0
315 0
400 0
500 0
630 0
800 0
1000 0
1250 0
1600 0
2000 0.2
2500 0.4
3150 1.8
4000 5.9
5000 -3.3
6300 -0.7
8000 -5.1
10000 -2.2
12500 0
16000 0
20000 1.3
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.3; 29 -0.6; 30 -0.8; 32 -1.1; 34 -1.5; 36 -1.8; 38 -2.1; 40 -2.4; 43 -2.8; 45 -3.1; 48 -3.4; 50 -3.6; 53 -3.9; 56 -4.2; 59 -4.4; 63 -4.7; 66 -4.9; 70 -5.1; 74 -5.2; 78 -5.4; 83 -5.5; 87 -5.6; 92 -5.7; 97 -5.8; 103 -5.8; 109 -5.9; 115 -5.9; 121 -6.0; 128 -6.0; 136 -6.0; 143 -6.1; 151 -6.1; 160 -6.1; 169 -6.1; 178 -6.1; 188 -6.1; 199 -6.2; 210 -6.2; 222 -6.2; 235 -6.2; 248 -6.2; 262 -6.2; 277 -6.2; 292 -6.2; 309 -6.2; 326 -6.2; 345 -6.2; 364 -6.2; 385 -6.2; 406 -6.2; 429 -6.2; 453 -6.2; 479 -6.2; 506 -6.2; 534 -6.2; 565 -6.2; 596 -6.2; 630 -6.2; 665 -6.2; 703 -6.2; 743 -6.2; 784 -6.2; 829 -6.1; 875 -6.2; 924 -6.1; 977 -6.1; 1032 -6.1; 1090 -6.1; 1151 -6.1; 1216 -6.1; 1284 -6.1; 1357 -6.0; 1433 -6.0; 1514 -6.0; 1599 -6.0; 1689 -5.9; 1784 -5.9; 1885 -5.8; 1991 -5.8; 2103 -5.7; 2221 -5.6; 2347 -5.4; 2479 -5.3; 2618 -5.1; 2766 -4.8; 2921 -4.5; 3086 -4.0; 3260 -3.5; 3443 -2.9; 3637 -2.3; 3842 -1.8; 4058 -1.9; 4287 -2.6; 4528 -3.8; 4783 -5.5; 5052 -8.3; 5337 -11.1; 5637 -10.2; 5955 -8.1; 6290 -7.3; 6644 -7.2; 7018 -7.4; 7414 -8.2; 7831 -9.7; 8272 -12.1; 8738 -12.6; 9230 -10.4; 9749 -8.5; 10298 -7.6; 10878 -7.1; 11490 -6.8; 12137 -6.6; 12821 -6.5; 13543 -6.4; 14305 -6.4; 15110 -6.3; 15961 -6.3; 16860 -6.3; 17809 -6.3; 18812 -6.0; 19871 -5.3

***CONTINUED IN POST #2, since I ran out of characters in this thread.***


2021-02-02: Initial post
2021-02-03: Added 31-band GEQ profiles.
2021-02-09: Added VLC info
2021-02-10: Added Foobar2000 info, re-organized text
2021-02-12: Bowers & Wilkins P5
2021-02-20: Bose QuietComfort 35 II
2021-02-25: Added 'How to import into Wavelet' guide from post #40.
2021-03-01: Audio Technica ATH-M50X
2021-03-15: PSB M4U 1
2021-03-22: Hifiman HE-6
2021-03-29: Focal Celestee
2021-04-03: Focal Utopia
2021-04-08: Hifiman Ananda
2021-04-09: Massdrop X Focal ELEX Review
2021-04-14: Added 'How to install AutoEQ for Windows 64-bit'
2021-04-15: Hifiman Sundara
2021-04-22: Sennheiser HD 820
2021-04-24: Panasonic RP-TCM125-A
2021-04-27: Sivga Phoenix
2021-05-05: Massdrop x Meze 99 Noir
2021-05-06: Tascam TH-07
2021-05-10: Drop THX Panda
2021-05-15: Abyss AB-1266 Phi TC
2021-06-05: Audeze LCD-24
2021-06-08: Audio Technica ATH-ADX5000
2021-06-14: AKG K240 55 Ohm and ZMF Atticus
2021-06-23: Drop Sennheiser PC38X
2021-06-28: Sennheiser HD 598 SE
2021-07-01: Bose NC700 and Drop Ether CX
2021-07-02: Beyerdynamic DT 880 600 Ohm
2021-07-06: Drop AKG K7XX, AKG K271, Yamaha RH-5Ma
2021-07-11: E-MU Teak, Takstar Pro 82
2021-07-14: ZERO AUDIO Carbo Tenore ZH-DX200-CT
2021-07-17: Custom Grado With Elleven Acoustica R1 Driver and Verisonix Pro DJ
2021-07-26: Audeze LCD-X Review (2021 Edition) and Status Flagship ANC.
2021-08-01: Audeze LCD-1 and Oppo PM3
2021-08-02: MASSDROP Sennheiser HD58X JUBILEE
2021-08-07: Apple AirPods Max.
2021-08-16: Hifiman HE400i 2020
2021-09-06: Audeze Mobius
2021-09-28: KOSS PRO 4AA
2021-10-11: Neumann NDH20
2021-10-17: Kennerton Rognir, Audeze SINE
2021-10-31: Beyerdynamic Amiron Home
2021-11-04: Hifiman Arya
2021-11-10: Focal Elegia
2021-11-16: Focal Stellia
2021-11-20: AKG K712 Pro and Grado SR60x
2021-12-05: Hifiman HE400SE
2021-12-18: Hifiman HE-560 V4 and KOSS Porta Pro
2021-12-28: Meze Liric
2022-01-05: Sennheiser HD560S
Last edited:


Major Contributor
The Curator
Nov 29, 2019
BC, Canada
2nd post, since 1st post ran out of characters...
Newest reviews on bottom.

Tascam TH-07:
Preamp: -3.2db
32 0.8
64 1.1
125 -2.0
250 -2.4
500 1.2
1000 2.1
2000 3.0
4000 -2.2
8000 -0.6
16000 -2.4
Preamp: -3.7db
20 1.2
25 0.8
32 0.5
40 0.3
50 0.6
63 0.5
80 0.4
100 0.3
125 -0.2
160 -3.8
200 -4.0
250 -0.4
315 0.2
400 0.5
500 0.6
630 0.9
800 1.2
1000 1.6
1250 2.6
1600 2.5
2000 1.6
2500 1.1
3150 0.7
4000 -0.1
5000 -4.4
6300 -1.4
8000 0.3
10000 0.4
12500 -3.6
16000 -1.9
20000 -2.1
GraphicEQ: 20 -2.6; 21 -2.6; 22 -2.6; 23 -2.6; 24 -2.6; 26 -2.6; 27 -2.6; 29 -2.6; 30 -2.6; 32 -2.6; 34 -2.7; 36 -2.7; 38 -2.7; 40 -2.7; 43 -2.7; 45 -2.7; 48 -2.7; 50 -2.7; 53 -2.8; 56 -2.8; 59 -2.8; 63 -2.8; 66 -2.9; 70 -2.9; 74 -3.0; 78 -3.0; 83 -3.1; 87 -3.2; 92 -3.3; 97 -3.4; 103 -3.5; 109 -3.7; 115 -4.0; 121 -4.2; 128 -4.7; 136 -5.2; 143 -5.8; 151 -6.5; 160 -7.4; 169 -8.2; 178 -8.5; 188 -8.4; 199 -7.7; 210 -6.9; 222 -6.0; 235 -5.3; 248 -4.8; 262 -4.3; 277 -4.0; 292 -3.7; 309 -3.5; 326 -3.3; 345 -3.2; 364 -3.0; 385 -2.9; 406 -2.8; 429 -2.7; 453 -2.7; 479 -2.6; 506 -2.5; 534 -2.4; 565 -2.3; 596 -2.2; 630 -2.2; 665 -2.1; 703 -2.0; 743 -1.8; 784 -1.7; 829 -1.6; 875 -1.4; 924 -1.3; 977 -1.1; 1032 -0.9; 1090 -0.7; 1151 -0.5; 1216 -0.4; 1284 -0.3; 1357 -0.2; 1433 -0.2; 1514 -0.3; 1599 -0.4; 1689 -0.5; 1784 -0.7; 1885 -0.9; 1991 -1.1; 2103 -1.3; 2221 -1.5; 2347 -1.7; 2479 -1.9; 2618 -2.1; 2766 -2.2; 2921 -2.4; 3086 -2.6; 3260 -2.8; 3443 -3.1; 3637 -3.4; 3842 -3.8; 4058 -4.3; 4287 -4.9; 4528 -5.8; 4783 -6.7; 5052 -7.3; 5337 -7.3; 5637 -6.7; 5955 -5.8; 6290 -5.1; 6644 -4.5; 7018 -4.1; 7414 -3.8; 7831 -3.6; 8272 -3.5; 8738 -3.4; 9230 -3.4; 9749 -3.4; 10298 -3.5; 10878 -3.8; 11490 -4.2; 12137 -5.0; 12821 -6.3; 13543 -7.6; 14305 -7.0; 15110 -5.5; 15961 -4.4; 16860 -3.7; 17809 -3.3; 18812 -3.7; 19871 -4.9

AKG K240 55 Ohm:
Preamp: -7.8db
32 7.3
64 1.1
125 -1.3
250 -1.2
500 -1.7
1000 -0.0
2000 3.9
4000 2.1
8000 -4.0
16000 -2.2
Preamp: -6.8db
20 4.5
25 5.1
32 4.8
40 4.0
50 2.6
63 1.6
80 0.4
100 -0.3
125 -0.9
160 -1.0
200 -1.0
250 -1.1
315 -1.2
400 -1.1
500 -1.1
630 -1.0
800 -0.9
1000 -0.5
1250 0.6
1600 5.9
2000 3.5
2500 -0.1
3150 -0.8
4000 1.6
5000 4.9
6300 -1.4
8000 -5.5
10000 -2.2
12500 -2.1
16000 -2.7
20000 -0.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.2; 38 -0.4; 40 -0.8; 43 -1.3; 45 -1.6; 48 -2.1; 50 -2.4; 53 -2.8; 56 -3.2; 59 -3.6; 63 -4.0; 66 -4.4; 70 -4.7; 74 -5.1; 78 -5.4; 83 -5.7; 87 -5.9; 92 -6.2; 97 -6.4; 103 -6.6; 109 -6.8; 115 -6.9; 121 -7.1; 128 -7.2; 136 -7.3; 143 -7.4; 151 -7.4; 160 -7.5; 169 -7.6; 178 -7.6; 188 -7.6; 199 -7.7; 210 -7.7; 222 -7.7; 235 -7.7; 248 -7.7; 262 -7.7; 277 -7.8; 292 -7.8; 309 -7.8; 326 -7.8; 345 -7.7; 364 -7.7; 385 -7.7; 406 -7.7; 429 -7.7; 453 -7.7; 479 -7.7; 506 -7.6; 534 -7.6; 565 -7.6; 596 -7.5; 630 -7.5; 665 -7.4; 703 -7.4; 743 -7.3; 784 -7.2; 829 -7.1; 875 -6.9; 924 -6.8; 977 -6.5; 1032 -6.3; 1090 -6.0; 1151 -5.5; 1216 -5.0; 1284 -4.4; 1357 -3.6; 1433 -2.6; 1514 -1.4; 1599 -0.5; 1689 -0.2; 1784 -0.3; 1885 -1.0; 1991 -2.1; 2103 -3.1; 2221 -4.0; 2347 -4.7; 2479 -5.2; 2618 -5.6; 2766 -5.8; 2921 -6.0; 3086 -6.1; 3260 -6.1; 3443 -6.0; 3637 -5.7; 3842 -5.2; 4058 -4.2; 4287 -2.8; 4528 -1.3; 4783 -1.2; 5052 -2.6; 5337 -4.1; 5637 -5.4; 5955 -6.4; 6290 -7.2; 6644 -7.9; 7018 -8.7; 7414 -9.8; 7831 -11.0; 8272 -11.3; 8738 -10.4; 9230 -9.4; 9749 -8.8; 10298 -8.5; 10878 -8.3; 11490 -8.1; 12137 -8.1; 12821 -8.0; 13543 -8.0; 14305 -8.0; 15110 -7.9; 15961 -7.9; 16860 -7.9; 17809 -7.9; 18812 -7.5; 19871 -6.2

ZMF Atticus:
Preamp: -3.3db
32 3.1
64 1.1
125 -5.7
250 -1.1
500 0.8
1000 -0.0
2000 2.5
4000 2.5
8000 -0.6
16000 0.9
Preamp: -5.4db
20 2.5
25 2.4
32 2.0
40 1.5
50 0.8
63 0.4
80 -0.3
100 -1.1
125 -4.4
160 -5.8
200 -1.9
250 -0.7
315 -0.1
400 0.1
500 0.2
630 0.3
800 0.4
1000 0.4
1250 0.6
1600 0.9
2000 1.6
2500 3.2
3150 1.9
4000 4.3
5000 -1.1
6300 -1.4
8000 0.8
10000 0.5
12500 0.7
16000 0.9
20000 0.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -1.3; 21 -1.3; 22 -1.4; 23 -1.4; 24 -1.5; 26 -1.6; 27 -1.7; 29 -1.8; 30 -1.9; 32 -2.1; 34 -2.2; 36 -2.4; 38 -2.6; 40 -2.7; 43 -3.0; 45 -3.1; 48 -3.3; 50 -3.5; 53 -3.7; 56 -3.9; 59 -4.0; 63 -4.3; 66 -4.4; 70 -4.6; 74 -4.9; 78 -5.1; 83 -5.4; 87 -5.7; 92 -6.1; 97 -6.5; 103 -7.0; 109 -7.6; 115 -8.3; 121 -8.9; 128 -9.7; 136 -10.5; 143 -10.8; 151 -10.9; 160 -10.5; 169 -9.9; 178 -9.2; 188 -8.4; 199 -7.8; 210 -7.2; 222 -6.7; 235 -6.3; 248 -5.9; 262 -5.6; 277 -5.4; 292 -5.2; 309 -5.0; 326 -4.9; 345 -4.7; 364 -4.6; 385 -4.5; 406 -4.5; 429 -4.4; 453 -4.3; 479 -4.3; 506 -4.2; 534 -4.2; 565 -4.1; 596 -4.1; 630 -4.1; 665 -4.0; 703 -4.0; 743 -4.0; 784 -3.9; 829 -3.9; 875 -3.9; 924 -3.8; 977 -3.8; 1032 -3.7; 1090 -3.7; 1151 -3.6; 1216 -3.6; 1284 -3.5; 1357 -3.4; 1433 -3.3; 1514 -3.2; 1599 -3.0; 1689 -2.9; 1784 -2.7; 1885 -2.4; 1991 -2.1; 2103 -1.8; 2221 -1.5; 2347 -1.2; 2479 -0.9; 2618 -0.9; 2766 -0.9; 2921 -1.1; 3086 -1.4; 3260 -1.6; 3443 -1.7; 3637 -1.6; 3842 -1.2; 4058 -0.2; 4287 -0.4; 4528 -1.9; 4783 -3.3; 5052 -4.7; 5337 -6.2; 5637 -7.0; 5955 -6.1; 6290 -5.0; 6644 -4.5; 7018 -4.2; 7414 -4.1; 7831 -4.0; 8272 -3.9; 8738 -3.9; 9230 -3.9; 9749 -3.9; 10298 -3.9; 10878 -3.9; 11490 -3.9; 12137 -3.9; 12821 -3.9; 13543 -3.9; 14305 -3.9; 15110 -3.9; 15961 -3.9; 16860 -3.9; 17809 -3.9; 18812 -4.0; 19871 -4.3

Sennheiser HD 598 SE:
Preamp: -5.6db
32 5.4
64 0.4
125 -1.8
250 -5.2
500 2.4
1000 2.1
2000 3.4
4000 -1.5
8000 -0.7
16000 -1.1
Preamp: -7.0db
20 3.7
25 4.9
32 3.5
40 2.2
50 1.4
63 0.6
80 -0.1
100 -0.5
125 -1.0
160 -2.6
200 -5.8
250 -2.5
315 -1.1
400 -0.7
500 -0.3
630 5.6
800 0.1
1000 0.1
1250 3.0
1600 6.1
2000 1.2
2500 0.1
3150 -0.3
4000 -0.4
5000 -0.5
6300 -0.6
8000 -0.7
10000 -0.7
12500 -0.9
16000 -1.2
20000 -1.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -1.3; 21 -1.3; 22 -1.4; 23 -1.4; 24 -1.5; 26 -1.6; 27 -1.7; 29 -1.8; 30 -1.9; 32 -2.1; 34 -2.3; 36 -2.5; 38 -2.7; 40 -3.0; 43 -3.3; 45 -3.6; 48 -3.9; 50 -4.1; 53 -4.4; 56 -4.7; 59 -5.0; 63 -5.3; 66 -5.5; 70 -5.8; 74 -6.0; 78 -6.2; 83 -6.5; 87 -6.6; 92 -6.8; 97 -7.0; 103 -7.2; 109 -7.4; 115 -7.5; 121 -7.8; 128 -8.0; 136 -8.4; 143 -8.7; 151 -9.2; 160 -9.9; 169 -10.6; 178 -11.3; 188 -12.0; 199 -12.4; 210 -12.2; 222 -11.5; 235 -10.7; 248 -10.0; 262 -9.4; 277 -8.8; 292 -8.5; 309 -8.1; 326 -7.8; 345 -7.6; 364 -7.4; 385 -7.2; 406 -7.0; 429 -6.7; 453 -6.5; 479 -6.1; 506 -5.6; 534 -4.8; 565 -3.6; 596 -1.9; 630 -0.8; 665 -1.6; 703 -3.1; 743 -4.2; 784 -4.8; 829 -5.1; 875 -5.2; 924 -5.1; 977 -5.0; 1032 -4.7; 1090 -4.3; 1151 -3.8; 1216 -3.1; 1284 -2.2; 1357 -1.2; 1433 -0.4; 1514 -0.2; 1599 -0.3; 1689 -1.1; 1784 -2.1; 1885 -3.0; 1991 -3.8; 2103 -4.4; 2221 -4.9; 2347 -5.3; 2479 -5.6; 2618 -5.8; 2766 -6.0; 2921 -6.2; 3086 -6.3; 3260 -6.4; 3443 -6.5; 3637 -6.6; 3842 -6.6; 4058 -6.7; 4287 -6.7; 4528 -6.8; 4783 -6.8; 5052 -6.8; 5337 -6.8; 5637 -6.9; 5955 -6.9; 6290 -6.9; 6644 -6.9; 7018 -6.9; 7414 -6.9; 7831 -7.0; 8272 -7.0; 8738 -7.0; 9230 -7.0; 9749 -7.0; 10298 -7.0; 10878 -7.0; 11490 -7.0; 12137 -7.0; 12821 -7.0; 13543 -7.0; 14305 -7.0; 15110 -7.0; 15961 -7.0; 16860 -7.0; 17809 -7.0; 18812 -7.0; 19871 -7.0

Bose NC700:
Preamp: -3.4db
32 3.2
64 -0.2
125 -1.6
250 -1.7
500 -0.1
1000 -0.4
2000 1.2
4000 2.4
8000 -0.3
16000 -0.3
Preamp: -5.3db
20 2.1
25 2.6
32 1.9
40 1.2
50 0.5
63 0.0
80 -0.4
100 -0.6
125 -1.2
160 -1.8
200 -1.7
250 -1.2
315 -0.8
400 -0.5
500 -0.3
630 -0.3
800 -0.2
1000 -0.1
1250 0.1
1600 0.3
2000 0.8
2500 1.6
3150 2.4
4000 1.8
5000 0.9
6300 0.4
8000 0.1
10000 -0.1
12500 -0.2
16000 -0.3
20000 -0.3
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.3; 22 -0.3; 23 -0.4; 24 -0.5; 26 -0.6; 27 -0.7; 29 -0.9; 30 -1.0; 32 -1.2; 34 -1.4; 36 -1.6; 38 -1.8; 40 -2.0; 43 -2.2; 45 -2.4; 48 -2.6; 50 -2.8; 53 -3.0; 56 -3.1; 59 -3.3; 63 -3.4; 66 -3.6; 70 -3.7; 74 -3.8; 78 -3.9; 83 -4.1; 87 -4.2; 92 -4.3; 97 -4.4; 103 -4.5; 109 -4.7; 115 -4.8; 121 -4.9; 128 -5.1; 136 -5.3; 143 -5.4; 151 -5.6; 160 -5.7; 169 -5.8; 178 -5.8; 188 -5.8; 199 -5.7; 210 -5.6; 222 -5.5; 235 -5.4; 248 -5.2; 262 -5.1; 277 -4.9; 292 -4.8; 309 -4.7; 326 -4.6; 345 -4.5; 364 -4.4; 385 -4.3; 406 -4.3; 429 -4.2; 453 -4.1; 479 -4.1; 506 -4.0; 534 -4.0; 565 -4.0; 596 -3.9; 630 -3.9; 665 -3.9; 703 -3.8; 743 -3.8; 784 -3.8; 829 -3.7; 875 -3.7; 924 -3.6; 977 -3.6; 1032 -3.6; 1090 -3.5; 1151 -3.4; 1216 -3.4; 1284 -3.3; 1357 -3.2; 1433 -3.2; 1514 -3.1; 1599 -2.9; 1689 -2.8; 1784 -2.7; 1885 -2.5; 1991 -2.3; 2103 -2.1; 2221 -1.9; 2347 -1.7; 2479 -1.5; 2618 -1.3; 2766 -1.1; 2921 -0.9; 3086 -0.9; 3260 -0.9; 3443 -0.9; 3637 -1.0; 3842 -1.2; 4058 -1.4; 4287 -1.7; 4528 -1.9; 4783 -2.1; 5052 -2.3; 5337 -2.5; 5637 -2.6; 5955 -2.8; 6290 -2.9; 6644 -3.0; 7018 -3.1; 7414 -3.2; 7831 -3.3; 8272 -3.3; 8738 -3.4; 9230 -3.5; 9749 -3.5; 10298 -3.5; 10878 -3.6; 11490 -3.6; 12137 -3.6; 12821 -3.7; 13543 -3.7; 14305 -3.7; 15110 -3.7; 15961 -3.7; 16860 -3.8; 17809 -3.8; 18812 -3.8; 19871 -3.7

Drop Ether CX:
Preamp: -6.7db
32 5.8
64 2.6
125 -0.3
250 -0.6
500 -0.5
1000 -0.7
2000 -0.2
4000 2.2
8000 -0.8
16000 -0.9
Preamp: -6.3db
20 3.9
25 4.8
32 3.9
40 3.5
50 3.3
63 2.7
80 1.7
100 0.7
125 -0.0
160 -0.3
200 -0.2
250 -0.5
315 -0.5
400 -0.5
500 -0.5
630 -0.5
800 -0.5
1000 -0.5
1250 -0.5
1600 -0.4
2000 -0.5
2500 0.7
3150 2.4
4000 -0.1
5000 2.6
6300 -0.3
8000 -0.5
10000 -0.6
12500 -0.8
16000 -1.0
20000 -0.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.3; 27 -0.3; 29 -0.3; 30 -0.3; 32 -0.4; 34 -0.4; 36 -0.5; 38 -0.6; 40 -0.6; 43 -0.8; 45 -0.9; 48 -1.0; 50 -1.1; 53 -1.3; 56 -1.5; 59 -1.7; 63 -2.0; 66 -2.2; 70 -2.5; 74 -2.7; 78 -3.0; 83 -3.3; 87 -3.6; 92 -3.9; 97 -4.1; 103 -4.4; 109 -4.6; 115 -4.8; 121 -5.0; 128 -5.1; 136 -5.3; 143 -5.4; 151 -5.5; 160 -5.6; 169 -5.7; 178 -5.8; 188 -5.8; 199 -5.9; 210 -5.9; 222 -5.9; 235 -6.0; 248 -6.0; 262 -6.0; 277 -6.0; 292 -6.0; 309 -6.0; 326 -6.0; 345 -6.1; 364 -6.1; 385 -6.1; 406 -6.1; 429 -6.1; 453 -6.1; 479 -6.1; 506 -6.1; 534 -6.1; 565 -6.1; 596 -6.1; 630 -6.1; 665 -6.1; 703 -6.1; 743 -6.1; 784 -6.1; 829 -6.1; 875 -6.1; 924 -6.1; 977 -6.1; 1032 -6.1; 1090 -6.0; 1151 -6.0; 1216 -6.0; 1284 -6.0; 1357 -6.0; 1433 -6.0; 1514 -5.9; 1599 -5.9; 1689 -5.9; 1784 -5.8; 1885 -5.8; 1991 -5.7; 2103 -5.5; 2221 -5.4; 2347 -5.1; 2479 -4.7; 2618 -4.2; 2766 -3.6; 2921 -3.1; 3086 -3.0; 3260 -3.5; 3443 -4.1; 3637 -4.5; 3842 -4.7; 4058 -4.7; 4287 -4.4; 4528 -3.9; 4783 -3.1; 5052 -2.9; 5337 -3.6; 5637 -4.4; 5955 -5.0; 6290 -5.3; 6644 -5.6; 7018 -5.7; 7414 -5.8; 7831 -5.9; 8272 -5.9; 8738 -5.9; 9230 -6.0; 9749 -6.0; 10298 -6.0; 10878 -6.0; 11490 -6.0; 12137 -6.1; 12821 -6.1; 13543 -6.1; 14305 -6.1; 15110 -6.1; 15961 -6.1; 16860 -6.1; 17809 -6.1; 18812 -6.0; 19871 -5.7

Beyerdynamic DT 880 600 Ohm:
Preamp: -5.5db
32 5.0
64 1.6
125 0.1
250 -1.1
500 0.8
1000 0.5
2000 0.3
4000 2.3
8000 -4.9
16000 1.5
Preamp: -5.0db
20 2.7
25 5.1
32 3.5
40 2.9
50 2.2
63 1.7
80 1.1
100 0.7
125 0.5
160 0.1
200 -1.3
250 -0.6
315 0.3
400 0.4
500 0.4
630 0.5
800 0.5
1000 0.4
1250 0.5
1600 0.5
2000 0.5
2500 0.6
3150 0.2
4000 4.2
5000 -1.3
6300 -2.9
8000 -5.7
10000 -0.6
12500 0.7
16000 0.9
20000 2.8
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.3; 24 -0.3; 26 -0.3; 27 -0.4; 29 -0.4; 30 -0.4; 32 -0.5; 34 -0.6; 36 -0.7; 38 -0.8; 40 -0.9; 43 -1.1; 45 -1.2; 48 -1.4; 50 -1.5; 53 -1.7; 56 -1.9; 59 -2.1; 63 -2.3; 66 -2.5; 70 -2.7; 74 -2.9; 78 -3.1; 83 -3.2; 87 -3.4; 92 -3.5; 97 -3.6; 103 -3.8; 109 -3.9; 115 -4.0; 121 -4.1; 128 -4.2; 136 -4.4; 143 -4.5; 151 -4.7; 160 -4.9; 169 -5.1; 178 -5.4; 188 -5.7; 199 -5.9; 210 -6.0; 222 -6.0; 235 -5.7; 248 -5.5; 262 -5.2; 277 -5.0; 292 -4.8; 309 -4.7; 326 -4.6; 345 -4.5; 364 -4.4; 385 -4.4; 406 -4.3; 429 -4.3; 453 -4.3; 479 -4.2; 506 -4.2; 534 -4.2; 565 -4.2; 596 -4.2; 630 -4.2; 665 -4.2; 703 -4.2; 743 -4.2; 784 -4.1; 829 -4.1; 875 -4.1; 924 -4.1; 977 -4.1; 1032 -4.1; 1090 -4.1; 1151 -4.1; 1216 -4.1; 1284 -4.1; 1357 -4.1; 1433 -4.1; 1514 -4.1; 1599 -4.1; 1689 -4.1; 1784 -4.1; 1885 -4.1; 1991 -4.1; 2103 -4.1; 2221 -4.1; 2347 -4.1; 2479 -4.0; 2618 -4.0; 2766 -4.0; 2921 -3.9; 3086 -3.8; 3260 -3.7; 3443 -3.5; 3637 -3.1; 3842 -2.4; 4058 -1.4; 4287 -1.3; 4528 -2.7; 4783 -4.2; 5052 -5.6; 5337 -7.6; 5637 -9.7; 5955 -9.2; 6290 -7.5; 6644 -6.7; 7018 -6.8; 7414 -7.7; 7831 -9.6; 8272 -11.2; 8738 -9.7; 9230 -7.4; 9749 -6.1; 10298 -5.4; 10878 -5.0; 11490 -4.7; 12137 -4.6; 12821 -4.5; 13543 -4.4; 14305 -4.3; 15110 -4.3; 15961 -4.3; 16860 -4.2; 17809 -4.2; 18812 -3.9; 19871 -3.0

Drop AKG K7XX:
Preamp: -5.1db
32 4.8
64 0.5
125 -1.1
250 -2.1
500 0.1
1000 3.1
2000 -1.8
4000 2.1
8000 -1.3
16000 -0.9
Preamp: -7.8db
20 3.1
25 4.4
32 3.2
40 2.3
50 1.8
63 0.9
80 0.0
100 -0.4
125 -0.8
160 -1.1
200 -1.5
250 -1.5
315 -1.1
400 -0.5
500 0.0
630 0.8
800 2.0
1000 2.6
1250 1.9
1600 -2.7
2000 -1.4
2500 0.8
3150 3.7
4000 0.1
5000 -0.4
6300 -0.5
8000 -0.6
10000 -0.7
12500 -0.9
16000 -1.1
20000 -1.2
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.3; 24 -0.3; 26 -0.4; 27 -0.5; 29 -0.6; 30 -0.6; 32 -0.7; 34 -0.9; 36 -1.0; 38 -1.2; 40 -1.4; 43 -1.6; 45 -1.8; 48 -2.1; 50 -2.3; 53 -2.6; 56 -2.8; 59 -3.1; 63 -3.4; 66 -3.6; 70 -3.9; 74 -4.1; 78 -4.3; 83 -4.5; 87 -4.6; 92 -4.8; 97 -4.9; 103 -5.1; 109 -5.2; 115 -5.3; 121 -5.4; 128 -5.6; 136 -5.7; 143 -5.8; 151 -5.9; 160 -6.0; 169 -6.1; 178 -6.3; 188 -6.4; 199 -6.4; 210 -6.5; 222 -6.5; 235 -6.5; 248 -6.5; 262 -6.4; 277 -6.3; 292 -6.1; 309 -6.0; 326 -5.8; 345 -5.6; 364 -5.5; 385 -5.3; 406 -5.1; 429 -5.0; 453 -4.8; 479 -4.6; 506 -4.4; 534 -4.2; 565 -4.0; 596 -3.8; 630 -3.5; 665 -3.2; 703 -2.9; 743 -2.6; 784 -2.3; 829 -2.1; 875 -1.9; 924 -1.7; 977 -1.7; 1032 -1.7; 1090 -1.9; 1151 -2.2; 1216 -2.6; 1284 -3.1; 1357 -3.8; 1433 -4.6; 1514 -5.6; 1599 -6.6; 1689 -7.2; 1784 -7.1; 1885 -6.4; 1991 -5.7; 2103 -5.1; 2221 -4.7; 2347 -4.2; 2479 -3.8; 2618 -3.2; 2766 -2.4; 2921 -1.6; 3086 -1.1; 3260 -1.5; 3443 -2.3; 3637 -3.1; 3842 -3.7; 4058 -4.1; 4287 -4.4; 4528 -4.6; 4783 -4.7; 5052 -4.8; 5337 -4.9; 5637 -5.0; 5955 -5.0; 6290 -5.1; 6644 -5.1; 7018 -5.1; 7414 -5.2; 7831 -5.2; 8272 -5.2; 8738 -5.2; 9230 -5.2; 9749 -5.2; 10298 -5.2; 10878 -5.3; 11490 -5.3; 12137 -5.3; 12821 -5.3; 13543 -5.3; 14305 -5.3; 15110 -5.3; 15961 -5.3; 16860 -5.3; 17809 -5.3; 18812 -5.3; 19871 -5.3

AKG K271:
Preamp: -7.9db
32 7.3
64 1.9
125 -0.7
250 -0.1
500 -1.7
1000 -1.1
2000 1.5
4000 3.6
8000 -2.9
16000 -1.2
Preamp: -7.8db
20 3.9
25 5.1
32 4.5
40 4.6
50 3.4
63 2.2
80 1.0
100 0.2
125 -0.2
160 -0.3
200 -0.3
250 -0.4
315 -0.4
400 -0.4
500 -0.4
630 -3.4
800 -0.7
1000 -0.3
1250 -0.2
1600 0.0
2000 1.6
2500 2.4
3150 0.7
4000 2.4
5000 3.1
6300 0.4
8000 -2.1
10000 -4.5
12500 -1.2
16000 -1.1
20000 1.0
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.2; 38 -0.2; 40 -0.4; 43 -0.8; 45 -1.0; 48 -1.4; 50 -1.6; 53 -2.0; 56 -2.3; 59 -2.7; 63 -3.1; 66 -3.4; 70 -3.8; 74 -4.2; 78 -4.5; 83 -4.8; 87 -5.0; 92 -5.3; 97 -5.5; 103 -5.7; 109 -5.9; 115 -6.0; 121 -6.1; 128 -6.2; 136 -6.3; 143 -6.4; 151 -6.5; 160 -6.5; 169 -6.6; 178 -6.6; 188 -6.6; 199 -6.7; 210 -6.7; 222 -6.7; 235 -6.7; 248 -6.8; 262 -6.8; 277 -6.8; 292 -6.8; 309 -6.8; 326 -6.8; 345 -6.9; 364 -6.9; 385 -6.9; 406 -7.0; 429 -7.0; 453 -7.1; 479 -7.2; 506 -7.4; 534 -7.7; 565 -8.2; 596 -9.0; 630 -9.6; 665 -9.5; 703 -8.6; 743 -7.9; 784 -7.5; 829 -7.2; 875 -7.0; 924 -6.9; 977 -6.8; 1032 -6.7; 1090 -6.6; 1151 -6.6; 1216 -6.5; 1284 -6.4; 1357 -6.3; 1433 -6.1; 1514 -6.0; 1599 -5.8; 1689 -5.5; 1784 -5.2; 1885 -4.8; 1991 -4.4; 2103 -3.9; 2221 -3.6; 2347 -3.4; 2479 -3.6; 2618 -3.9; 2766 -4.2; 2921 -4.4; 3086 -4.6; 3260 -4.6; 3443 -4.4; 3637 -4.2; 3842 -3.8; 4058 -3.3; 4287 -2.9; 4528 -2.7; 4783 -2.8; 5052 -3.3; 5337 -4.0; 5637 -4.6; 5955 -5.2; 6290 -5.7; 6644 -6.2; 7018 -6.6; 7414 -7.1; 7831 -7.8; 8272 -8.6; 8738 -9.6; 9230 -10.3; 9749 -10.2; 10298 -9.5; 10878 -8.7; 11490 -8.1; 12137 -7.7; 12821 -7.4; 13543 -7.2; 14305 -7.1; 15110 -7.0; 15961 -7.0; 16860 -6.9; 17809 -6.9; 18812 -6.5; 19871 -5.4

Yamaha RH-5Ma:
Preamp: -6.7db
32 6.2
64 1.3
125 0.6
250 0.7
500 0.7
1000 0.6
2000 1.3
4000 -0.7
8000 -5.6
16000 -2.4
Preamp: -7.0db
20 5.3
25 5.1
32 3.8
40 3.0
50 2.5
63 2.0
80 1.2
100 0.8
125 0.7
160 0.7
200 0.7
250 0.7
315 0.7
400 0.6
500 0.6
630 0.6
800 0.6
1000 0.6
1250 0.6
1600 0.7
2000 0.7
2500 0.6
3150 0.7
4000 0.4
5000 -5.4
6300 0.2
8000 -5.9
10000 -2.6
12500 -9.2
16000 -0.6
20000 1.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.3; 23 -0.3; 24 -0.3; 26 -0.4; 27 -0.5; 29 -0.6; 30 -0.7; 32 -0.8; 34 -0.9; 36 -1.1; 38 -1.3; 40 -1.4; 43 -1.7; 45 -1.9; 48 -2.2; 50 -2.3; 53 -2.6; 56 -2.8; 59 -3.1; 63 -3.3; 66 -3.5; 70 -3.7; 74 -3.9; 78 -4.0; 83 -4.2; 87 -4.3; 92 -4.4; 97 -4.5; 103 -4.6; 109 -4.6; 115 -4.7; 121 -4.7; 128 -4.8; 136 -4.8; 143 -4.8; 151 -4.9; 160 -4.9; 169 -4.9; 178 -4.9; 188 -4.9; 199 -5.0; 210 -5.0; 222 -5.0; 235 -5.0; 248 -5.0; 262 -5.0; 277 -5.0; 292 -5.0; 309 -5.0; 326 -5.0; 345 -5.0; 364 -5.0; 385 -5.0; 406 -5.0; 429 -5.0; 453 -5.0; 479 -5.0; 506 -5.0; 534 -5.0; 565 -5.0; 596 -5.0; 630 -5.0; 665 -5.0; 703 -5.0; 743 -5.0; 784 -5.0; 829 -5.0; 875 -5.0; 924 -5.0; 977 -5.0; 1032 -5.0; 1090 -5.0; 1151 -5.0; 1216 -5.0; 1284 -5.1; 1357 -5.1; 1433 -5.1; 1514 -5.1; 1599 -5.1; 1689 -5.1; 1784 -5.1; 1885 -5.1; 1991 -5.1; 2103 -5.2; 2221 -5.2; 2347 -5.2; 2479 -5.2; 2618 -5.3; 2766 -5.3; 2921 -5.4; 3086 -5.4; 3260 -5.5; 3443 -5.7; 3637 -5.9; 3842 -6.2; 4058 -6.6; 4287 -7.5; 4528 -9.0; 4783 -11.1; 5052 -11.3; 5337 -9.5; 5637 -8.2; 5955 -7.7; 6290 -7.7; 6644 -8.1; 7018 -8.9; 7414 -10.1; 7831 -11.3; 8272 -11.8; 8738 -11.1; 9230 -10.0; 9749 -9.4; 10298 -9.3; 10878 -9.9; 11490 -11.6; 12137 -13.5; 12821 -13.0; 13543 -10.5; 14305 -8.5; 15110 -7.3; 15961 -6.6; 16860 -6.2; 17809 -5.9; 18812 -5.7; 19871 -5.0

E-MU Teak:
Preamp: -3.4db
32 3.3
64 -0.3
125 0.2
250 0.1
500 0.2
1000 -0.1
2000 0.7
4000 0.7
8000 -2.9
16000 -0.5
Preamp: -5.2db
20 2.7
25 2.7
32 2.0
40 1.1
50 0.6
63 0.4
80 0.2
100 0.2
125 0.2
160 0.1
200 0.1
250 0.1
315 0.1
400 0.1
500 0.1
630 0.1
800 0.1
1000 0.1
1250 0.1
1600 0.1
2000 0.2
2500 0.3
3150 2.5
4000 1.5
5000 -3.3
6300 -1.9
8000 0.7
10000 -5.2
12500 -1.8
16000 0.0
20000 0.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.3; 22 -0.5; 23 -0.6; 24 -0.8; 26 -1.1; 27 -1.3; 29 -1.6; 30 -1.7; 32 -2.0; 34 -2.3; 36 -2.5; 38 -2.7; 40 -2.9; 43 -3.1; 45 -3.2; 48 -3.4; 50 -3.5; 53 -3.6; 56 -3.7; 59 -3.8; 63 -3.9; 66 -3.9; 70 -4.0; 74 -4.0; 78 -4.0; 83 -4.1; 87 -4.1; 92 -4.1; 97 -4.1; 103 -4.1; 109 -4.2; 115 -4.2; 121 -4.2; 128 -4.2; 136 -4.2; 143 -4.2; 151 -4.2; 160 -4.2; 169 -4.2; 178 -4.2; 188 -4.2; 199 -4.2; 210 -4.2; 222 -4.2; 235 -4.2; 248 -4.2; 262 -4.2; 277 -4.2; 292 -4.2; 309 -4.2; 326 -4.2; 345 -4.2; 364 -4.2; 385 -4.2; 406 -4.2; 429 -4.2; 453 -4.2; 479 -4.2; 506 -4.2; 534 -4.2; 565 -4.2; 596 -4.2; 630 -4.2; 665 -4.2; 703 -4.2; 743 -4.2; 784 -4.2; 829 -4.2; 875 -4.2; 924 -4.2; 977 -4.2; 1032 -4.2; 1090 -4.2; 1151 -4.2; 1216 -4.2; 1284 -4.2; 1357 -4.2; 1433 -4.2; 1514 -4.2; 1599 -4.2; 1689 -4.1; 1784 -4.1; 1885 -4.1; 1991 -4.1; 2103 -4.0; 2221 -3.9; 2347 -3.8; 2479 -3.7; 2618 -3.5; 2766 -3.2; 2921 -2.8; 3086 -2.3; 3260 -2.0; 3443 -2.1; 3637 -2.7; 3842 -3.3; 4058 -3.8; 4287 -4.3; 4528 -4.8; 4783 -5.6; 5052 -7.0; 5337 -8.7; 5637 -8.7; 5955 -7.2; 6290 -6.0; 6644 -5.4; 7018 -5.1; 7414 -5.0; 7831 -5.0; 8272 -5.2; 8738 -5.5; 9230 -6.2; 9749 -7.6; 10298 -9.6; 10878 -9.9; 11490 -7.8; 12137 -6.2; 12821 -5.4; 13543 -5.0; 14305 -4.8; 15110 -4.6; 15961 -4.5; 16860 -4.5; 17809 -4.4; 18812 -4.4; 19871 -4.2

Takstar Pro 82:
Preamp: -4.3db
32 -0.1
64 1.0
125 -5.3
250 0.2
500 3.0
1000 -0.6
2000 -0.8
4000 4.8
8000 -3.8
16000 -4.5
Preamp: -5.4db
20 -0.9
25 -0.2
32 -0.1
40 -0.0
50 -0.1
63 -0.2
80 -0.4
100 -0.7
125 -4.2
160 -4.9
200 -0.8
250 -0.4
315 0.7
400 5.1
500 0.8
630 0.1
800 0.1
1000 0.0
1250 0.1
1600 0.1
2000 0.1
2500 0.2
3150 0.4
4000 3.6
5000 3.8
6300 0.8
8000 -4.6
10000 -2.2
12500 -6.8
16000 -3.7
20000 -0.6
GraphicEQ: 20 -5.1; 21 -5.1; 22 -5.1; 23 -5.1; 24 -5.1; 26 -5.1; 27 -5.1; 29 -5.1; 30 -5.1; 32 -5.1; 34 -5.1; 36 -5.1; 38 -5.1; 40 -5.2; 43 -5.2; 45 -5.2; 48 -5.2; 50 -5.3; 53 -5.3; 56 -5.3; 59 -5.4; 63 -5.4; 66 -5.5; 70 -5.6; 74 -5.7; 78 -5.8; 83 -6.0; 87 -6.2; 92 -6.4; 97 -6.7; 103 -7.1; 109 -7.7; 115 -8.3; 121 -9.0; 128 -9.9; 136 -10.6; 143 -10.9; 151 -10.7; 160 -9.9; 169 -9.0; 178 -8.3; 188 -7.6; 199 -7.0; 210 -6.5; 222 -6.1; 235 -5.8; 248 -5.5; 262 -5.2; 277 -4.9; 292 -4.5; 309 -4.0; 326 -3.4; 345 -2.6; 364 -1.5; 385 -0.5; 406 -0.3; 429 -1.0; 453 -2.0; 479 -2.9; 506 -3.5; 534 -3.9; 565 -4.2; 596 -4.4; 630 -4.5; 665 -4.6; 703 -4.7; 743 -4.7; 784 -4.8; 829 -4.8; 875 -4.8; 924 -4.9; 977 -4.9; 1032 -4.9; 1090 -4.9; 1151 -4.9; 1216 -4.9; 1284 -4.9; 1357 -4.9; 1433 -4.9; 1514 -4.9; 1599 -4.9; 1689 -4.8; 1784 -4.8; 1885 -4.8; 1991 -4.8; 2103 -4.7; 2221 -4.7; 2347 -4.6; 2479 -4.6; 2618 -4.5; 2766 -4.4; 2921 -4.2; 3086 -4.0; 3260 -3.7; 3443 -3.3; 3637 -2.8; 3842 -2.1; 4058 -1.2; 4287 -0.5; 4528 -0.2; 4783 -0.7; 5052 -1.6; 5337 -2.5; 5637 -3.3; 5955 -3.9; 6290 -4.4; 6644 -4.9; 7018 -5.5; 7414 -6.4; 7831 -7.8; 8272 -10.0; 8738 -10.9; 9230 -9.2; 9749 -7.8; 10298 -7.2; 10878 -7.2; 11490 -7.7; 12137 -8.9; 12821 -10.9; 13543 -12.0; 14305 -10.5; 15110 -8.4; 15961 -7.1; 16860 -6.4; 17809 -5.9; 18812 -5.7; 19871 -5.3

ZERO AUDIO Carbo Tenore ZH-DX200-CT:
Preamp: -3.8db
32 -1.4
64 -0.9
125 -1.0
250 -1.0
500 -1.0
1000 -0.9
2000 -1.3
4000 3.4
8000 3.1
16000 -1.6
Preamp: -5.3db
20 -1.3
25 -0.8
32 -0.5
40 -0.9
50 -1.0
63 -1.0
80 -0.9
100 -0.8
125 -0.9
160 -0.9
200 -0.8
250 -0.9
315 -0.9
400 -0.9
500 -0.9
630 -0.9
800 -0.9
1000 -0.8
1250 -0.9
1600 -0.8
2000 -0.6
2500 -0.4
3150 1.1
4000 4.3
5000 1.5
6300 1.8
8000 4.6
10000 1.1
12500 -0.6
16000 -1.3
20000 -3.6
GraphicEQ: 20 -5.7; 21 -5.7; 22 -5.7; 23 -5.7; 24 -5.7; 26 -5.7; 27 -5.7; 29 -5.7; 30 -5.7; 32 -5.7; 34 -5.7; 36 -5.7; 38 -5.7; 40 -5.7; 43 -5.7; 45 -5.7; 48 -5.7; 50 -5.7; 53 -5.7; 56 -5.7; 59 -5.7; 63 -5.7; 66 -5.7; 70 -5.7; 74 -5.7; 78 -5.7; 83 -5.7; 87 -5.7; 92 -5.7; 97 -5.7; 103 -5.7; 109 -5.7; 115 -5.7; 121 -5.7; 128 -5.7; 136 -5.7; 143 -5.7; 151 -5.7; 160 -5.7; 169 -5.7; 178 -5.7; 188 -5.7; 199 -5.7; 210 -5.7; 222 -5.7; 235 -5.7; 248 -5.7; 262 -5.7; 277 -5.7; 292 -5.7; 309 -5.7; 326 -5.7; 345 -5.7; 364 -5.7; 385 -5.7; 406 -5.7; 429 -5.7; 453 -5.7; 479 -5.7; 506 -5.7; 534 -5.7; 565 -5.7; 596 -5.7; 630 -5.7; 665 -5.7; 703 -5.7; 743 -5.7; 784 -5.6; 829 -5.6; 875 -5.6; 924 -5.6; 977 -5.6; 1032 -5.6; 1090 -5.6; 1151 -5.6; 1216 -5.5; 1284 -5.5; 1357 -5.5; 1433 -5.5; 1514 -5.4; 1599 -5.4; 1689 -5.3; 1784 -5.3; 1885 -5.2; 1991 -5.1; 2103 -5.0; 2221 -4.9; 2347 -4.7; 2479 -4.5; 2618 -4.3; 2766 -4.0; 2921 -3.6; 3086 -3.1; 3260 -2.5; 3443 -1.7; 3637 -1.0; 3842 -0.4; 4058 -0.2; 4287 -0.5; 4528 -1.0; 4783 -1.6; 5052 -2.0; 5337 -2.3; 5637 -2.4; 5955 -2.3; 6290 -2.0; 6644 -1.5; 7018 -0.9; 7414 -0.4; 7831 -0.2; 8272 -0.5; 8738 -1.2; 9230 -2.0; 9749 -2.7; 10298 -3.3; 10878 -3.8; 11490 -4.2; 12137 -4.5; 12821 -4.7; 13543 -4.9; 14305 -5.0; 15110 -5.1; 15961 -5.2; 16860 -5.3; 17809 -5.4; 18812 -5.8; 19871 -6.7

Custom Grado With Elleven Acoustica R1 Driver:
Preamp: -7.8db
32 7.1
64 2.9
125 0.0
250 0.3
500 0.1
1000 1.5
2000 -6.0
4000 2.6
8000 -0.5
16000 0.7
Preamp: -10.0db
20 3.7
25 5.1
32 4.5
40 4.0
50 4.2
63 2.9
80 1.6
100 0.8
125 0.5
160 0.4
200 0.3
250 0.3
315 0.3
400 0.3
500 0.3
630 0.3
800 0.3
1000 0.2
1250 0.3
1600 -0.3
2000 -9.7
2500 -0.1
3150 2.4
4000 3.7
5000 -4.4
6300 0.6
8000 0.4
10000 0.4
12500 0.5
16000 0.7
20000 -0.0
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.2; 38 -0.2; 40 -0.2; 43 -0.2; 45 -0.2; 48 -0.4; 50 -0.7; 53 -1.0; 56 -1.4; 59 -1.8; 63 -2.2; 66 -2.5; 70 -2.9; 74 -3.2; 78 -3.5; 83 -3.8; 87 -4.1; 92 -4.3; 97 -4.5; 103 -4.7; 109 -4.9; 115 -5.0; 121 -5.1; 128 -5.2; 136 -5.3; 143 -5.4; 151 -5.5; 160 -5.5; 169 -5.6; 178 -5.6; 188 -5.6; 199 -5.7; 210 -5.7; 222 -5.7; 235 -5.7; 248 -5.7; 262 -5.8; 277 -5.8; 292 -5.8; 309 -5.8; 326 -5.8; 345 -5.8; 364 -5.8; 385 -5.8; 406 -5.8; 429 -5.8; 453 -5.8; 479 -5.9; 506 -5.9; 534 -5.9; 565 -5.9; 596 -5.9; 630 -5.9; 665 -5.9; 703 -5.9; 743 -5.9; 784 -6.0; 829 -6.0; 875 -6.0; 924 -6.0; 977 -6.1; 1032 -6.1; 1090 -6.2; 1151 -6.3; 1216 -6.4; 1284 -6.6; 1357 -6.8; 1433 -7.1; 1514 -7.6; 1599 -8.3; 1689 -9.5; 1784 -11.3; 1885 -13.9; 1991 -15.5; 2103 -13.7; 2221 -11.1; 2347 -9.1; 2479 -7.9; 2618 -7.0; 2766 -6.4; 2921 -5.8; 3086 -5.1; 3260 -4.2; 3443 -3.0; 3637 -1.9; 3842 -2.9; 4058 -4.4; 4287 -5.8; 4528 -7.2; 4783 -8.7; 5052 -9.7; 5337 -8.6; 5637 -7.2; 5955 -6.5; 6290 -6.2; 6644 -6.0; 7018 -5.9; 7414 -5.9; 7831 -5.8; 8272 -5.8; 8738 -5.8; 9230 -5.8; 9749 -5.8; 10298 -5.8; 10878 -5.8; 11490 -5.8; 12137 -5.8; 12821 -5.8; 13543 -5.8; 14305 -5.8; 15110 -5.8; 15961 -5.8; 16860 -5.8; 17809 -5.8; 18812 -5.9; 19871 -6.3

Verisonix Pro DJ:
Preamp: -4.9db
32 3.8
64 1.4
125 -2.9
250 -0.5
500 1.6
1000 -6.2
2000 3.1
4000 4.6
8000 -1.4
16000 -0.5
Preamp: -7.1db
20 2.2
25 2.5
32 2.6
40 2.2
50 1.5
63 1.0
80 0.1
100 -0.3
125 -1.0
160 -3.8
200 -2.4
250 -0.2
315 1.8
400 0.9
500 -0.3
630 -0.6
800 -2.1
1000 -5.1
1250 -2.1
1600 -0.9
2000 1.3
2500 6.0
3150 0.4
4000 6.5
5000 0.5
6300 -0.3
8000 -0.3
10000 -0.4
12500 -0.5
16000 -0.6
20000 -0.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -2.8; 21 -2.8; 22 -2.8; 23 -2.8; 24 -2.8; 26 -2.9; 27 -2.9; 29 -3.0; 30 -3.0; 32 -3.1; 34 -3.2; 36 -3.3; 38 -3.4; 40 -3.5; 43 -3.7; 45 -3.8; 48 -4.0; 50 -4.1; 53 -4.3; 56 -4.5; 59 -4.7; 63 -5.0; 66 -5.2; 70 -5.4; 74 -5.6; 78 -5.8; 83 -6.0; 87 -6.2; 92 -6.4; 97 -6.6; 103 -6.8; 109 -7.1; 115 -7.3; 121 -7.6; 128 -8.0; 136 -8.5; 143 -9.0; 151 -9.6; 160 -10.1; 169 -10.3; 178 -10.1; 188 -9.7; 199 -9.0; 210 -8.4; 222 -7.9; 235 -7.3; 248 -6.9; 262 -6.4; 277 -5.9; 292 -5.5; 309 -5.0; 326 -4.8; 345 -4.7; 364 -5.0; 385 -5.3; 406 -5.6; 429 -5.9; 453 -6.2; 479 -6.4; 506 -6.6; 534 -6.8; 565 -7.0; 596 -7.2; 630 -7.5; 665 -7.7; 703 -8.1; 743 -8.5; 784 -9.0; 829 -9.6; 875 -10.3; 924 -10.9; 977 -11.4; 1032 -11.3; 1090 -10.9; 1151 -10.2; 1216 -9.4; 1284 -8.8; 1357 -8.2; 1433 -7.7; 1514 -7.3; 1599 -6.9; 1689 -6.5; 1784 -6.0; 1885 -5.4; 1991 -4.5; 2103 -3.2; 2221 -1.7; 2347 -0.5; 2479 -0.2; 2618 -1.1; 2766 -2.5; 2921 -3.4; 3086 -3.7; 3260 -3.5; 3443 -2.7; 3637 -1.3; 3842 -0.3; 4058 -0.2; 4287 -1.1; 4528 -2.5; 4783 -3.9; 5052 -4.8; 5337 -5.3; 5637 -5.7; 5955 -5.9; 6290 -6.1; 6644 -6.2; 7018 -6.3; 7414 -6.3; 7831 -6.4; 8272 -6.4; 8738 -6.5; 9230 -6.5; 9749 -6.5; 10298 -6.5; 10878 -6.5; 11490 -6.6; 12137 -6.6; 12821 -6.6; 13543 -6.6; 14305 -6.6; 15110 -6.6; 15961 -6.6; 16860 -6.6; 17809 -6.6; 18812 -6.6; 19871 -6.5

Audeze LCD-X Review (2021 Edition):
Preamp: -7.2db
32 6.6
64 1.6
125 0.6
250 -1.1
500 -0.9
1000 -1.6
2000 1.0
4000 3.7
8000 -2.7
16000 -1.7
Preamp: -6.9db
20 3.8
25 5.1
32 4.7
40 3.4
50 2.3
63 2.2
80 1.7
100 1.1
125 0.5
160 -0.1
200 -0.6
250 -0.8
315 -0.9
400 -0.9
500 -0.9
630 -0.9
800 -0.9
1000 -0.8
1250 -0.8
1600 -0.8
2000 0.1
2500 2.8
3150 3.1
4000 4.6
5000 -1.5
6300 -1.6
8000 -1.0
10000 -1.2
12500 -1.6
16000 -2.0
20000 -2.2
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.4; 34 -0.8; 36 -1.1; 38 -1.4; 40 -1.6; 43 -2.0; 45 -2.2; 48 -2.4; 50 -2.6; 53 -2.8; 56 -3.0; 59 -3.1; 63 -3.3; 66 -3.4; 70 -3.6; 74 -3.7; 78 -3.8; 83 -4.0; 87 -4.1; 92 -4.3; 97 -4.5; 103 -4.7; 109 -4.9; 115 -5.1; 121 -5.3; 128 -5.5; 136 -5.7; 143 -5.9; 151 -6.1; 160 -6.2; 169 -6.4; 178 -6.5; 188 -6.7; 199 -6.8; 210 -6.9; 222 -7.0; 235 -7.1; 248 -7.1; 262 -7.2; 277 -7.2; 292 -7.3; 309 -7.3; 326 -7.3; 345 -7.4; 364 -7.4; 385 -7.4; 406 -7.4; 429 -7.4; 453 -7.4; 479 -7.4; 506 -7.4; 534 -7.4; 565 -7.4; 596 -7.4; 630 -7.4; 665 -7.4; 703 -7.4; 743 -7.4; 784 -7.4; 829 -7.4; 875 -7.4; 924 -7.4; 977 -7.3; 1032 -7.3; 1090 -7.3; 1151 -7.3; 1216 -7.2; 1284 -7.2; 1357 -7.1; 1433 -7.0; 1514 -6.9; 1599 -6.8; 1689 -6.6; 1784 -6.4; 1885 -6.1; 1991 -5.7; 2103 -5.1; 2221 -4.4; 2347 -3.6; 2479 -3.0; 2618 -2.8; 2766 -3.1; 2921 -3.3; 3086 -3.3; 3260 -2.5; 3443 -1.1; 3637 -0.3; 3842 -1.3; 4058 -2.8; 4287 -4.2; 4528 -5.3; 4783 -6.1; 5052 -6.6; 5337 -7.2; 5637 -7.7; 5955 -7.8; 6290 -7.6; 6644 -7.5; 7018 -7.4; 7414 -7.4; 7831 -7.4; 8272 -7.4; 8738 -7.4; 9230 -7.4; 9749 -7.4; 10298 -7.4; 10878 -7.4; 11490 -7.4; 12137 -7.5; 12821 -7.5; 13543 -7.5; 14305 -7.5; 15110 -7.5; 15961 -7.5; 16860 -7.5; 17809 -7.5; 18812 -7.5; 19871 -7.5

Status Flagship ANC:
Preamp: -2.7db
32 -0.6
64 -0.4
125 -0.4
250 -0.5
500 -0.3
1000 -1.1
2000 2.7
4000 0.1
8000 -0.7
16000 -0.8
Preamp: -3.9db
20 -1.2
25 -0.9
32 -0.5
40 -0.3
50 -0.5
63 -0.4
80 -0.4
100 -0.3
125 -0.4
160 -0.4
200 -0.4
250 -0.4
315 -0.4
400 -0.4
500 -0.4
630 -0.4
800 -0.4
1000 -0.3
1250 -0.2
1600 0.0
2000 1.8
2500 3.3
3150 0.6
4000 -0.1
5000 -0.3
6300 -0.4
8000 -0.5
10000 -0.5
12500 -0.7
16000 -0.9
20000 -1.0
GraphicEQ: 20 -4.2; 21 -4.2; 22 -4.2; 23 -4.2; 24 -4.2; 26 -4.2; 27 -4.2; 29 -4.2; 30 -4.2; 32 -4.2; 34 -4.2; 36 -4.2; 38 -4.2; 40 -4.2; 43 -4.2; 45 -4.2; 48 -4.2; 50 -4.2; 53 -4.2; 56 -4.2; 59 -4.2; 63 -4.2; 66 -4.2; 70 -4.2; 74 -4.2; 78 -4.2; 83 -4.2; 87 -4.2; 92 -4.2; 97 -4.2; 103 -4.2; 109 -4.2; 115 -4.2; 121 -4.2; 128 -4.2; 136 -4.2; 143 -4.2; 151 -4.2; 160 -4.2; 169 -4.2; 178 -4.2; 188 -4.2; 199 -4.2; 210 -4.2; 222 -4.2; 235 -4.2; 248 -4.2; 262 -4.2; 277 -4.2; 292 -4.2; 309 -4.2; 326 -4.2; 345 -4.2; 364 -4.2; 385 -4.2; 406 -4.2; 429 -4.2; 453 -4.2; 479 -4.1; 506 -4.1; 534 -4.1; 565 -4.1; 596 -4.1; 630 -4.1; 665 -4.1; 703 -4.1; 743 -4.1; 784 -4.0; 829 -4.0; 875 -4.0; 924 -4.0; 977 -3.9; 1032 -3.9; 1090 -3.9; 1151 -3.8; 1216 -3.7; 1284 -3.7; 1357 -3.6; 1433 -3.4; 1514 -3.3; 1599 -3.1; 1689 -2.8; 1784 -2.5; 1885 -2.1; 1991 -1.5; 2103 -1.0; 2221 -0.5; 2347 -0.2; 2479 -0.3; 2618 -0.7; 2766 -1.3; 2921 -1.9; 3086 -2.3; 3260 -2.7; 3443 -3.0; 3637 -3.2; 3842 -3.4; 4058 -3.5; 4287 -3.6; 4528 -3.7; 4783 -3.8; 5052 -3.9; 5337 -3.9; 5637 -3.9; 5955 -4.0; 6290 -4.0; 6644 -4.0; 7018 -4.0; 7414 -4.1; 7831 -4.1; 8272 -4.1; 8738 -4.1; 9230 -4.1; 9749 -4.1; 10298 -4.1; 10878 -4.1; 11490 -4.1; 12137 -4.2; 12821 -4.2; 13543 -4.2; 14305 -4.2; 15110 -4.2; 15961 -4.2; 16860 -4.2; 17809 -4.2; 18812 -4.2; 19871 -4.2

Oppo PM3:
Preamp: -4.0db
32 1.3
64 -1.1
125 -7.2
250 0.9
500 0.6
1000 0.5
2000 1.4
4000 3.9
8000 -2.7
16000 1.7
Preamp: -5.5db
20 1.1
25 0.8
32 0.6
40 0.4
50 -0.1
63 -0.4
80 -3.0
100 -6.9
125 -4.9
160 -2.4
200 -1.1
250 -0.4
315 0.2
400 0.5
500 0.3
630 0.7
800 0.7
1000 0.6
1250 0.7
1600 0.8
2000 0.9
2500 1.6
3150 4.6
4000 2.6
5000 1.3
6300 -1.7
8000 -2.9
10000 1.0
12500 1.0
16000 1.4
20000 3.1
GraphicEQ: 20 -4.3; 21 -4.3; 22 -4.3; 23 -4.3; 24 -4.3; 26 -4.4; 27 -4.4; 29 -4.4; 30 -4.5; 32 -4.5; 34 -4.6; 36 -4.7; 38 -4.7; 40 -4.8; 43 -4.9; 45 -5.0; 48 -5.2; 50 -5.3; 53 -5.5; 56 -5.8; 59 -6.0; 63 -6.4; 66 -6.8; 70 -7.3; 74 -8.0; 78 -8.7; 83 -9.8; 87 -10.7; 92 -11.8; 97 -12.6; 103 -12.9; 109 -12.5; 115 -12.0; 121 -11.3; 128 -10.7; 136 -10.1; 143 -9.5; 151 -9.0; 160 -8.5; 169 -8.0; 178 -7.6; 188 -7.2; 199 -6.8; 210 -6.5; 222 -6.2; 235 -5.9; 248 -5.7; 262 -5.5; 277 -5.3; 292 -5.2; 309 -5.1; 326 -5.0; 345 -4.8; 364 -4.8; 385 -4.7; 406 -4.6; 429 -4.5; 453 -4.5; 479 -4.4; 506 -4.4; 534 -4.4; 565 -4.3; 596 -4.3; 630 -4.3; 665 -4.2; 703 -4.2; 743 -4.2; 784 -4.2; 829 -4.1; 875 -4.1; 924 -4.1; 977 -4.1; 1032 -4.0; 1090 -4.0; 1151 -4.0; 1216 -4.0; 1284 -3.9; 1357 -3.9; 1433 -3.9; 1514 -3.8; 1599 -3.8; 1689 -3.7; 1784 -3.6; 1885 -3.5; 1991 -3.4; 2103 -3.2; 2221 -3.0; 2347 -2.8; 2479 -2.4; 2618 -2.0; 2766 -1.5; 2921 -1.0; 3086 -0.5; 3260 -0.2; 3443 -0.3; 3637 -0.8; 3842 -1.4; 4058 -2.0; 4287 -2.5; 4528 -2.9; 4783 -3.3; 5052 -3.6; 5337 -4.0; 5637 -4.4; 5955 -5.0; 6290 -5.8; 6644 -7.1; 7018 -8.5; 7414 -8.7; 7831 -7.4; 8272 -6.2; 8738 -5.4; 9230 -4.9; 9749 -4.7; 10298 -4.5; 10878 -4.4; 11490 -4.3; 12137 -4.2; 12821 -4.2; 13543 -4.2; 14305 -4.2; 15110 -4.1; 15961 -4.1; 16860 -4.1; 17809 -4.1; 18812 -3.8; 19871 -3.0

Audeze LCD-1:
Preamp: -4.7db
32 3.4
64 -0.8
125 -2.1
250 -1.9
500 -2.2
1000 -1.2
2000 4.7
4000 0.2
8000 2.9
16000 -3.9
Preamp: -7.3db
20 1.4
25 2.4
32 2.1
40 1.6
50 0.6
63 -0.3
80 -1.1
100 -1.5
125 -1.7
160 -1.8
200 -1.7
250 -1.8
315 -1.8
400 -1.8
500 -1.7
630 -1.7
800 -1.5
1000 -1.1
1250 0.6
1600 3.1
2000 5.3
2500 0.7
3150 -0.6
4000 -0.2
5000 2.6
6300 6.7
8000 1.1
10000 -1.3
12500 -2.4
16000 -3.5
20000 -4.7
GraphicEQ: 20 -3.2; 21 -3.2; 22 -3.3; 23 -3.3; 24 -3.4; 26 -3.4; 27 -3.5; 29 -3.6; 30 -3.7; 32 -3.8; 34 -4.0; 36 -4.2; 38 -4.3; 40 -4.5; 43 -4.8; 45 -5.0; 48 -5.3; 50 -5.5; 53 -5.8; 56 -6.1; 59 -6.4; 63 -6.7; 66 -6.9; 70 -7.1; 74 -7.4; 78 -7.5; 83 -7.7; 87 -7.9; 92 -8.0; 97 -8.1; 103 -8.2; 109 -8.3; 115 -8.4; 121 -8.5; 128 -8.5; 136 -8.6; 143 -8.6; 151 -8.6; 160 -8.6; 169 -8.7; 178 -8.7; 188 -8.7; 199 -8.7; 210 -8.7; 222 -8.7; 235 -8.7; 248 -8.7; 262 -8.7; 277 -8.7; 292 -8.7; 309 -8.7; 326 -8.7; 345 -8.7; 364 -8.7; 385 -8.7; 406 -8.6; 429 -8.6; 453 -8.6; 479 -8.6; 506 -8.5; 534 -8.5; 565 -8.5; 596 -8.4; 630 -8.4; 665 -8.3; 703 -8.2; 743 -8.1; 784 -8.0; 829 -7.9; 875 -7.8; 924 -7.6; 977 -7.3; 1032 -7.0; 1090 -6.6; 1151 -6.2; 1216 -5.6; 1284 -4.9; 1357 -4.3; 1433 -3.7; 1514 -3.1; 1599 -2.6; 1689 -1.9; 1784 -1.2; 1885 -0.7; 1991 -0.8; 2103 -1.5; 2221 -2.5; 2347 -3.5; 2479 -4.3; 2618 -5.0; 2766 -5.5; 2921 -5.8; 3086 -6.0; 3260 -6.1; 3443 -6.1; 3637 -6.0; 3842 -5.7; 4058 -5.4; 4287 -4.9; 4528 -4.4; 4783 -3.7; 5052 -2.9; 5337 -2.0; 5637 -1.1; 5955 -0.3; 6290 -0.2; 6644 -0.8; 7018 -2.0; 7414 -3.2; 7831 -4.3; 8272 -5.2; 8738 -5.9; 9230 -6.4; 9749 -6.8; 10298 -7.2; 10878 -7.5; 11490 -7.7; 12137 -7.9; 12821 -8.0; 13543 -8.1; 14305 -8.2; 15110 -8.3; 15961 -8.4; 16860 -8.5; 17809 -8.5; 18812 -8.7; 19871 -8.9

Preamp: -7.0db
32 6.9
64 0.6
125 -0.5
250 -0.8
500 -0.5
1000 -1.2
2000 1.2
4000 2.5
8000 -1.5
16000 -1.2
Preamp: -6.4db
20 3.9
25 5.1
32 4.6
40 2.9
50 2.2
63 1.4
80 0.6
100 -0.0
125 -0.4
160 -0.5
200 -0.5
250 -0.6
315 -0.6
400 -0.6
500 -0.6
630 -0.6
800 -0.6
1000 -0.5
1250 -0.5
1600 -0.6
2000 1.0
2500 1.4
3150 3.3
4000 2.2
5000 -0.6
6300 -0.5
8000 -0.7
10000 -0.7
12500 -1.0
16000 -1.2
20000 -1.3
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.4; 30 -0.5; 32 -0.8; 34 -1.0; 36 -1.3; 38 -1.6; 40 -1.8; 43 -2.2; 45 -2.5; 48 -2.8; 50 -3.0; 53 -3.4; 56 -3.6; 59 -3.9; 63 -4.2; 66 -4.5; 70 -4.7; 74 -5.0; 78 -5.2; 83 -5.4; 87 -5.6; 92 -5.8; 97 -5.9; 103 -6.1; 109 -6.2; 115 -6.3; 121 -6.4; 128 -6.5; 136 -6.6; 143 -6.7; 151 -6.7; 160 -6.8; 169 -6.8; 178 -6.8; 188 -6.9; 199 -6.9; 210 -6.9; 222 -6.9; 235 -6.9; 248 -6.9; 262 -6.9; 277 -7.0; 292 -7.0; 309 -7.0; 326 -7.0; 345 -7.0; 364 -7.0; 385 -7.0; 406 -7.0; 429 -7.0; 453 -7.0; 479 -7.0; 506 -7.0; 534 -7.0; 565 -7.0; 596 -7.0; 630 -7.0; 665 -7.0; 703 -7.0; 743 -6.9; 784 -6.9; 829 -6.9; 875 -6.9; 924 -6.9; 977 -6.9; 1032 -6.9; 1090 -6.8; 1151 -6.8; 1216 -6.8; 1284 -6.7; 1357 -6.7; 1433 -6.6; 1514 -6.5; 1599 -6.4; 1689 -6.2; 1784 -6.0; 1885 -5.7; 1991 -5.2; 2103 -4.6; 2221 -4.0; 2347 -3.9; 2479 -4.0; 2618 -4.3; 2766 -4.3; 2921 -3.9; 3086 -3.2; 3260 -2.4; 3443 -1.9; 3637 -2.4; 3842 -3.4; 4058 -4.4; 4287 -5.1; 4528 -5.6; 4783 -5.9; 5052 -6.2; 5337 -6.4; 5637 -6.5; 5955 -6.6; 6290 -6.7; 6644 -6.7; 7018 -6.8; 7414 -6.8; 7831 -6.8; 8272 -6.9; 8738 -6.9; 9230 -6.9; 9749 -6.9; 10298 -6.9; 10878 -6.9; 11490 -7.0; 12137 -7.0; 12821 -7.0; 13543 -7.0; 14305 -7.0; 15110 -7.0; 15961 -7.0; 16860 -7.0; 17809 -7.0; 18812 -7.0; 19871 -6.9

Apple AirPods Max:
Preamp: -5.5db
32 -2.0
64 -1.3
125 -1.4
250 -1.4
500 -1.4
1000 -1.8
2000 2.6
4000 5.3
8000 -2.2
16000 -2.5
Preamp: -7.4db
20 -1.3
25 -1.9
32 -1.4
40 -1.3
50 -1.1
63 -1.3
80 -1.4
100 -1.3
125 -1.3
160 -1.4
200 -1.3
250 -1.3
315 -1.3
400 -1.3
500 -1.2
630 -1.3
800 -1.2
1000 -1.0
1250 -0.8
1600 0.7
2000 3.9
2500 1.3
3150 2.1
4000 6.4
5000 2.0
6300 -0.5
8000 -1.1
10000 -1.5
12500 -2.1
16000 -2.8
20000 -2.6
GraphicEQ: 20 -8.1; 21 -8.1; 22 -8.1; 23 -8.1; 24 -8.1; 26 -8.1; 27 -8.1; 29 -8.1; 30 -8.1; 32 -8.1; 34 -8.1; 36 -8.1; 38 -8.1; 40 -8.1; 43 -8.1; 45 -8.1; 48 -8.1; 50 -8.1; 53 -8.1; 56 -8.1; 59 -8.1; 63 -8.1; 66 -8.1; 70 -8.1; 74 -8.1; 78 -8.1; 83 -8.1; 87 -8.1; 92 -8.1; 97 -8.1; 103 -8.1; 109 -8.1; 115 -8.1; 121 -8.1; 128 -8.1; 136 -8.1; 143 -8.1; 151 -8.1; 160 -8.1; 169 -8.1; 178 -8.1; 188 -8.1; 199 -8.1; 210 -8.1; 222 -8.1; 235 -8.1; 248 -8.1; 262 -8.1; 277 -8.1; 292 -8.1; 309 -8.1; 326 -8.1; 345 -8.1; 364 -8.1; 385 -8.0; 406 -8.0; 429 -8.0; 453 -8.0; 479 -8.0; 506 -8.0; 534 -8.0; 565 -8.0; 596 -7.9; 630 -7.9; 665 -7.9; 703 -7.8; 743 -7.8; 784 -7.8; 829 -7.7; 875 -7.6; 924 -7.6; 977 -7.5; 1032 -7.4; 1090 -7.3; 1151 -7.1; 1216 -6.9; 1284 -6.7; 1357 -6.4; 1433 -6.0; 1514 -5.5; 1599 -4.9; 1689 -4.2; 1784 -3.4; 1885 -2.7; 1991 -2.3; 2103 -2.3; 2221 -2.7; 2347 -3.2; 2479 -3.6; 2618 -3.8; 2766 -3.8; 2921 -3.6; 3086 -3.2; 3260 -2.5; 3443 -1.6; 3637 -0.6; 3842 -0.2; 4058 -0.2; 4287 -0.4; 4528 -1.4; 4783 -2.6; 5052 -3.6; 5337 -4.5; 5637 -5.2; 5955 -5.7; 6290 -6.1; 6644 -6.4; 7018 -6.7; 7414 -6.9; 7831 -7.1; 8272 -7.3; 8738 -7.4; 9230 -7.5; 9749 -7.6; 10298 -7.6; 10878 -7.7; 11490 -7.8; 12137 -7.8; 12821 -7.8; 13543 -7.9; 14305 -7.9; 15110 -7.9; 15961 -8.0; 16860 -8.0; 17809 -8.0; 18812 -7.9; 19871 -7.7

Hifiman HE400i 2020:
Preamp: -8.1db
32 7.4
64 2.3
125 -0.4
250 -0.7
500 -0.8
1000 -0.7
2000 3.4
4000 0.7
8000 -3.4
16000 -1.0
Preamp: -7.1db
20 5.6
25 5.1
32 4.5
40 4.6
50 3.4
63 2.4
80 1.4
100 0.6
125 0.0
160 -0.3
200 -0.5
250 -0.5
315 -0.6
400 -0.6
500 -0.5
630 -0.6
800 -0.5
1000 -0.4
1250 0.0
1600 2.6
2000 4.2
2500 0.2
3150 -0.3
4000 -0.3
5000 2.3
6300 1.0
8000 -5.8
10000 -2.4
12500 -1.0
16000 -1.4
20000 1.2
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.2; 38 -0.2; 40 -0.2; 43 -0.4; 45 -0.6; 48 -1.0; 50 -1.3; 53 -1.7; 56 -2.0; 59 -2.3; 63 -2.7; 66 -3.0; 70 -3.4; 74 -3.7; 78 -3.9; 83 -4.3; 87 -4.5; 92 -4.8; 97 -5.0; 103 -5.2; 109 -5.5; 115 -5.7; 121 -5.8; 128 -6.0; 136 -6.1; 143 -6.3; 151 -6.4; 160 -6.5; 169 -6.6; 178 -6.6; 188 -6.7; 199 -6.7; 210 -6.8; 222 -6.8; 235 -6.9; 248 -6.9; 262 -6.9; 277 -6.9; 292 -6.9; 309 -6.9; 326 -6.9; 345 -7.0; 364 -7.0; 385 -7.0; 406 -7.0; 429 -7.0; 453 -7.0; 479 -7.0; 506 -6.9; 534 -6.9; 565 -6.9; 596 -6.9; 630 -6.9; 665 -6.9; 703 -6.9; 743 -6.8; 784 -6.8; 829 -6.7; 875 -6.7; 924 -6.6; 977 -6.5; 1032 -6.4; 1090 -6.3; 1151 -6.1; 1216 -5.9; 1284 -5.5; 1357 -5.1; 1433 -4.5; 1514 -3.9; 1599 -3.3; 1689 -2.7; 1784 -2.1; 1885 -1.7; 1991 -2.0; 2103 -2.8; 2221 -3.7; 2347 -4.5; 2479 -5.0; 2618 -5.5; 2766 -5.8; 2921 -6.0; 3086 -6.1; 3260 -6.2; 3443 -6.2; 3637 -6.2; 3842 -6.1; 4058 -6.0; 4287 -5.8; 4528 -5.4; 4783 -4.8; 5052 -4.3; 5337 -4.2; 5637 -4.7; 5955 -5.4; 6290 -6.2; 6644 -6.8; 7018 -7.5; 7414 -8.5; 7831 -10.1; 8272 -12.2; 8738 -12.2; 9230 -10.2; 9749 -8.8; 10298 -8.1; 10878 -7.7; 11490 -7.5; 12137 -7.3; 12821 -7.3; 13543 -7.2; 14305 -7.2; 15110 -7.1; 15961 -7.1; 16860 -7.1; 17809 -7.1; 18812 -6.6; 19871 -5.2

Audeze Mobius:
Preamp: -3.7db
32 0.2
64 0.1
125 -4.6
250 -1.5
500 0.3
1000 0.2
2000 -0.4
4000 1.9
8000 3.3
16000 -0.0
Preamp: -7.4db
20 1.0
25 0.7
32 -0.2
40 -0.2
50 -0.1
63 -0.6
80 -1.0
100 -2.0
125 -3.7
160 -3.9
200 -2.2
250 -1.2
315 -0.6
400 -0.2
500 -0.1
630 0.0
800 0.1
1000 0.1
1250 0.1
1600 0.2
2000 0.2
2500 0.2
3150 0.3
4000 0.1
5000 3.1
6300 6.6
8000 1.0
10000 0.5
12500 0.5
16000 0.5
20000 1.0
GraphicEQ: 20 -6.1; 21 -6.1; 22 -6.1; 23 -6.1; 24 -6.1; 26 -6.2; 27 -6.2; 29 -6.2; 30 -6.2; 32 -6.3; 34 -6.3; 36 -6.3; 38 -6.4; 40 -6.4; 43 -6.5; 45 -6.6; 48 -6.6; 50 -6.7; 53 -6.8; 56 -6.9; 59 -7.0; 63 -7.2; 66 -7.3; 70 -7.5; 74 -7.7; 78 -7.9; 83 -8.2; 87 -8.4; 92 -8.7; 97 -9.0; 103 -9.4; 109 -9.8; 115 -10.1; 121 -10.4; 128 -10.7; 136 -10.9; 143 -11.0; 151 -11.0; 160 -10.8; 169 -10.5; 178 -10.2; 188 -9.8; 199 -9.5; 210 -9.1; 222 -8.8; 235 -8.4; 248 -8.2; 262 -7.9; 277 -7.7; 292 -7.5; 309 -7.3; 326 -7.2; 345 -7.0; 364 -6.9; 385 -6.8; 406 -6.7; 429 -6.6; 453 -6.6; 479 -6.5; 506 -6.5; 534 -6.4; 565 -6.4; 596 -6.3; 630 -6.3; 665 -6.3; 703 -6.2; 743 -6.2; 784 -6.2; 829 -6.2; 875 -6.1; 924 -6.1; 977 -6.1; 1032 -6.1; 1090 -6.1; 1151 -6.1; 1216 -6.0; 1284 -6.0; 1357 -6.0; 1433 -6.0; 1514 -6.0; 1599 -6.0; 1689 -6.0; 1784 -6.0; 1885 -5.9; 1991 -5.9; 2103 -5.9; 2221 -5.9; 2347 -5.9; 2479 -5.8; 2618 -5.8; 2766 -5.8; 2921 -5.7; 3086 -5.7; 3260 -5.6; 3443 -5.5; 3637 -5.4; 3842 -5.2; 4058 -5.0; 4287 -4.7; 4528 -4.3; 4783 -3.6; 5052 -2.5; 5337 -1.1; 5637 -0.2; 5955 -0.2; 6290 -0.2; 6644 -0.8; 7018 -2.2; 7414 -3.4; 7831 -4.2; 8272 -4.6; 8738 -5.0; 9230 -5.2; 9749 -5.4; 10298 -5.5; 10878 -5.6; 11490 -5.7; 12137 -5.7; 12821 -5.8; 13543 -5.8; 14305 -5.9; 15110 -5.9; 15961 -5.9; 16860 -5.9; 17809 -5.9; 18812 -5.9; 19871 -5.6

Preamp: -7.7db
32 7.0
64 3.6
125 -0.9
250 -1.8
500 -2.1
1000 2.2
2000 -3.0
4000 1.9
8000 4.1
16000 5.3
Preamp: -6.9db
20 3.9
25 5.2
32 4.7
40 3.9
50 4.6
63 3.4
80 1.8
100 0.7
125 -0.3
160 -1.0
200 -1.2
250 -1.4
315 -1.5
400 -1.5
500 -1.3
630 -1.2
800 -0.1
1000 2.4
1250 0.0
1600 -1.0
2000 -0.8
2500 -3.2
3150 0.7
4000 1.7
5000 2.3
6300 2.9
8000 3.2
10000 3.6
12500 4.6
16000 6.0
20000 6.8
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.2; 38 -0.2; 40 -0.2; 43 -0.2; 45 -0.2; 48 -0.2; 50 -0.3; 53 -0.6; 56 -1.0; 59 -1.3; 63 -1.8; 66 -2.1; 70 -2.6; 74 -3.0; 78 -3.3; 83 -3.8; 87 -4.1; 92 -4.5; 97 -4.9; 103 -5.2; 109 -5.6; 115 -5.9; 121 -6.2; 128 -6.4; 136 -6.7; 143 -6.9; 151 -7.1; 160 -7.3; 169 -7.5; 178 -7.6; 188 -7.7; 199 -7.8; 210 -7.9; 222 -8.0; 235 -8.0; 248 -8.1; 262 -8.1; 277 -8.1; 292 -8.1; 309 -8.2; 326 -8.2; 345 -8.2; 364 -8.2; 385 -8.1; 406 -8.1; 429 -8.1; 453 -8.1; 479 -8.0; 506 -7.9; 534 -7.9; 565 -7.8; 596 -7.7; 630 -7.5; 665 -7.3; 703 -7.1; 743 -6.7; 784 -6.3; 829 -5.8; 875 -5.3; 924 -4.7; 977 -4.4; 1032 -4.4; 1090 -4.7; 1151 -5.2; 1216 -5.8; 1284 -6.2; 1357 -6.6; 1433 -6.8; 1514 -7.0; 1599 -7.2; 1689 -7.3; 1784 -7.3; 1885 -7.4; 1991 -7.5; 2103 -7.7; 2221 -8.1; 2347 -8.8; 2479 -9.1; 2618 -8.6; 2766 -7.5; 2921 -6.6; 3086 -5.9; 3260 -5.4; 3443 -5.0; 3637 -4.7; 3842 -4.4; 4058 -4.1; 4287 -3.9; 4528 -3.7; 4783 -3.5; 5052 -3.3; 5337 -3.2; 5637 -3.1; 5955 -3.0; 6290 -2.9; 6644 -2.8; 7018 -2.8; 7414 -2.7; 7831 -2.7; 8272 -2.6; 8738 -2.6; 9230 -2.6; 9749 -2.5; 10298 -2.5; 10878 -2.5; 11490 -2.5; 12137 -2.5; 12821 -2.5; 13543 -2.5; 14305 -2.5; 15110 -2.5; 15961 -2.5; 16860 -2.5; 17809 -2.5; 18812 -2.5; 19871 -2.5

Neumann NDH20:
Preamp: -3.2db
32 0.3
64 0.5
125 -1.5
250 0.1
500 0.4
1000 -0.4
2000 3.4
4000 -1.5
8000 -1.5
16000 0.5
Preamp: -5.5db
20 1.1
25 0.6
32 0.4
40 0.4
50 0.2
63 0.2
80 0.2
100 -0.1
125 -1.4
160 -1.2
200 -0.1
250 0.0
315 0.2
400 0.2
500 0.2
630 0.2
800 0.2
1000 0.2
1250 0.2
1600 0.4
2000 5.2
2500 0.7
3150 -2.3
4000 -0.9
5000 0.3
6300 0.5
8000 -3.3
10000 -0.7
12500 0.3
16000 0.4
20000 1.8
GraphicEQ: 20 -5.0; 21 -5.0; 22 -5.0; 23 -5.0; 24 -5.0; 26 -5.0; 27 -5.0; 29 -5.0; 30 -5.0; 32 -5.0; 34 -5.0; 36 -5.0; 38 -5.0; 40 -5.0; 43 -5.0; 45 -5.0; 48 -5.0; 50 -5.0; 53 -5.1; 56 -5.1; 59 -5.1; 63 -5.1; 66 -5.1; 70 -5.2; 74 -5.2; 78 -5.2; 83 -5.3; 87 -5.4; 92 -5.5; 97 -5.6; 103 -5.8; 109 -6.0; 115 -6.2; 121 -6.5; 128 -6.7; 136 -6.9; 143 -7.0; 151 -6.8; 160 -6.5; 169 -6.2; 178 -6.0; 188 -5.8; 199 -5.6; 210 -5.5; 222 -5.4; 235 -5.3; 248 -5.3; 262 -5.2; 277 -5.2; 292 -5.1; 309 -5.1; 326 -5.1; 345 -5.1; 364 -5.1; 385 -5.0; 406 -5.0; 429 -5.0; 453 -5.0; 479 -5.0; 506 -5.0; 534 -5.0; 565 -5.0; 596 -5.0; 630 -5.0; 665 -5.0; 703 -5.0; 743 -4.9; 784 -4.9; 829 -4.9; 875 -4.9; 924 -4.9; 977 -4.9; 1032 -4.9; 1090 -4.8; 1151 -4.8; 1216 -4.7; 1284 -4.7; 1357 -4.6; 1433 -4.4; 1514 -4.2; 1599 -3.9; 1689 -3.3; 1784 -2.4; 1885 -1.1; 1991 -0.2; 2103 -0.9; 2221 -2.3; 2347 -3.4; 2479 -4.1; 2618 -4.7; 2766 -5.2; 2921 -5.7; 3086 -6.5; 3260 -7.4; 3443 -7.7; 3637 -7.2; 3842 -6.4; 4058 -5.9; 4287 -5.6; 4528 -5.4; 4783 -5.3; 5052 -5.3; 5337 -5.3; 5637 -5.3; 5955 -5.3; 6290 -5.4; 6644 -5.6; 7018 -5.9; 7414 -6.4; 7831 -7.5; 8272 -8.8; 8738 -8.5; 9230 -7.2; 9749 -6.2; 10298 -5.7; 10878 -5.5; 11490 -5.3; 12137 -5.2; 12821 -5.2; 13543 -5.1; 14305 -5.1; 15110 -5.1; 15961 -5.1; 16860 -5.0; 17809 -5.0; 18812 -4.8; 19871 -4.1

Kennerton Rognir:
Preamp: -4.8db
32 4.7
64 -0.1
125 -1.1
250 2.3
500 -1.6
1000 -1.7
2000 -1.9
4000 5.1
8000 -1.8
16000 -3.9
Preamp: -6.2db
20 3.7
25 5.0
32 2.6
40 2.1
50 1.1
63 0.5
80 0.1
100 -0.3
125 -0.5
160 -0.7
200 0.8
250 3.2
315 -0.7
400 -0.7
500 -0.8
630 -0.7
800 -2.1
1000 -1.7
1250 -0.7
1600 -0.9
2000 -0.8
2500 -0.6
3150 -0.4
4000 5.5
5000 4.0
6300 -0.7
8000 -1.1
10000 -1.7
12500 -2.8
16000 -4.4
20000 -4.9
GraphicEQ: 20 -1.5; 21 -1.5; 22 -1.6; 23 -1.6; 24 -1.7; 26 -1.9; 27 -2.1; 29 -2.3; 30 -2.4; 32 -2.7; 34 -3.0; 36 -3.2; 38 -3.5; 40 -3.7; 43 -4.0; 45 -4.2; 48 -4.5; 50 -4.6; 53 -4.9; 56 -5.1; 59 -5.2; 63 -5.5; 66 -5.6; 70 -5.8; 74 -5.9; 78 -6.0; 83 -6.2; 87 -6.2; 92 -6.3; 97 -6.4; 103 -6.5; 109 -6.6; 115 -6.6; 121 -6.6; 128 -6.7; 136 -6.7; 143 -6.7; 151 -6.6; 160 -6.5; 169 -6.4; 178 -6.2; 188 -5.9; 199 -5.4; 210 -4.7; 222 -3.8; 235 -3.2; 248 -3.4; 262 -4.2; 277 -5.1; 292 -5.7; 309 -6.2; 326 -6.5; 345 -6.7; 364 -6.9; 385 -7.0; 406 -7.1; 429 -7.2; 453 -7.2; 479 -7.3; 506 -7.3; 534 -7.4; 565 -7.4; 596 -7.5; 630 -7.5; 665 -7.6; 703 -7.7; 743 -7.9; 784 -8.2; 829 -8.9; 875 -9.4; 924 -9.1; 977 -8.4; 1032 -8.0; 1090 -7.8; 1151 -7.6; 1216 -7.6; 1284 -7.5; 1357 -7.5; 1433 -7.4; 1514 -7.4; 1599 -7.4; 1689 -7.3; 1784 -7.3; 1885 -7.2; 1991 -7.2; 2103 -7.1; 2221 -7.0; 2347 -6.9; 2479 -6.8; 2618 -6.7; 2766 -6.4; 2921 -6.2; 3086 -5.8; 3260 -5.3; 3443 -4.6; 3637 -3.5; 3842 -2.2; 4058 -0.8; 4287 -0.2; 4528 -0.3; 4783 -1.1; 5052 -2.6; 5337 -3.9; 5637 -4.9; 5955 -5.6; 6290 -6.1; 6644 -6.5; 7018 -6.7; 7414 -7.0; 7831 -7.2; 8272 -7.4; 8738 -7.5; 9230 -7.7; 9749 -7.8; 10298 -7.9; 10878 -8.1; 11490 -8.2; 12137 -8.4; 12821 -8.5; 13543 -8.6; 14305 -8.7; 15110 -8.9; 15961 -9.0; 16860 -9.1; 17809 -9.1; 18812 -9.1; 19871 -8.9

Audeze SINE:
Preamp: -7.6db
32 7.4
64 0.6
125 -0.7
250 -0.3
500 -0.9
1000 -0.3
2000 -1.9
4000 3.9
8000 -0.6
16000 -1.2
Preamp: -6.8db
20 3.9
25 5.1
32 4.7
40 3.8
50 1.9
63 1.2
80 0.6
100 0.1
125 -0.2
160 -0.3
200 -0.4
250 -0.4
315 -0.5
400 -0.5
500 -0.6
630 -0.6
800 -0.6
1000 -0.5
1250 -0.6
1600 -0.6
2000 -0.6
2500 -0.5
3150 -0.7
4000 2.2
5000 5.9
6300 -0.5
8000 -0.6
10000 -0.7
12500 -1.0
16000 -1.3
20000 -0.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.4; 38 -0.9; 40 -1.3; 43 -1.9; 45 -2.3; 48 -2.7; 50 -3.0; 53 -3.4; 56 -3.7; 59 -4.0; 63 -4.3; 66 -4.5; 70 -4.8; 74 -5.0; 78 -5.1; 83 -5.4; 87 -5.5; 92 -5.6; 97 -5.8; 103 -5.9; 109 -6.0; 115 -6.1; 121 -6.2; 128 -6.3; 136 -6.4; 143 -6.4; 151 -6.5; 160 -6.6; 169 -6.6; 178 -6.7; 188 -6.7; 199 -6.7; 210 -6.8; 222 -6.8; 235 -6.8; 248 -6.8; 262 -6.9; 277 -6.9; 292 -6.9; 309 -6.9; 326 -6.9; 345 -6.9; 364 -7.0; 385 -7.0; 406 -7.0; 429 -7.0; 453 -7.0; 479 -7.0; 506 -7.0; 534 -7.0; 565 -7.0; 596 -7.0; 630 -7.0; 665 -7.0; 703 -7.0; 743 -7.0; 784 -7.0; 829 -7.0; 875 -7.0; 924 -7.0; 977 -7.0; 1032 -7.0; 1090 -7.0; 1151 -7.0; 1216 -7.0; 1284 -7.0; 1357 -7.0; 1433 -7.0; 1514 -7.0; 1599 -7.0; 1689 -6.9; 1784 -6.9; 1885 -6.9; 1991 -6.9; 2103 -6.9; 2221 -6.8; 2347 -6.8; 2479 -6.7; 2618 -6.7; 2766 -6.6; 2921 -6.5; 3086 -6.3; 3260 -6.1; 3443 -5.8; 3637 -5.3; 3842 -4.6; 4058 -3.4; 4287 -2.0; 4528 -0.6; 4783 -0.2; 5052 -1.2; 5337 -2.7; 5637 -4.0; 5955 -5.0; 6290 -5.6; 6644 -6.0; 7018 -6.2; 7414 -6.4; 7831 -6.5; 8272 -6.6; 8738 -6.7; 9230 -6.8; 9749 -6.8; 10298 -6.9; 10878 -6.9; 11490 -6.9; 12137 -6.9; 12821 -7.0; 13543 -7.0; 14305 -7.0; 15110 -7.0; 15961 -7.0; 16860 -7.0; 17809 -7.0; 18812 -6.8; 19871 -6.3

Beyerdynamic Amiron Home:
Preamp: -5.6db
32 3.0
64 -0.8
125 -0.5
250 -2.3
500 -1.0
1000 5.7
2000 0.0
4000 -0.2
8000 -2.7
16000 -4.9
Preamp: -6.5db
20 3.7
25 3.4
32 1.8
40 0.6
50 0.2
63 -0.2
80 -0.5
100 -0.5
125 -0.5
160 -0.6
200 -3.2
250 -1.5
315 -0.4
400 -0.4
500 -0.2
630 0.1
800 1.3
1000 4.6
1250 4.8
1600 1.4
2000 0.0
2500 -0.2
3150 -0.4
4000 -0.4
5000 -0.5
6300 -0.1
8000 -3.8
10000 -1.4
12500 -4.5
16000 -5.0
20000 -2.9
GraphicEQ: 20 -1.5; 21 -1.6; 22 -1.7; 23 -1.9; 24 -2.1; 26 -2.6; 27 -2.9; 29 -3.4; 30 -3.6; 32 -3.9; 34 -4.3; 36 -4.5; 38 -4.8; 40 -4.9; 43 -5.2; 45 -5.3; 48 -5.5; 50 -5.6; 53 -5.7; 56 -5.8; 59 -5.9; 63 -6.0; 66 -6.0; 70 -6.1; 74 -6.1; 78 -6.2; 83 -6.2; 87 -6.3; 92 -6.3; 97 -6.4; 103 -6.4; 109 -6.5; 115 -6.5; 121 -6.6; 128 -6.6; 136 -6.7; 143 -6.8; 151 -7.0; 160 -7.2; 169 -7.5; 178 -7.9; 188 -8.5; 199 -9.1; 210 -9.4; 222 -9.1; 235 -8.4; 248 -7.9; 262 -7.4; 277 -7.1; 292 -6.9; 309 -6.8; 326 -6.6; 345 -6.5; 364 -6.5; 385 -6.4; 406 -6.3; 429 -6.2; 453 -6.1; 479 -6.0; 506 -5.9; 534 -5.8; 565 -5.7; 596 -5.5; 630 -5.3; 665 -5.0; 703 -4.7; 743 -4.3; 784 -3.7; 829 -3.1; 875 -2.3; 924 -1.5; 977 -0.8; 1032 -0.4; 1090 -0.2; 1151 -0.2; 1216 -0.4; 1284 -0.7; 1357 -1.4; 1433 -2.2; 1514 -3.0; 1599 -3.6; 1689 -4.2; 1784 -4.6; 1885 -5.0; 1991 -5.2; 2103 -5.5; 2221 -5.6; 2347 -5.8; 2479 -5.9; 2618 -6.0; 2766 -6.1; 2921 -6.1; 3086 -6.2; 3260 -6.2; 3443 -6.3; 3637 -6.3; 3842 -6.3; 4058 -6.4; 4287 -6.4; 4528 -6.4; 4783 -6.5; 5052 -6.5; 5337 -6.5; 5637 -6.6; 5955 -6.7; 6290 -6.8; 6644 -6.9; 7018 -7.1; 7414 -7.6; 7831 -8.6; 8272 -10.1; 8738 -10.2; 9230 -8.6; 9749 -7.8; 10298 -7.4; 10878 -7.4; 11490 -7.6; 12137 -8.1; 12821 -9.3; 13543 -12.0; 14305 -13.0; 15110 -10.2; 15961 -8.3; 16860 -7.5; 17809 -7.1; 18812 -7.2; 19871 -7.6

Hifiman Arya:
Preamp: -4.6db
32 4.4
64 -0.1
125 0.5
250 -1.5
500 -0.4
1000 0.7
2000 2.5
4000 -1.0
8000 -1.3
16000 1.0
Preamp: -4.2db
20 4.6
25 5.1
32 2.1
40 1.4
50 0.9
63 0.8
80 0.5
100 0.3
125 0.2
160 -0.0
200 -0.4
250 -1.1
315 -1.3
400 -0.7
500 -0.1
630 0.1
800 0.3
1000 0.3
1250 0.7
1600 3.4
2000 1.0
2500 0.4
3150 0.5
4000 0.6
5000 -3.3
6300 1.0
8000 -3.1
10000 0.7
12500 0.7
16000 0.8
20000 1.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.3; 22 -0.4; 23 -0.6; 24 -0.8; 26 -1.4; 27 -1.6; 29 -2.1; 30 -2.3; 32 -2.7; 34 -3.0; 36 -3.3; 38 -3.5; 40 -3.7; 43 -3.9; 45 -4.0; 48 -4.2; 50 -4.3; 53 -4.4; 56 -4.5; 59 -4.6; 63 -4.7; 66 -4.8; 70 -4.9; 74 -4.9; 78 -5.0; 83 -5.0; 87 -5.1; 92 -5.2; 97 -5.2; 103 -5.3; 109 -5.3; 115 -5.4; 121 -5.4; 128 -5.5; 136 -5.6; 143 -5.7; 151 -5.8; 160 -5.9; 169 -6.0; 178 -6.1; 188 -6.2; 199 -6.4; 210 -6.5; 222 -6.7; 235 -6.8; 248 -7.0; 262 -7.1; 277 -7.1; 292 -7.2; 309 -7.1; 326 -7.0; 345 -6.9; 364 -6.8; 385 -6.7; 406 -6.5; 429 -6.4; 453 -6.2; 479 -6.1; 506 -6.0; 534 -5.9; 565 -5.8; 596 -5.7; 630 -5.6; 665 -5.6; 703 -5.5; 743 -5.4; 784 -5.4; 829 -5.3; 875 -5.2; 924 -5.2; 977 -5.1; 1032 -5.0; 1090 -4.9; 1151 -4.8; 1216 -4.6; 1284 -4.3; 1357 -3.9; 1433 -3.4; 1514 -2.8; 1599 -2.3; 1689 -2.4; 1784 -3.0; 1885 -3.6; 1991 -4.1; 2103 -4.4; 2221 -4.6; 2347 -4.8; 2479 -4.9; 2618 -5.0; 2766 -5.0; 2921 -5.1; 3086 -5.2; 3260 -5.2; 3443 -5.3; 3637 -5.4; 3842 -5.5; 4058 -5.7; 4287 -6.1; 4528 -7.0; 4783 -8.5; 5052 -9.0; 5337 -7.5; 5637 -6.5; 5955 -6.0; 6290 -5.9; 6644 -5.9; 7018 -6.3; 7414 -7.2; 7831 -8.9; 8272 -8.4; 8738 -6.7; 9230 -5.9; 9749 -5.6; 10298 -5.5; 10878 -5.4; 11490 -5.3; 12137 -5.3; 12821 -5.3; 13543 -5.2; 14305 -5.2; 15110 -5.2; 15961 -5.2; 16860 -5.2; 17809 -5.2; 18812 -5.1; 19871 -4.9

Focal Elegia:
Preamp: -3.9db
32 3.8
64 -0.6
125 -0.8
250 -0.9
500 -0.9
1000 -1.1
2000 -0.4
4000 2.5
8000 2.3
16000 -2.0
Preamp: -5.1db
20 2.7
25 4.2
32 2.2
40 1.6
50 0.5
63 -0.2
80 -0.4
100 -0.6
125 -0.7
160 -0.8
200 -0.8
250 -0.8
315 -0.8
400 -0.8
500 -0.8
630 -0.8
800 -0.8
1000 -0.8
1250 -0.8
1600 -0.7
2000 -0.6
2500 -0.0
3150 4.2
4000 1.3
5000 -0.6
6300 4.0
8000 3.0
10000 -0.8
12500 -1.1
16000 -1.6
20000 -3.3
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.9; 21 -0.9; 22 -1.0; 23 -1.2; 24 -1.3; 26 -1.7; 27 -1.9; 29 -2.2; 30 -2.3; 32 -2.6; 34 -2.8; 36 -3.0; 38 -3.2; 40 -3.4; 43 -3.7; 45 -3.9; 48 -4.1; 50 -4.3; 53 -4.5; 56 -4.7; 59 -4.9; 63 -5.1; 66 -5.2; 70 -5.4; 74 -5.5; 78 -5.6; 83 -5.7; 87 -5.8; 92 -5.9; 97 -5.9; 103 -6.0; 109 -6.0; 115 -6.1; 121 -6.1; 128 -6.2; 136 -6.2; 143 -6.2; 151 -6.2; 160 -6.3; 169 -6.3; 178 -6.3; 188 -6.3; 199 -6.3; 210 -6.3; 222 -6.4; 235 -6.4; 248 -6.4; 262 -6.4; 277 -6.4; 292 -6.4; 309 -6.4; 326 -6.4; 345 -6.4; 364 -6.4; 385 -6.4; 406 -6.4; 429 -6.4; 453 -6.4; 479 -6.4; 506 -6.4; 534 -6.4; 565 -6.4; 596 -6.4; 630 -6.4; 665 -6.4; 703 -6.4; 743 -6.4; 784 -6.4; 829 -6.4; 875 -6.4; 924 -6.4; 977 -6.3; 1032 -6.3; 1090 -6.3; 1151 -6.3; 1216 -6.3; 1284 -6.2; 1357 -6.2; 1433 -6.2; 1514 -6.1; 1599 -6.1; 1689 -6.0; 1784 -5.9; 1885 -5.8; 1991 -5.7; 2103 -5.5; 2221 -5.3; 2347 -5.0; 2479 -4.7; 2618 -4.1; 2766 -3.4; 2921 -2.5; 3086 -1.7; 3260 -1.2; 3443 -1.5; 3637 -2.2; 3842 -3.0; 4058 -3.7; 4287 -4.1; 4528 -4.4; 4783 -4.5; 5052 -4.4; 5337 -4.2; 5637 -3.7; 5955 -3.0; 6290 -1.9; 6644 -0.7; 7018 -0.2; 7414 -0.9; 7831 -2.3; 8272 -3.4; 8738 -4.3; 9230 -4.8; 9749 -5.2; 10298 -5.5; 10878 -5.7; 11490 -5.8; 12137 -6.0; 12821 -6.0; 13543 -6.1; 14305 -6.2; 15110 -6.2; 15961 -6.2; 16860 -6.3; 17809 -6.3; 18812 -6.6; 19871 -7.3

Focal Stellia:
Preamp: -2.5db
32 -0.2
64 2.7
125 -2.6
250 0.6
500 0.3
1000 -1.0
2000 -0.6
4000 2.5
8000 -0.2
16000 0.2
Preamp: -4.1db
20 1.0
25 0.3
32 -0.3
40 -0.3
50 1.1
63 3.7
80 -0.1
100 -2.2
125 -1.6
160 0.2
200 0.1
250 0.0
315 0.1
400 0.1
500 0.1
630 0.1
800 0.1
1000 -0.6
1250 -1.8
1600 -0.0
2000 0.0
2500 0.1
3150 -0.4
4000 3.9
5000 0.7
6300 -0.0
8000 0.1
10000 0.1
12500 0.2
16000 0.2
20000 0.4
GraphicEQ: 20 -4.2; 21 -4.2; 22 -4.2; 23 -4.2; 24 -4.2; 26 -4.2; 27 -4.2; 29 -4.2; 30 -4.2; 32 -4.1; 34 -4.1; 36 -4.1; 38 -4.0; 40 -4.0; 43 -3.8; 45 -3.7; 48 -3.4; 50 -3.1; 53 -2.3; 56 -1.3; 59 -0.5; 63 -1.0; 66 -2.0; 70 -3.0; 74 -3.6; 78 -4.1; 83 -4.5; 87 -4.9; 92 -5.3; 97 -5.9; 103 -6.7; 109 -7.1; 115 -6.9; 121 -6.4; 128 -5.8; 136 -5.3; 143 -5.0; 151 -4.8; 160 -4.7; 169 -4.6; 178 -4.5; 188 -4.4; 199 -4.4; 210 -4.4; 222 -4.4; 235 -4.3; 248 -4.3; 262 -4.3; 277 -4.3; 292 -4.3; 309 -4.3; 326 -4.3; 345 -4.3; 364 -4.3; 385 -4.3; 406 -4.3; 429 -4.3; 453 -4.3; 479 -4.3; 506 -4.3; 534 -4.3; 565 -4.3; 596 -4.3; 630 -4.3; 665 -4.4; 703 -4.4; 743 -4.4; 784 -4.5; 829 -4.6; 875 -4.7; 924 -4.8; 977 -5.0; 1032 -5.3; 1090 -5.7; 1151 -6.1; 1216 -6.2; 1284 -5.9; 1357 -5.5; 1433 -5.1; 1514 -4.9; 1599 -4.7; 1689 -4.6; 1784 -4.5; 1885 -4.4; 1991 -4.4; 2103 -4.3; 2221 -4.3; 2347 -4.2; 2479 -4.2; 2618 -4.2; 2766 -4.1; 2921 -4.0; 3086 -3.9; 3260 -3.8; 3443 -3.5; 3637 -3.0; 3842 -1.9; 4058 -0.4; 4287 -0.2; 4528 -1.7; 4783 -2.8; 5052 -3.4; 5337 -3.7; 5637 -3.9; 5955 -4.0; 6290 -4.0; 6644 -4.1; 7018 -4.1; 7414 -4.1; 7831 -4.1; 8272 -4.2; 8738 -4.2; 9230 -4.2; 9749 -4.2; 10298 -4.2; 10878 -4.2; 11490 -4.2; 12137 -4.2; 12821 -4.2; 13543 -4.2; 14305 -4.2; 15110 -4.2; 15961 -4.2; 16860 -4.2; 17809 -4.2; 18812 -4.2; 19871 -4.1

AKG K712 Pro:
Preamp: -6.8db
32 6.6
64 -0.8
125 -1.4
250 -1.3
500 -2.2
1000 1.6
2000 1.3
4000 3.4
8000 -2.9
16000 -2.6
Preamp: -6.5db
20 1.3
25 5.1
32 4.7
40 3.0
50 1.0
63 -0.1
80 -0.5
100 -0.8
125 -1.0
160 -1.2
200 -1.2
250 -1.2
315 -1.3
400 -1.3
500 -1.2
630 -1.1
800 -0.8
1000 -0.1
1250 4.1
1600 2.4
2000 -0.4
2500 -0.5
3150 6.0
4000 2.9
5000 -1.2
6300 -1.2
8000 -1.5
10000 -1.7
12500 -2.3
16000 -2.9
20000 -3.1
GraphicEQ: 20 -3.5; 21 -3.0; 22 -2.5; 23 -2.0; 24 -1.6; 26 -0.8; 27 -0.5; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.3; 34 -0.7; 36 -1.2; 38 -1.8; 40 -2.3; 43 -3.1; 45 -3.5; 48 -4.1; 50 -4.4; 53 -4.8; 56 -5.2; 59 -5.5; 63 -5.9; 66 -6.1; 70 -6.3; 74 -6.5; 78 -6.7; 83 -6.9; 87 -7.0; 92 -7.1; 97 -7.2; 103 -7.3; 109 -7.4; 115 -7.5; 121 -7.6; 128 -7.6; 136 -7.7; 143 -7.7; 151 -7.8; 160 -7.8; 169 -7.8; 178 -7.9; 188 -7.9; 199 -7.9; 210 -7.9; 222 -7.9; 235 -7.9; 248 -8.0; 262 -8.0; 277 -8.0; 292 -8.0; 309 -8.0; 326 -8.0; 345 -8.0; 364 -7.9; 385 -7.9; 406 -7.9; 429 -7.9; 453 -7.9; 479 -7.8; 506 -7.8; 534 -7.8; 565 -7.7; 596 -7.6; 630 -7.6; 665 -7.5; 703 -7.4; 743 -7.2; 784 -7.1; 829 -6.9; 875 -6.6; 924 -6.3; 977 -5.8; 1032 -5.3; 1090 -4.6; 1151 -3.8; 1216 -2.9; 1284 -2.2; 1357 -1.9; 1433 -2.2; 1514 -2.9; 1599 -3.7; 1689 -4.4; 1784 -4.9; 1885 -5.3; 1991 -5.6; 2103 -5.7; 2221 -5.7; 2347 -5.6; 2479 -5.3; 2618 -4.8; 2766 -4.0; 2921 -2.8; 3086 -1.3; 3260 -0.3; 3443 -0.2; 3637 -0.9; 3842 -2.4; 4058 -3.8; 4287 -4.9; 4528 -5.7; 4783 -6.2; 5052 -6.6; 5337 -6.9; 5637 -7.2; 5955 -7.3; 6290 -7.5; 6644 -7.6; 7018 -7.7; 7414 -7.7; 7831 -7.8; 8272 -7.8; 8738 -7.9; 9230 -7.9; 9749 -8.0; 10298 -8.0; 10878 -8.0; 11490 -8.0; 12137 -8.0; 12821 -8.1; 13543 -8.1; 14305 -8.1; 15110 -8.1; 15961 -8.1; 16860 -8.1; 17809 -8.1; 18812 -8.1; 19871 -8.0

Grado SR60x:
Preamp: -6.1db
32 5.4
64 3.0
125 0.6
250 0.9
500 0.7
1000 1.5
2000 -3.4
4000 -1.9
8000 1.3
16000 1.3
Preamp: -7.3db
20 1.4
25 2.4
32 4.3
40 5.1
50 3.7
63 2.4
80 1.6
100 1.2
125 1.1
160 0.9
200 0.8
250 0.8
315 0.8
400 0.7
500 0.7
630 0.7
800 0.7
1000 0.6
1250 0.8
1600 -0.5
2000 -7.1
2500 0.7
3150 1.4
4000 -4.0
5000 -2.2
6300 1.3
8000 0.8
10000 0.9
12500 1.2
16000 1.5
20000 1.3
GraphicEQ: 20 -3.6; 21 -3.5; 22 -3.3; 23 -3.1; 24 -2.9; 26 -2.4; 27 -2.2; 29 -1.7; 30 -1.5; 32 -1.1; 34 -0.7; 36 -0.4; 38 -0.3; 40 -0.2; 43 -0.3; 45 -0.5; 48 -0.8; 50 -1.1; 53 -1.5; 56 -1.8; 59 -2.2; 63 -2.6; 66 -2.8; 70 -3.1; 74 -3.4; 78 -3.6; 83 -3.8; 87 -3.9; 92 -4.1; 97 -4.2; 103 -4.3; 109 -4.4; 115 -4.5; 121 -4.6; 128 -4.7; 136 -4.7; 143 -4.8; 151 -4.8; 160 -4.9; 169 -4.9; 178 -4.9; 188 -5.0; 199 -5.0; 210 -5.0; 222 -5.0; 235 -5.1; 248 -5.1; 262 -5.1; 277 -5.1; 292 -5.1; 309 -5.1; 326 -5.2; 345 -5.2; 364 -5.2; 385 -5.2; 406 -5.2; 429 -5.2; 453 -5.2; 479 -5.2; 506 -5.2; 534 -5.2; 565 -5.2; 596 -5.3; 630 -5.3; 665 -5.3; 703 -5.3; 743 -5.3; 784 -5.3; 829 -5.4; 875 -5.4; 924 -5.4; 977 -5.5; 1032 -5.5; 1090 -5.6; 1151 -5.7; 1216 -5.8; 1284 -5.9; 1357 -6.2; 1433 -6.5; 1514 -6.9; 1599 -7.6; 1689 -8.8; 1784 -10.6; 1885 -12.7; 1991 -12.9; 2103 -11.0; 2221 -9.1; 2347 -7.9; 2479 -7.1; 2618 -6.7; 2766 -6.4; 2921 -6.3; 3086 -6.2; 3260 -6.3; 3443 -6.5; 3637 -6.9; 3842 -7.8; 4058 -9.7; 4287 -12.6; 4528 -12.3; 4783 -9.2; 5052 -7.5; 5337 -6.6; 5637 -6.1; 5955 -5.9; 6290 -5.7; 6644 -5.6; 7018 -5.5; 7414 -5.5; 7831 -5.4; 8272 -5.4; 8738 -5.4; 9230 -5.3; 9749 -5.3; 10298 -5.3; 10878 -5.3; 11490 -5.3; 12137 -5.3; 12821 -5.3; 13543 -5.3; 14305 -5.3; 15110 -5.3; 15961 -5.3; 16860 -5.3; 17809 -5.3; 18812 -5.3; 19871 -5.5

Hifiman HE400SE:
Preamp: -5.8db
32 5.7
64 -0.2
125 -0.3
250 -0.4
500 -0.3
1000 -0.9
2000 3.0
4000 -1.0
8000 -0.5
16000 -0.7
Preamp: -9.0db
20 5.5
25 5.1
32 3.4
40 2.1
50 1.2
63 0.6
80 0.2
100 -0.0
125 -0.2
160 -0.3
200 -0.3
250 -0.3
315 -0.3
400 -0.4
500 -0.4
630 -0.3
800 -0.3
1000 -0.3
1250 -0.3
1600 0.8
2000 4.1
2500 0.1
3150 -0.3
4000 -0.3
5000 -0.4
6300 -0.4
8000 -0.4
10000 -0.5
12500 -0.6
16000 -0.8
20000 -0.9
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.3; 24 -0.5; 26 -0.9; 27 -1.1; 29 -1.5; 30 -1.7; 32 -2.0; 34 -2.3; 36 -2.6; 38 -2.8; 40 -3.1; 43 -3.5; 45 -3.7; 48 -4.1; 50 -4.3; 53 -4.5; 56 -4.8; 59 -5.0; 63 -5.2; 66 -5.4; 70 -5.5; 74 -5.7; 78 -5.8; 83 -5.9; 87 -6.0; 92 -6.1; 97 -6.1; 103 -6.2; 109 -6.3; 115 -6.3; 121 -6.4; 128 -6.4; 136 -6.4; 143 -6.5; 151 -6.5; 160 -6.5; 169 -6.5; 178 -6.6; 188 -6.6; 199 -6.6; 210 -6.6; 222 -6.6; 235 -6.6; 248 -6.6; 262 -6.6; 277 -6.7; 292 -6.7; 309 -6.7; 326 -6.7; 345 -6.7; 364 -6.7; 385 -6.7; 406 -6.7; 429 -6.7; 453 -6.7; 479 -6.7; 506 -6.7; 534 -6.7; 565 -6.7; 596 -6.7; 630 -6.7; 665 -6.6; 703 -6.6; 743 -6.6; 784 -6.6; 829 -6.6; 875 -6.6; 924 -6.5; 977 -6.5; 1032 -6.5; 1090 -6.4; 1151 -6.3; 1216 -6.2; 1284 -6.1; 1357 -6.0; 1433 -5.7; 1514 -5.4; 1599 -4.9; 1689 -4.2; 1784 -3.2; 1885 -2.4; 1991 -2.3; 2103 -3.0; 2221 -4.0; 2347 -4.7; 2479 -5.3; 2618 -5.7; 2766 -5.9; 2921 -6.1; 3086 -6.2; 3260 -6.3; 3443 -6.4; 3637 -6.5; 3842 -6.5; 4058 -6.5; 4287 -6.6; 4528 -6.6; 4783 -6.6; 5052 -6.6; 5337 -6.6; 5637 -6.7; 5955 -6.7; 6290 -6.7; 6644 -6.7; 7018 -6.7; 7414 -6.7; 7831 -6.7; 8272 -6.7; 8738 -6.7; 9230 -6.7; 9749 -6.7; 10298 -6.7; 10878 -6.7; 11490 -6.7; 12137 -6.7; 12821 -6.7; 13543 -6.7; 14305 -6.7; 15110 -6.7; 15961 -6.7; 16860 -6.7; 17809 -6.7; 18812 -6.7; 19871 -6.7

Hifiman HE-560 V4:
Preamp: -5.7db
32 5.6
64 -0.3
125 -0.4
250 -0.5
500 -0.6
1000 -0.7
2000 4.6
4000 -2.0
8000 -1.0
16000 -0.9
Preamp: -5.4db
20 5.4
25 4.8
32 3.1
40 2.2
50 1.3
63 0.6
80 0.2
100 -0.2
125 -0.5
160 -0.4
200 -0.3
250 -0.4
315 -0.5
400 -0.5
500 -0.3
630 -0.5
800 -0.4
1000 -0.3
1250 -0.5
1600 4.2
2000 4.6
2500 -0.5
3150 -0.2
4000 -0.4
5000 -1.1
6300 -2.0
8000 -0.5
10000 -0.6
12500 -0.9
16000 -1.0
20000 -1.3
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.3; 21 -0.3; 22 -0.3; 23 -0.5; 24 -0.7; 26 -1.1; 27 -1.3; 29 -1.7; 30 -1.9; 32 -2.2; 34 -2.5; 36 -2.8; 38 -3.0; 40 -3.3; 43 -3.7; 45 -3.9; 48 -4.3; 50 -4.5; 53 -4.8; 56 -5.0; 59 -5.2; 63 -5.4; 66 -5.6; 70 -5.7; 74 -5.9; 78 -6.0; 83 -6.1; 87 -6.2; 92 -6.3; 97 -6.4; 103 -6.4; 109 -6.5; 115 -6.5; 121 -6.6; 128 -6.6; 136 -6.6; 143 -6.7; 151 -6.7; 160 -6.7; 169 -6.7; 178 -6.8; 188 -6.8; 199 -6.8; 210 -6.8; 222 -6.8; 235 -6.8; 248 -6.8; 262 -6.8; 277 -6.8; 292 -6.9; 309 -6.9; 326 -6.9; 345 -6.9; 364 -6.9; 385 -6.9; 406 -6.9; 429 -6.9; 453 -6.8; 479 -6.8; 506 -6.8; 534 -6.8; 565 -6.8; 596 -6.8; 630 -6.8; 665 -6.8; 703 -6.7; 743 -6.7; 784 -6.7; 829 -6.6; 875 -6.6; 924 -6.5; 977 -6.5; 1032 -6.4; 1090 -6.2; 1151 -6.1; 1216 -5.8; 1284 -5.5; 1357 -5.1; 1433 -4.5; 1514 -3.6; 1599 -2.3; 1689 -0.9; 1784 -0.2; 1885 -0.6; 1991 -1.9; 2103 -3.3; 2221 -4.3; 2347 -5.0; 2479 -5.5; 2618 -5.8; 2766 -6.0; 2921 -6.2; 3086 -6.4; 3260 -6.5; 3443 -6.6; 3637 -6.7; 3842 -6.7; 4058 -6.8; 4287 -6.9; 4528 -7.0; 4783 -7.2; 5052 -7.4; 5337 -7.9; 5637 -8.6; 5955 -8.8; 6290 -8.2; 6644 -7.6; 7018 -7.3; 7414 -7.2; 7831 -7.1; 8272 -7.0; 8738 -7.0; 9230 -7.0; 9749 -7.0; 10298 -7.0; 10878 -7.0; 11490 -6.9; 12137 -6.9; 12821 -6.9; 13543 -6.9; 14305 -6.9; 15110 -6.9; 15961 -6.9; 16860 -6.9; 17809 -6.9; 18812 -7.0; 19871 -7.1

KOSS Porta Pro:
Preamp: -6.0db
32 5.9
64 -0.1
125 -1.4
250 -1.9
500 0.4
1000 -0.3
2000 -0.2
4000 1.8
8000 1.6
16000 -0.5
Preamp: -8.3db
20 5.1
25 5.3
32 3.8
40 2.2
50 1.0
63 0.4
80 0.2
100 -0.1
125 -0.3
160 -2.8
200 -3.0
250 -0.3
315 -0.3
400 -0.2
500 -0.2
630 -0.1
800 -0.1
1000 -0.1
1250 -0.1
1600 -0.2
2000 0.0
2500 -0.5
3150 2.4
4000 3.6
5000 -2.2
6300 -0.3
8000 4.6
10000 -0.1
12500 -0.2
16000 -0.2
20000 -2.5
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.3; 29 -0.9; 30 -1.3; 32 -1.8; 34 -2.2; 36 -2.6; 38 -2.9; 40 -3.3; 43 -3.8; 45 -4.1; 48 -4.4; 50 -4.6; 53 -4.9; 56 -5.1; 59 -5.2; 63 -5.4; 66 -5.5; 70 -5.7; 74 -5.8; 78 -5.9; 83 -6.0; 87 -6.1; 92 -6.2; 97 -6.3; 103 -6.4; 109 -6.6; 115 -6.7; 121 -6.9; 128 -7.2; 136 -7.5; 143 -7.9; 151 -8.5; 160 -9.2; 169 -9.9; 178 -10.2; 188 -10.1; 199 -9.5; 210 -8.8; 222 -8.2; 235 -7.7; 248 -7.4; 262 -7.2; 277 -7.0; 292 -6.9; 309 -6.8; 326 -6.7; 345 -6.7; 364 -6.6; 385 -6.6; 406 -6.6; 429 -6.5; 453 -6.5; 479 -6.5; 506 -6.5; 534 -6.5; 565 -6.5; 596 -6.4; 630 -6.4; 665 -6.4; 703 -6.4; 743 -6.4; 784 -6.4; 829 -6.4; 875 -6.4; 924 -6.4; 977 -6.4; 1032 -6.4; 1090 -6.4; 1151 -6.4; 1216 -6.4; 1284 -6.4; 1357 -6.4; 1433 -6.3; 1514 -6.3; 1599 -6.3; 1689 -6.3; 1784 -6.3; 1885 -6.3; 1991 -6.2; 2103 -6.2; 2221 -6.1; 2347 -6.1; 2479 -6.0; 2618 -5.8; 2766 -5.6; 2921 -5.3; 3086 -4.6; 3260 -3.4; 3443 -1.9; 3637 -1.3; 3842 -2.6; 4058 -4.0; 4287 -5.0; 4528 -5.7; 4783 -6.3; 5052 -7.3; 5337 -7.7; 5637 -6.9; 5955 -6.3; 6290 -5.9; 6644 -5.5; 7018 -4.7; 7414 -3.3; 7831 -2.0; 8272 -2.4; 8738 -4.0; 9230 -5.1; 9749 -5.6; 10298 -5.9; 10878 -6.0; 11490 -6.1; 12137 -6.2; 12821 -6.2; 13543 -6.3; 14305 -6.3; 15110 -6.3; 15961 -6.3; 16860 -6.3; 17809 -6.3; 18812 -6.8; 19871 -7.9

Meze Liric:
Preamp: -4.0db
32 0.6
64 -0.3
125 -2.7
250 0.9
500 0.7
1000 -3.5
2000 1.6
4000 3.9
8000 -1.9
16000 0.9
Preamp: -4.6db
20 1.2
25 0.8
32 0.5
40 0.4
50 0.3
63 -0.0
80 -0.7
100 -3.3
125 -1.8
160 -0.1
200 0.1
250 0.2
315 0.2
400 0.2
500 0.2
630 0.0
800 -1.2
1000 -3.5
1250 -1.1
1600 0.2
2000 0.6
2500 2.1
3150 3.0
4000 3.8
5000 0.0
6300 0.9
8000 -2.3
10000 -0.3
12500 0.7
16000 0.8
20000 2.1
GraphicEQ: 20 -4.9; 21 -4.9; 22 -4.9; 23 -4.9; 24 -4.9; 26 -4.9; 27 -4.9; 29 -4.9; 30 -5.0; 32 -5.0; 34 -5.0; 36 -5.0; 38 -5.0; 40 -5.1; 43 -5.1; 45 -5.1; 48 -5.2; 50 -5.2; 53 -5.3; 56 -5.4; 59 -5.5; 63 -5.6; 66 -5.7; 70 -5.9; 74 -6.2; 78 -6.5; 83 -7.0; 87 -7.4; 92 -8.0; 97 -8.5; 103 -8.8; 109 -8.8; 115 -8.4; 121 -7.9; 128 -7.3; 136 -6.8; 143 -6.4; 151 -6.1; 160 -5.9; 169 -5.7; 178 -5.6; 188 -5.5; 199 -5.4; 210 -5.3; 222 -5.3; 235 -5.2; 248 -5.2; 262 -5.1; 277 -5.1; 292 -5.1; 309 -5.1; 326 -5.1; 345 -5.1; 364 -5.1; 385 -5.1; 406 -5.1; 429 -5.2; 453 -5.2; 479 -5.2; 506 -5.3; 534 -5.4; 565 -5.5; 596 -5.6; 630 -5.7; 665 -5.9; 703 -6.1; 743 -6.5; 784 -6.8; 829 -7.3; 875 -7.9; 924 -8.4; 977 -8.7; 1032 -8.7; 1090 -8.3; 1151 -7.7; 1216 -7.1; 1284 -6.6; 1357 -6.2; 1433 -5.8; 1514 -5.5; 1599 -5.3; 1689 -5.0; 1784 -4.8; 1885 -4.5; 1991 -4.3; 2103 -4.0; 2221 -3.6; 2347 -3.2; 2479 -2.8; 2618 -2.4; 2766 -2.2; 2921 -2.2; 3086 -2.2; 3260 -2.0; 3443 -1.2; 3637 -0.2; 3842 -0.6; 4058 -2.0; 4287 -3.1; 4528 -3.7; 4783 -4.1; 5052 -4.3; 5337 -4.4; 5637 -4.6; 5955 -4.7; 6290 -4.8; 6644 -4.9; 7018 -5.1; 7414 -5.4; 7831 -6.2; 8272 -8.0; 8738 -8.3; 9230 -6.6; 9749 -5.6; 10298 -5.2; 10878 -5.1; 11490 -5.0; 12137 -4.9; 12821 -4.9; 13543 -4.9; 14305 -4.9; 15110 -4.9; 15961 -4.8; 16860 -4.8; 17809 -4.9; 18812 -4.6; 19871 -4.0

Sennheiser HD560S:
Preamp: -6.8db
32 6.5
64 0.2
125 -0.1
250 0.0
500 -0.2
1000 -0.3
2000 1.5
4000 0.6
8000 -2.7
16000 0.1
Preamp: -8.4db
20 5.5
25 5.3
32 3.8
40 2.6
50 1.8
63 1.0
80 0.5
100 0.2
125 0.2
160 0.1
200 -0.1
250 -0.1
315 -0.0
400 -0.1
500 -0.1
630 -0.1
800 -0.0
1000 -0.0
1250 0.1
1600 0.3
2000 0.8
2500 1.7
3150 1.1
4000 0.6
5000 -0.9
6300 -1.2
8000 -3.2
10000 -0.8
12500 -0.1
16000 -0.2
20000 0.7
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.3; 29 -0.7; 30 -0.9; 32 -1.3; 34 -1.6; 36 -1.9; 38 -2.2; 40 -2.4; 43 -2.8; 45 -3.0; 48 -3.3; 50 -3.5; 53 -3.8; 56 -4.1; 59 -4.3; 63 -4.6; 66 -4.7; 70 -4.9; 74 -5.1; 78 -5.2; 83 -5.4; 87 -5.5; 92 -5.6; 97 -5.6; 103 -5.7; 109 -5.8; 115 -5.8; 121 -5.9; 128 -5.9; 136 -6.0; 143 -6.0; 151 -6.0; 160 -6.1; 169 -6.1; 178 -6.1; 188 -6.1; 199 -6.2; 210 -6.2; 222 -6.2; 235 -6.2; 248 -6.2; 262 -6.2; 277 -6.2; 292 -6.2; 309 -6.2; 326 -6.2; 345 -6.3; 364 -6.3; 385 -6.3; 406 -6.3; 429 -6.3; 453 -6.3; 479 -6.3; 506 -6.3; 534 -6.3; 565 -6.3; 596 -6.3; 630 -6.3; 665 -6.3; 703 -6.2; 743 -6.2; 784 -6.2; 829 -6.2; 875 -6.2; 924 -6.2; 977 -6.2; 1032 -6.1; 1090 -6.1; 1151 -6.1; 1216 -6.0; 1284 -6.0; 1357 -6.0; 1433 -5.9; 1514 -5.8; 1599 -5.7; 1689 -5.6; 1784 -5.5; 1885 -5.3; 1991 -5.1; 2103 -4.9; 2221 -4.7; 2347 -4.5; 2479 -4.4; 2618 -4.4; 2766 -4.5; 2921 -4.6; 3086 -4.9; 3260 -5.1; 3443 -5.3; 3637 -5.5; 3842 -5.7; 4058 -5.9; 4287 -6.0; 4528 -6.2; 4783 -6.5; 5052 -6.9; 5337 -7.7; 5637 -8.7; 5955 -8.4; 6290 -7.5; 6644 -7.2; 7018 -7.2; 7414 -7.6; 7831 -8.7; 8272 -10.1; 8738 -9.6; 9230 -8.0; 9749 -7.2; 10298 -6.9; 10878 -6.7; 11490 -6.6; 12137 -6.5; 12821 -6.5; 13543 -6.4; 14305 -6.4; 15110 -6.4; 15961 -6.4; 16860 -6.4; 17809 -6.4; 18812 -6.2; 19871 -5.7

AKG K271 MK II Chinese:
Preamp: -7.3db
32 7.3
64 -1.6
125 6.0
250 -1.8
500 -2.0
1000 -1.9
2000 -1.2
4000 5.6
8000 -4.9
16000 -2.5
Preamp: -8.5db
20 5.2
25 5.2
32 4.7
40 3.4
50 1.3
63 0.5
80 0.1
100 2.6
125 6.6
160 1.6
200 -0.7
250 -0.7
315 -1.0
400 -1.1
500 -0.8
630 -3.4
800 -2.3
1000 -0.8
1250 -1.1
1600 -0.9
2000 -0.7
2500 -0.4
3150 2.6
4000 5.5
5000 0.5
6300 -0.7
8000 -3.0
10000 -5.4
12500 -2.4
16000 -2.7
20000 -0.9
GraphicEQ: 20 -0.2; 21 -0.2; 22 -0.2; 23 -0.2; 24 -0.2; 26 -0.2; 27 -0.2; 29 -0.2; 30 -0.2; 32 -0.2; 34 -0.2; 36 -0.7; 38 -1.4; 40 -2.0; 43 -2.7; 45 -3.1; 48 -3.6; 50 -3.8; 53 -4.2; 56 -4.5; 59 -4.7; 63 -4.9; 66 -5.0; 70 -5.0; 74 -5.0; 78 -4.9; 83 -4.7; 87 -4.4; 92 -3.9; 97 -3.2; 103 -1.9; 109 -0.6; 115 -0.2; 121 -0.2; 128 -0.2; 136 -0.4; 143 -1.4; 151 -2.8; 160 -4.0; 169 -4.9; 178 -5.4; 188 -5.9; 199 -6.3; 210 -6.5; 222 -6.7; 235 -6.9; 248 -7.1; 262 -7.2; 277 -7.3; 292 -7.3; 309 -7.4; 326 -7.5; 345 -7.5; 364 -7.6; 385 -7.7; 406 -7.7; 429 -7.8; 453 -7.8; 479 -7.9; 506 -8.1; 534 -8.2; 565 -8.5; 596 -9.0; 630 -9.7; 665 -10.5; 703 -10.6; 743 -9.8; 784 -9.1; 829 -8.6; 875 -8.3; 924 -8.1; 977 -8.0; 1032 -7.9; 1090 -7.8; 1151 -7.7; 1216 -7.7; 1284 -7.6; 1357 -7.6; 1433 -7.5; 1514 -7.5; 1599 -7.4; 1689 -7.3; 1784 -7.2; 1885 -7.1; 1991 -7.0; 2103 -6.8; 2221 -6.6; 2347 -6.4; 2479 -6.1; 2618 -5.7; 2766 -5.2; 2921 -4.6; 3086 -3.8; 3260 -2.9; 3443 -1.9; 3637 -1.1; 3842 -0.9; 4058 -1.5; 4287 -2.4; 4528 -3.4; 4783 -4.3; 5052 -5.1; 5337 -5.7; 5637 -6.2; 5955 -6.6; 6290 -7.0; 6644 -7.4; 7018 -7.8; 7414 -8.3; 7831 -8.9; 8272 -9.7; 8738 -10.6; 9230 -11.3; 9749 -11.2; 10298 -10.5; 10878 -9.7; 11490 -9.1; 12137 -8.7; 12821 -8.4; 13543 -8.2; 14305 -8.1; 15110 -8.0; 15961 -8.0; 16860 -7.9; 17809 -7.9; 18812 -7.6; 19871 -6.5

AKG 701:
Preamp: -3.0db
32 -7.6
64 0.6
125 0.1
250 2.8
500 0.6
1000 -3.1
2000 0.6
4000 -1.9
8000 1.5
16000 0.4
20 -5.9
25 -7.3
32 -5.9
40 -3.5
50 -1.9
63 -0.9
80 -0.2
100 0.1
125 0.2
160 1.0
200 2.4
250 2.6
315 1.2
400 0.5
500 0.2
630 0.2
800 -0.3
1000 -1.7
1250 -4.0
1600 -2.0
2000 0.8
2500 1.5
3150 -2.5
4000 -1.9
5000 0.7
6300 1.7
8000 0.3
10000 0.3
12500 0.6
16000 0.6
20000 0.7
GraphicEQ: 20 -9.6; 21 -10.1; 22 -10.5; 23 -10.8; 24 -11.0; 26 -11.0; 27 -10.8; 29 -10.3; 30 -10.0; 32 -9.3; 34 -8.7; 36 -8.1; 38 -7.5; 40 -7.1; 43 -6.5; 45 -6.2; 48 -5.8; 50 -5.5; 53 -5.2; 56 -5.0; 59 -4.8; 63 -4.5; 66 -4.4; 70 -4.2; 74 -4.0; 78 -3.9; 83 -3.8; 87 -3.7; 92 -3.6; 97 -3.5; 103 -3.4; 109 -3.3; 115 -3.2; 121 -3.1; 128 -2.9; 136 -2.8; 143 -2.7; 151 -2.5; 160 -2.3; 169 -2.0; 178 -1.7; 188 -1.3; 199 -0.9; 210 -0.5; 222 -0.2; 235 -0.2; 248 -0.5; 262 -0.9; 277 -1.3; 292 -1.7; 309 -2.0; 326 -2.2; 345 -2.4; 364 -2.5; 385 -2.7; 406 -2.8; 429 -2.9; 453 -2.9; 479 -3.0; 506 -3.1; 534 -3.1; 565 -3.2; 596 -3.3; 630 -3.4; 665 -3.5; 703 -3.6; 743 -3.7; 784 -3.9; 829 -4.1; 875 -4.3; 924 -4.6; 977 -5.1; 1032 -5.6; 1090 -6.2; 1151 -6.9; 1216 -7.5; 1284 -7.8; 1357 -7.7; 1433 -7.1; 1514 -6.3; 1599 -5.6; 1689 -4.9; 1784 -4.2; 1885 -3.6; 1991 -2.9; 2103 -2.2; 2221 -1.7; 2347 -1.6; 2479 -2.1; 2618 -2.7; 2766 -3.3; 2921 -4.0; 3086 -5.0; 3260 -6.8; 3443 -8.6; 3637 -8.1; 3842 -6.1; 4058 -4.8; 4287 -4.0; 4528 -3.6; 4783 -3.2; 5052 -2.9; 5337 -2.4; 5637 -1.7; 5955 -1.4; 6290 -1.9; 6644 -2.4; 7018 -2.7; 7414 -2.8; 7831 -2.9; 8272 -3.0; 8738 -3.0; 9230 -3.0; 9749 -3.0; 10298 -3.0; 10878 -3.0; 11490 -3.0; 12137 -3.0; 12821 -3.0; 13543 -3.0; 14305 -3.0; 15110 -3.0; 15961 -3.0; 16860 -3.0; 17809 -3.0; 18812 -3.0; 19871 -2.9

2022-02-02: AKG K271 MK II Chinese
2022-02-13: AKG 701
2022-08-17: I've stopped updating this list. I'm maintaining other threads and this is the lowest priority. You have the formulas to do this yourself.
Last edited:


Addicted to Fun and Learning
Forum Donor
Nov 3, 2020
7. --fixed_band_eq --fc=32,64,125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000,16000 --q=1.414214
I added this code in order to generate a '10-band GEQ profile'.
You can see the 10-band frequencies I mentioned earlier.
I used Q-factor of 1.414214 was because Bandwidth (BW)=1 is equal to Q-factor (q)=1.414214.
How did you determine that BW=1? Did you take the difference between two points/bands on the fixed EQ and run it through a math function? I wouldn't think all GEQ's have the same Q (i.e., some 9 band, some 10, some 31, etc.), right?


Major Contributor
The Curator
Nov 29, 2019
BC, Canada
Last edited:


Active Member
Feb 5, 2019
I don't have the math or coding skills for this, but I'm sure glad you do! I use Apple Music's 10 band EQ and was having a rough time getting results based on Amir's settings. I think you just solved that for me. Now if only the conversion worked for the entire oratory list >:)


Major Contributor
The Curator
Nov 29, 2019
BC, Canada
I don't have the math or coding skills for this, but I'm sure glad you do! I use Apple Music's 10 band EQ and was having a rough time getting results based on Amir's settings. I think you just solved that for me.
Glad to hear. :)

Now if only the conversion worked for the entire oratory list >:)
It's not difficult once you know the process...just takes time. :D


Active Member
Oct 9, 2019
Thanks for doing this. I tried one of the files in Wavelet, and although it says it imports fine, it doesn't actually perform any EQ (waveform stays flat). I am not sure if it's looking for something else in the file, maybe a headphone profile name or something. Probably not an issue with what you generated, but Wavelet itself, just letting you know.

Not sure if anyone else had any success.


Jul 12, 2020
The formula for getting Q value from the frequencies works as follows:
1. Calculate bandwidth in octaves: log2(f1/f0) or if you don't have log2 function available use log(f1/f0) / log(2). In 10-band eq this would be log(2000/1000) / log(2) = 1 and for 31-band eq it's log(1250/1000) / log(2) = 0.3219.
2. Calculate Q from the bandwidth using Q = sqrt(2^N) / (2^N - 1), where N is the bandwidth in octaves. Or simply use the Sengpielaudio calculator. 10-band eq has quality of 1.4142 and 31-band eq has 4.473.


Major Contributor
The Curator
Nov 29, 2019
BC, Canada
Thanks for the clarification @jaakkopasanen
Then the math becomes...

For a typical 10-band GEQ:
- Q-factor is then 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696718753769480731766797379 (from wolfram)
- Rounded to 6 decimal places 1.414214 to keep it consistent with Sengpielaudio Calculator.

For a typical 31-band GEQ:
- Q-factor is then 4.4721359549995793928183473374625524708812367192230514485417944908 (from wolfram)
- Rounded to 6 decimal places 4.472136 to keep it consistent with Sengpielaudio Calculator.

I'll re-run my 31-band GEQ filters, according to the new q-factor of 4.472136.
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Jul 12, 2020
I would also throw the usual disclaimer here about graphic equalizer: it's not possible to implement all frequency response features with them. Especially the 10-band eq is limited due to the high bandwidth of the filters. If Amir has a filter at 6 kHz, it's not compatible with 10-band eq because it sits right in between the 4 and 8 kHz filters.


Addicted to Fun and Learning
Forum Donor
Nov 3, 2020
Thanks for doing this. I tried one of the files in Wavelet, and although it says it imports fine, it doesn't actually perform any EQ (waveform stays flat). I am not sure if it's looking for something else in the file, maybe a headphone profile name or something. Probably not an issue with what you generated, but Wavelet itself, just letting you know.

Not sure if anyone else had any success.
I installed Wavelet, I'll try this after I get the python script done.


Major Contributor
The Curator
Nov 29, 2019
BC, Canada
Which of these two do you like more?
1. Current
Preamp: -6.1dB
32 6.1
64 -0.6
125 0
250 0
500 0.3
1000 -1.9
2000 0.6
4000 1.8
8000 -0.8
16000 0

2. Wavelet-like format:
Preamp: -6.1dB
32 6.1; 64 -0.6; 125 0; 250 0; 500 0.3; 1000 -1.9; 2000 0.6; 4000 1.8; 8000 -0.8; 16000 0
The advantage of the this...is this can be imported into 'Equalizer APO' (and others?) (in case you need to), without manually typing.
I'm kind of leaning towards this one...
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Active Member
Oct 9, 2019
Which of these two do you like more?
1. Current

2. Wavelet-like format:
Preamp: -6.1dB

The advantage of the this...is this can be imported into 'Equalizer APO' (and others?) (in case you need to), without manually typing.
I'm kind of leaning towards this one...

If the frequencies and values there are the same, they're pretty easy to convert between the two (just simple search and replace of delimiters) so just go with easier one.


Major Contributor
The Curator
Nov 29, 2019
BC, Canada
Alright, thanks for the feedback.

Everyone will be entering the data *manually* into their app anyway...so I'll leave it as is.


Major Contributor
The Curator
Nov 29, 2019
BC, Canada
Is there any interest in generating "Convolution Equalizers" as well?
I'm running the scripts anyway...so I could include .WAV files.

Convolution equalizer settings are finite impulse responses (FIR filters) and are the most advanced kind of (LTI) filters. FIR filters make it possible to produce linear phase filters which some may prefer though generally minimum phase filters are recommended. Convolution equalizer settings are provided as WAV files. Pre-computed results include impulse responses with 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz but other sampling rates are supported as well. Import the WAV file with correct sampling frequency into the software to use convolution equalizer.
-from AutoEQ

Although, I don't know where to store them (perhaps dropbox? or this forum?). But this forum doesnt attach .WAV files directly, which means .ZIP will need to used.

Let me know if this is worthwhile.
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