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  1. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    A member of this forum have post some measurment on this tread, there is a sort of "loudness" when the volume control is set below 40. It was a problem for me since i have buy the A30A but i have...
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    Why buying a Koenigsegg Regera instead of a Toyota Camry ?
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    It's a tread about the DX9, not the RME. This 2 devices are not comparable, maybe from a price point but that's the only point. Read yourself and read the definition of objective and subjective, please.
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    In your opinion and your usage, not in others opinion and usage. Your are not alone in the world.
  5. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    PA7 is an integrated speaker amplifier. A30a is digital amplifier, a "dac/speaker amp" combo in a way. The DSP way, not enough IMHO, but there are DSP.
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    Sabaj A30a announced

    True, maybe Sabaj, @peterwen, could consider making the firmware public, open source friendly, now or when this product reach EOL. Than the community could tweek it.
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    The DX9 will outperform the RME device by pure amount of power. That's one of Topping's goal with this product, producing a lot of clean power. Price wise, Topping and RME do not target the same market, RME are producing device for pro use and enthusiasts can enjoy those. RME's device are...
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    Sabaj A30a announced

    Thank for measurment ! I don't need to try this FW ! What was your sub cutoff setting ?
  9. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    Thank you for trying I need to try, but i have fear to brick my amp !
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    AMP + DAC for HifiMan Sundara

    They don't run on a phone, but on my lil DAP 190 mW / 32 ohms, it's OK Modern desktop amp have enough power, set a budget, consider features and practicality, and enjoy. there is plenty of good choices with topping smsl fiio etc etc etc DX3+ or Fiio k7, for the money they are both great.
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    AMP + DAC for HifiMan Sundara

    I have run my Sundara on 3 different amps: Topping DX3: for the price it's great, tone control and decent power. Topping d10s + Ifi Zen Can: another good amp. SE is good, power is fine, a little smoother in the high and the magical bass boost, great for my taste. Balanced = more power, a touch...
  12. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    Non pas d'application smartphone de prévue, tu peux réglé la durée et la luminosité de l'écran dans les options.
  13. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    I will try Jriver, thank. I use the spotify pc app and Foobar2K. I use an app called "MIDI Mixer" and a Xtouch mini DAW to control the W10 master volume and app volume. For exemple when i play a game, i can set the volume of spotify to 50% and the game to 100 to balance them. Link to flirc...
  14. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    After reading about the SW volume output being non-linear, i made tempoary fix to my audio set-up. Before this fix, i was listening to my A30A volume control set betwin 20 et 35 but I changed the a30a sub vol constantly, i seat in front of a desk, my speackers are at an armlength of my head...
  15. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    Lastest firmware version, but this behaviour occurs since the second firmware. I don't mind it, i change the SW volume a lot according to my listening sistutation, time of day, content played (background music while working, gaming etc etc)
  16. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    I've noticed the same behaviour.
  17. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    Onkyo TX8020. No heat problem, it's luckwarm to the touch. The air can flow easily around the amp because of my desk design.
  18. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    After almost 2 month using the A30a, i'm very happy with this amp. It sound great and pair well with my speakers, a pair of Jamo S803 + Magnat active sub. The ability to control the sub level and freq cut from the remote is really convinient. It was the feature wich made me buy this amp...
  19. T

    Sabaj A30a announced

    In the firmware zipfile, there is a pdf detailling the update process, take a look. It's a 5 minutes process, not automated but easy enough !
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