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  1. Certainkindoffool

    Revel M105 Experiment

    If you look at some of the Dunlavy/Duntech speakers, they use a healthy amount of foam and felt.
  2. Certainkindoffool

    Any motorcyclists on this forum?

    When I was in University, in the early 2000s, the best place to get a burger was the closest strip club. IIRC, $4.25 got you a fantastic burger and fries before 2pm. No cover, but rarely any talent either...sadly they moved towns, jacked the cover/prices, and dropped the kitchen.
  3. Certainkindoffool

    Any motorcyclists on this forum?

    My injury history makes owning a Super Duke untenable. But, I REALLY want to take one out for a spin. I was fortunate that my wife has been riding since before we met. She's encouraged it, even with little ones at home.
  4. Certainkindoffool

    Any motorcyclists on this forum?

    That is a nice machine. If it had a larger tank, I would have preferred it. May I ask what, "up there in miles" is? There are wildly varying reports on reliability/durability of the 1290s. I've accepted that this bike is just going to cost me more than I am accustomed to.
  5. Certainkindoffool

    Any motorcyclists on this forum?

    New(to me) ride. Much more fun...but not as comfortable as the 1200gs.
  6. Certainkindoffool

    Show us your Cars

    It's not a car...but I do like it a lot more since I let my 5 year old paint it with her aunts.
  7. Certainkindoffool

    Please share your center channel experiences

    I bought a Revel c205 and wish I had gone with the c208 while I was able to get a good price. It's still fine though, I'm probably just in withdrawl from 2 decades of upgradeitis.
  8. Certainkindoffool

    Preference rating: What score speaker do you use? What can you tolerate? Where do you start to deviate? Where can you hear until?

    I'm probably an outlier. But, in my case, I did not purchase a pair of Contour 60's because I couldn't find published measurements(much later I was pointed towards some). I was absolutely blown away by the speakers - which were properly setup in a treated room. As a matter of principal, I passed...
  9. Certainkindoffool

    Preference rating: What score speaker do you use? What can you tolerate? Where do you start to deviate? Where can you hear until?

    That's why I qualified it with "accurate measurements." I do find it quite odd that some manufacturers, whose speakers measure quite well, don't publish their results. Dynaudio is the first that comes to mind, they definitely have good testing facilities, and their products test well(some...
  10. Certainkindoffool

    Preference rating: What score speaker do you use? What can you tolerate? Where do you start to deviate? Where can you hear until?

    On the other hand, the lack of measurements leaves a lot of work for you and Sterophile to do. If all manufacturers published accurate measurements, there would be much less demand for your(and asr) services.
  11. Certainkindoffool

    Preference rating: What score speaker do you use? What can you tolerate? Where do you start to deviate? Where can you hear until?

    I'm not sure how well my preference tracks the ratings. While I've heard many speakers that have been rated, they were in different environments, typically in less than ideal circumstances. I do keep loose tabs on the ratings, but didnt reference them for any of my purchases. I do point...
  12. Certainkindoffool

    Spirits, what you drinking...

    Ouch, that's even more pricey than the 40+ year old Canadian Club releases. Not available in Canada atm. But, I'll ask my brother in law to bring up a bottle of their 15yr old on his next trip up from California.
  13. Certainkindoffool

    Dry eyes and sitting in front of monitors all day

    I always struggled with contacts and eye dryness - lasik was a real game changer. I did find that keeping a glass of water at hand at all times helped. Also, monitors with 1000r curvature made a big difference with eye fatigue. Not having to refocus my eyes as I looked around the screen made a...
  14. Certainkindoffool

    Spirits, what you drinking...

    Despite being Canadian, for a long time I just thought rye was for getting drunk. Then I discovered Collingwood, and bought several bottles of their 21yr old release. Seems like there is much more of note being released over the last few years.
  15. Certainkindoffool

    Spirits, what you drinking...

    Recently had a few friends over for whiskey(mostly). Served with smoked duck, prime rib, chocolate, cheeses, cured meats, devils on horseback, and much more. Unfortunately, I never thought to take a picture of the spread. Tonight, it will be Glenfarclas 12 and Benriach 9yr Batch 4(from a...
  16. Certainkindoffool

    First Time Home Theater Purchase Help

    I would also wait for the new lineup and keep monitoring prices. I picked up an x3700h for 1200CAD after observing that an online retailer on Amazon changed prices several times a week. Just kept checking and eventually lucked out.
  17. Certainkindoffool

    First Time Home Theater Purchase Help

    I have some 8030c speakers and they are f'ing fantastic. However, if your going for 80% movies, you probably want something that can output greater spl.
  18. Certainkindoffool

    First Time Home Theater Purchase Help

    FWIW - Speaker wire is usually less obtrusive than running xlr and power.
  19. Certainkindoffool

    What was your first “Stereo” like?

    It was a loaner system in my early teens. Minimus7 speakers with a realistic amp and some random tape deck that was lying around. Speakers and amp are still in use(not by me).
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