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  1. blackmetalboon

    Feel it in the chest track.

    The track Why So Serious? off The Dark Knight soundtrack gets my windows rattling! Plenty of other suggestions in an older thread here.
  2. blackmetalboon

    Network switch without any leds at all, does it exists ?

    @Mnyb here you go, although nail polish might be cheaper! ;)
  3. blackmetalboon

    Does you love of gear exceed your love of music?

    My love of music is what drew me into the equipment. Lack of education and reading nonsense in audio magazines kept me in. Reading forums and the disagreements between audiophiles sowed the seeds of doubt. When I had the time and opportunity to really compare some of the controversial issues...
  4. blackmetalboon

    Is the forum on a go slow today?

    I’m UK based, albeit the sunny rainy south coast. The site has been absolutely fine for me today.
  5. blackmetalboon

    Proper Metal music (no pony tails or choral crap)

    Merzuul - Gallipoli, haven’t played this for a while but it’s up next on tonight’s playlist;
  6. blackmetalboon

    What items have you purchased as a result of ASR?

    For me it was also UMIK and REW, @Purité Audio can also take some of the credit/blame! While ASR wasn’t the only data point I considered, I did end up buying an Anthem AVM 70 to replace my old and temperamental AV processor.
  7. blackmetalboon

    Extreme Snake Oil

    As you will be well aware, the recent thread on PFM was pure gaslighting. From the available images, it looks like the other ports have been covered over, rather than being just a two port switch.
  8. blackmetalboon

    A Call For Humor!

    I am not making this up but one of my friends is named Richard John Seaman. Or as we occasionally call him Dick Johnny Spunk! I‘m not sure if his parents were ignorant or just hated him!
  9. blackmetalboon

    A Call For Humor!

    When I was in my teens my main social group of friends where from my school, they all called me by my nickname. There were even times when my teachers accidentally called me by my nickname. I went to college after school along with the bulk of my closest school friends who always introduced me...
  10. blackmetalboon

    Kef Blade one Meta - How is the sound ?

    Before the usual ASR naysayers dig their claws in, I will say that I’m prepared to pay the excess for locally (UK) built, battleship, bling. You will not hear me waxing lyrically about it compared to other equipment.
  11. blackmetalboon

    $30K Budget - On the quest for my "end game" speaker

    Has ASR tested my speaker? I‘m very happy sound wise with my current set up. Can it be improved on? I’m sure it could but there does come a time when chasing numbers become irrelevant, especially when they are system and/or user dependant. Luckily, I have discovered this in my early 40’s.
  12. blackmetalboon

    $30K Budget - On the quest for my "end game" speaker

    No. Most dedicated centre speakers are designed to sit horizontally. To suit my personal set up at home this is what I require.
  13. blackmetalboon

    $30K Budget - On the quest for my "end game" speaker

    I could, but it would result in moving the rack that holds my sources. Doing this means moving at least one or both my main speakers to a detrimental location.
  14. blackmetalboon

    Kef Blade one Meta - How is the sound ?

    I am assuming this was aimed me, this was my main system, my AV Processor has since been replaced with an Anthem AVM70 This was a temp set up of my what is my bedroom system , this was taken when I first got my KEF LS 50’s.
  15. blackmetalboon

    $30K Budget - On the quest for my "end game" speaker

    I don’t want to drag this thread too far off track, the perfect height for my centre speaker is around 90cm to the centre. With regards to my seating position, this is a good acoustical match in height to my main front speakers. I also have to take into account for furniture to house my 2...
  16. blackmetalboon

    Kef Blade one Meta - How is the sound ?

    It was in a Chord Electronics room, I can’t remember the whole system on play, but I own more Chord than your average Head-Fier I don’t think they worked in the room, or hadn’t been set-up optimally. It is a set of speakers I’d love to listen to again.
  17. blackmetalboon

    $30K Budget - On the quest for my "end game" speaker

    I‘m not going to lie, your incessant plugging of these speakers (Kii3) has peaked my interest. Being able to cut down on my box count and having improved sound quality appeals to me , but I do have a doubts which is why I have not proceeded further. The longevity and serviceability of these...
  18. blackmetalboon

    Kef Blade one Meta - How is the sound ?

    I’ve only heard the KEF Blades once (the original version) at an audio show. I was distinctly underwhelmed, not unusual with speakers at an audio show set-up. I’d love to hear an optimised set-up, as a KEF LS50 owner, I know their speakers can sound good.
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