Recent content by Prana Ferox

  1. P

    VGA to video in HT amp

    Alternately, run the HDMI straight to your TV / Monitor and turn the sound off. Then use your Yamaha for audio only from the DAC in this setup. Clearly this has downsides (more cables, can't see the receiver GUI and your receiver display over your video) but it certainly beats modifying the amp.
  2. P

    A Call For Humor!

    Without looking too close, I'm pretty sure this is a 3D render. What are the big not-LP things by the speakers supposed to be? Is that a cheeseburger by the giant light bulb? There's a lot of sixth-finger type elements.
  3. P

    What is the deal with expensive HiFi racks?

    I built a Flexi Rack some time back. Even skipping the audiophoolery, the material costs and my own labor time added up. We all have our own idea of 'expensive' but good furniture is expensive these days, real wood is expensive, precision work and hand touches are expensive, shipping if...
  4. P

    O-Noorus D3 [TPA3255 Stereo DAC/Amplifier] - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Apparently whoever came up with the branding found the task of validating their creation against negative English connotations to be too onerous.
  5. P

    Nubert NuVero 60 Speaker Review

    Baffle being wider than the cabinet is an odd look
  6. P

    A Call For Humor!

    You put that in an engine and it'll just get bogged down
  7. P

    Video Camera Glasses

    GoPro etc are all digital processing, not mechanical stabilization. For video mechanical stabilization you'd want some sort of gimbal rig but for casual users it's not worth it. And it may make outdoor shots look weird but if you're doing maker stuff in your shop (or just instructional stuff...
  8. P

    Video Camera Glasses

    In fairness to restorer-john the newer action-cams have anti-shake features built in and are in other ways worlds beyond a GP3. Plus a forehead mount would be the way to go. I've seen streamers do POV with the Apple Vision thing... it is certainly a look, and certainly not one I'd buy the...
  9. P

    Video Camera Glasses

    As someone who regularly watches maker videos with people fumbling around with tiny screws (or tiny crimps into tiny multipin connectors) the issue with most cameras is that they don't really focus at arms reach, especially if those arms are pulled up close so the maker can see what they're...
  10. P

    A Call For Humor!

    This is why there is such significant regional variation in what we define as a 'light jacket'
  11. P

    guys home theatre visually vibrates ?

    Tell her you're thinking of buying a motorcycle
  12. P

    guys home theatre visually vibrates ?

    I'll be polite (why do these guys always have Klipsh) but I do want to lol at about 2:07 or so when the camera is blatantly shaking 90 degrees off angle from the supposed subwoofer vibration I always liked vids like this to show what actual subwoofer vibration looks like
  13. P

    How Long Do Speakers Sound as They Were Designed ?

    The answer to the OP's question is 'right until the owner's son discovers metal'
  14. P

    Fallout on Amazon

    I'm going to wait until a few more mods come out, it feels wrong jumping into a Bethesda product without enabling sexy Deathclaws
  15. P

    Dayton Audio OPAL1 speaker launches

    The woofers themselves are listed at '83.3dB 2.83V/1m' so it wouldn't take much crossover shaping to pull the whole speaker down into the 70s. I am curious about the heat soak issue restorer-john mentions.
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